
Run Away

Rain soaked the forest as the teenager ran as fast as he could. He had to get away, and he needed to do it quick, but where was he going? The man holding his hand as the pair ran was breathing heavily whilst gripping onto his shield, any blasts that came their way would be blocked instantly. The brunette teen looked back on the burning village and collapsed tower, there was so much fire, so much death. Lost in the sight, he tripped on himself, hand slipping from the older man's grasp.

Muddy and tired the teen just managed to sit there, arms in the mud and head down. The guard stopped and ran over to the fallen boy, "Null we need to go." He urged the boy to get up, but to no avail. Slowly, the Y'dalan looked up at his guard, his friend, his lover. His eyes were filled with sadness and fear, tears swelling in them. The blonde guard took a knee and slowly reached out to touch his shoulder, but stoped after a flash he saw in Null's eyes. "Null."

The Y'dalan's tears only grew in his eyes as he struggled to find words, "It's gone. I failed them, I failed them all." Fingernails digging into his palms, the teen sniffled. "He took them, he's controlling them. The Lamina's, the Guardians, he's controlling them all- Toth, Santi, Red and Kirin, they're trapped. I-I tried to help, I thought I could do something." His sharp nails managed to leave purple marks in his skin as he tightened his grip, "Toth most of all..the whole Oasis. I failed them all, because I couldn't control the Mechs. All that I've done up to this point, has it been for nothing? I tried, trained and studied so fucking much...Yet it went to nothing! I-I left my friends-The Oasis... I left them all to die." He finished in a soft, broken voice. Null let his tears fall as he dropped into the blonde man's arms, sobbing until he couldn't breathe. He left everyone to die.