

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Chapter 19

Finding myself surrounded by burning buildings, I looked around to find Stalker. There he was, around 20m away from me.

"Not even bothering to hide...I know I'm weak compared to him but this is just disrespectful"

I also noticed that I'm feeling much calmer than I thought.

"It seems that what happened yesterday with Ordis and Toru helped more than I thought."

Aster: I guess it's too late to say, that helmet of yours creeps me out.

I summoned my Exalted Blade and got ready to fight. He didn't answer and vanished from my vision without warning. Understanding what happened, I managed to turn my body and blocked his slash with the scythe's blade mere inches away from my face.

"This move is so busted in real life."

My blade released a flash of radiant light and while he was blinded I got behind him with a twist of my body and some footwork and slashed at his waist. I got excited but received a back kick in the chest before landing my attack and got knocked back.

Stalker: You are weak!

He charged at me but I blocked the attack. As a reward, he headbutted me and kicked me again.

Stalker: You are supposed to be a weapon!

A magnetic attraction pulled my body to him and he used the momentum to slam me on the ground with one hand.

Stalker: A being from a line of Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury, striking the enemies of the Orokin!

He stomped on my chest, knocking the air out of my lungs.

Stalker: Where is that fury now; Tenno!

He raised the scythe and aim for my head. I quickly morphed to Frost and summoned a solid ice globe between me and Stalker, pushing him away from me.

Aster: Oh I'll show you fury...

I sent an ice cube to destroy the globe and at the same time, a frost wave. He jumped to avoid the wave and I kept shooting ice lances while he was in the air.

Unfortunately for me, he slashed through every single one.

Aster: Ugh just what do I need to do to kill you?!

Stalker: You can't kill me!

He threw to Despair knives and rushed towards. I dodged one but I had to block the other with an ice scimitar. The instant before I blocked, he gained tremendous speed while charging towards me and slashed at me. I avoided being cut in two but I still got a cut on my belly.

He continued slashing at me maniacally. I barely dodged or blocked the fatal blows but I was being wounded again and again.

I felt searing pain throughout my body and the ground around me was splattered with my blood.

"I can't beat him one on one, even if I stay calm, defending is the only viable option. Something extra is needed to tip the scale to my favour."

My ice scimitars kept breaking and he wasn't giving me the time to transform to Excalibur.

"If this keeps up, I'll die from blood loss before he can finish me off! I need some help!"

With that in mind, I started to shift the fight towards the exit of the fire simulation dome. When we were close, I made a big ice globe and started running to the exit. Stalker had somehow broken the globe but it bought my a few precious seconds.

I got outside and froze the exit to buy myself some extra time but it didn't slow him down at all.

Stalker: I grow tired of this tenno!

Aster: I don't care!

I answered back without delay. He ran towards me and I slammed my fists to the ground. Frost spikes started forming from the ground towards him. He slashed through them and kept running at me. We crossed swords again but this time something else happened.

He was thrown to the ground in front of me by something. Without loosing a beat, using almost all of my energy, I froze him to the ground and left his head free.

Loosing the tension I had, I fell to the ground. Closing my eyes for a second, I felt a soft hand gently stroking my cheek.

Aster: Toru...thanks for the assist! You saved my life.

Toru: It's my pleasure! And you really have to stop worrying me.

She said softly as her hand traced around my chest while avoiding the wounds.

Aster: I'm sorry, it couldn't be helped. My wounds will heal though so don't worry.

I said with a sigh while getting up. I formed an ice lance and walked to Stalker. For some reason he hadn't said a word after freezing him.

Toru: Aster what are you doing?

The worry evident in her voice.

Aster: Finishing this.

I said with resolve as I raised the lance and was about to plunge it to his head when Toru hugged me from behind.

Toru: Aster no! Are you really going to kill him? Are you going to be just like them?

Her voice got louder with each word and she sounded somewhat...afraid.

Aster: You don't understand! This is not a normal villains, not a normal person. He shouldn't even exist! And if I let him live he'll attack again...He'll attack you! I can't let that happen!

I said with a serious tone but her voice planted some doubts in my mind.

Toru: So what? You're going to end him just like that? Didn't you want to be a hero? What will you do after that? Are you going to be on the run for murder?

She shouted at me but then she started crying and spoke softly.

Toru: Are you going to do this to yourself? to me?

That was the last straw that broke me and I let the lance fall from my hand and dissipate. Strangely though, my heart felt lighter. Then Toru spoke again.

Toru: I know this is not you and that you're scared. I saw that look you had yesterday. But you shouldn't let fear guide you.

"I was really going to do it. I was really about to kill him with the excuse that he shouldn't be here, that he was from a game...Then what about me? If that was the case, then I shouldn't be here either."

I undid my transformation, turned around and gave Toru a tight hug.

Aster: I'm sorry Toru, I'm really sorry! and thank you!

I felt scared. Not only with what I almost did but with Toru.

"What if I scared Toru away? What if I blew it?"

I shivered and my heart started pounding.

Toru: You big idiot! I don't even have to look at your face to know what you're thinking!

She scolded and hugged me back. We stayed like that for a few seconds before I spoke.

Aster: The day is not even over and my heart feels like it's been on a rollercoaster.

She giggled.

Toru: We're not done yet!

She said and gave me a peck on the lips.

Toru: Oh and just so you know, we are SO talking about this after everything's over.

Aster: O-ok, I guess I owe you that.

The moment I said that, I felt a strange sensation. The surrounding sounds stopped and everything stood still. A gold line appeared in the air in front of me. The line then formed a golden doorway and a figure walked out.

Janus: It seems I was late.

The middle-aged looking god looked at me.

Janus: You look worse for wear my boy!

Aster: Janus? Why are you here? What's going on?

Janus: Well...You see, the Beings that observe you were kind of bored so they decided that they should do something to create conflict.

Aster: What? Do you mean that...

Janus: Yes, They were the ones that sent Stalker here. The thing is though, this was a mistake. Someone else was supposed to be summoned but there was a mix up.

Aster: A mix up? I almost died!

Janus: Yes, well They don't care, but I am terribly sorry about this.

Aster: I can't even find the words to describe-

Janus: Just let this pass Aster. You still won in the end and got some experience fighting Stalker. Look, as an apology, I'll heal you completely and I'll even increase the allowance that you get on your bank account.

He waved his hand and I felt a soothing sensation the begun from my head and slowly went down to my feet.

Aster: The healing felt really amazing!

He laughed.

Janus: Think of it as a service.

Aster: I don't really think I can do anything about Them even if I wanted to, so...what now?

Janus: Now, I'll take him and go.

He pointed at stalker and made him disappear.

Janus: Now off I go!

Aster: Wait- Aaaand there he goes...

He vanished without trace.

Toru: Who?

Aster: Ah nothing, just talking out loud.

She was about to comment when the ground shook and a voice was heard from afar.

All Might: Everything's going to be ok! Why? Because I'm here!

I planned of writing two chapters for this but in the end decided that there's no point. Aster doesn't really have a lot of powers so it was hard to make a long fight interesting. Anyway, tell me your thoughts about the chapter and as always, thanks for reading!

Gearhawkcreators' thoughts