

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Chapter 24

The transformation was completed and with it, a sense of boundless energy rushed through me.

Eijiro: Wow dude, how many forms do you have?

I didn't answer. I motioned at him with my fingers to come at me and them crossed my arms.

Eijiro: Oh that's how you want it?

He charged at me with his quirk activated.

"He's so slow, it's pathetic!"

He came close to me and as he swung his arm like a knife, he received a kick in the chest. He got pushed back but he regained his balance with a few steps.

Aster: You're durable, I'll give you that!

I ran to him and threw a punch which he met with his own. The moment our fists met, I felt a painful sting and at the same time my armour pulsed. As soon as that happened, I felt my strength rising just a bit.

With a quick movement, my arm reached behind his neck and pulled him down as I kicked his feet. He fell face first and I started punching him.

After a few punches, he moved his head and hardened his spiky hair. He quickly raised his head and I barely moved back to dodge. I evaded a direct hit but a few shallow cuts appeared on my belly. My armour pulsed again.

Eijiro: Heh, bet you didn't expect that!

He said with a cocky tone as he got back.

Seeing him get up without a single wound or bruise, I felt anger.

I bashed my fists together and hot flames covered them till my elbow. I threw a punch to his face but he blocked it. He hissed as the flames burned his arms.

Eijiro: Aw aw aw! Damn it this is not cool!

I tried to hit his head with a high kick but he ducked and as he sprung up, he gave me headbutt.

I took a few steps back and my vision got a bit blurry. An inhuman roar was released from my throat. The armour that covered me, came of and fiery energy wings made it fly.

It flew up, drawing Eijiro's attention. While he looked up, I quickly approached him and grabbed his face and threw him to a wall.

I breathed fire at him and he scrambled and barely dodge it. I got a rock and crushed it in my hand as Eijiro ran to me. I threw a fistful of sand from the crushed rock and he reflexively closed his eyes.

He was about to move but my armour came from behind and covered his arms and legs while leaving his head and torso open.

He struggled to move but the way the armour binded him didn't allow the exertion of too much strength.

Standing in front of his struggling figure, veiny lines glowed and started filling like a loading bar from my legs to my head. The process wasn't slow, but it wasn't instant either.

"This will hurt. A lot!"

When the light reached my chest and I moved my head back as preparation to release my move, a loud voice was heard.

All Might: Alright, stop! Time's Up!

Feeling that something inside me was telling me to finish it, I ignored All Might and completed the charging.

All Might: Phoenix-shounen!

He shouted. Regaining my clarity at the last second, I turned my head upwards and a beam that would make Godzilla proud was released to the sky.

The air around me was distorted and the light from the beam casted long shadows on the backs of everyone.

"Holy shit that was close! Now I know how Spiderman felt with the Venom Suit!"

I morphed back and tried to downplay it as a joke.

Aster: Pretty cool huh?

"Though my body mostly moved on its own."

I said with a smirk and gave Eijiro a hand, helping him stand up.

Eijiro: Dude, you got me worried for a sec but that kaiju beam was freaking cool!

He said with an upbeat tone despite everything that went down.

Aster: Thanks man! You're pretty strong too.

I said and went out of the arena. I needed to think before the next match and the others would be a distraction so I went to a corner alone.

"The worst thing I could do right now is panic. Being in that form didn't feel like someone was controlling me so thankfully a Hollow takeover situation was avoided."

What it did though was removing some of my inhibitions about fighting and it also made me more volatile.

"Transforming to Chroma might be dangerous for now but I could probably control it with some training."

"Aster: What do you think about controlling Chroma Ordis?"

Ordis: Well...I'm not sure Operator. Some things from my memory are jumbled and some others are missing. From what I barely made out, I remembered that initially, Tenno had a bit of trouble controlling Chroma.

Aster:That's just peachy. I do remember that in the quests, Chroma acted like a wild beast but I hoped that this power I possess wouldn't let things like that affect me...

The other matches finished and the last round begun. All Might called us and announced the matchups. I couldn't believe who my opponent was.

Toru: Well this was unexpected!

Kyoka chuckled a bit and then looked at me with a smirk.

With wide eyes, I immediately turned to look at All Might but he acted like he didn't see me.

"You totally did that on purpose! It seems I have to play dirty and use my special move!"

I smiled inwardly and prepared myself.

I stepped to the arena and faced Toru. She didn't say anything and neither did I, as we took a battle stance.

My warframe of choice for this match was Frost. He was vital to my plans.

Toru is very strong as a martial artist and I have to be serious to beat her in hand to hand combat .

"I don't want to have a serious fight with Toru. Actually, I don't want to have any fight with Toru but if I surrender then it would be like I'm underestimating her and that I don't take her as a serious opponent."

I conjured an ice lance in my hand.

"I hope this plan works!"

I threw the lance at Toru. As it went closer and closer, the lance started shrinking and breaking. It couldn't even reach her before disappearing completely.

I acted a bit frustrated and looked towards All Might.

"This is my move!"

Aster: Sir, I don't have the energy to fight another match! I used up a lot of it on the previous battle.

All Might looked at me surprised but then he nodded.

All Might: I guess that beam has very high energy consumption.

"He believed me! He isn't wrong about the beam but I still have a lot of energy left. Not that I'll say it out loud."

Toru approached me while wearing only one glove.

Aster: Yes, it's very draining, otherwise I would have the energy to fight nother battle.

The moment I finished, I felt a stinging pain on my waist as Toru pinched me with strength with the hand that didn't wear a glove. I barely managed to keep a straight face.

I looked at Toru who was next to me.

"Don't tell me she figured it out."

If she did figure it out, she didn't say anything. Thankfully, All Might gave me a pass and I went to the waiting area and watched the others fight.

Work is too tiring these days...Though I didn't want to leave you guys waiting so I here it is! I don't have much to say so tell me what you think and as always, thanks for reading!

Gearhawkcreators' thoughts