
Hero that everything sees

Hiro , un joven sin ningún talento especial, un día de la nada, muere y en el proceso, es invocado a otro mundo. Con el deber específico de proteger este mundo, de una amenaza Inminente que despierta cada mil años, con la capacidad de destruir todo lo visto y conocido por los habitantes de este mundo. Con la ayuda de sus compañeros, deberá adentrarse en lugares peligrosos, Como mazmorras, laberintos y enfrentarse a criaturas que nunca imaginó que existían. Con el fin de fortalecerse, para proteger a sus amigos y seres queridos siguiendo las enseñanzas de los dioses de este nuevo mundo, al que puede llamar su nuevo Hogar. ¿Será capaz el joven Hiro quien se vio obligado a participar en este conflicto capaz de erradicar el peligro que acecha en el mundo , y vivir en paz con sus seres queridos?

JSchanchez · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


(It's already been a whole night, since I was summoned though, it felt like a whole day) I said

in my mind, as I got up from my new bed in the castle.

I decided to get out of my aviation.

"Hello hero Hiro, ready to go train" greeted me kindly, one of the knights guarding the corridor.

"Hello, of course I'm very excited and wanting to test my skills" I said happily.

I continued walking until I reached the training field, where my teammates were.

"Hello guys, I see that you are very enthusiastic about the training, let me join" I told them with a smile.

"Hello, of course, but from what I see, you like to sleep late Hiro" says Icuno making fun of me.

"Speaking of which, wasn't the night too long?" I asked them.

"Now that you mention it, you're right, Hiro, I felt the same way" Goro said.

"Well guys, that's because the day here is twice as long as it was in your original world" Liz said.

"At what point did you arrive, Liz, you scared me a bit" Kokoro said.

"What do you mean I scared you, that hurts a bit um" Liz said pouting.

"Well that doesn't matter, I've come because my father calls all the heroes, it's time for them to receive their blessings or curses from the guardian gods."

"That sounds interesting, I want to know what the gods have for me" says one of the heroes who were training.

"Okay if that's the case then follow me" says Liz

After the short chat, we follow Liz down a long hallway and I decide to ask her a question "Hey Liz, where exactly are we headed?"

"We are going to the central church of the kingdom, so that they receive their blessings, I already told you before, how cruel of you not to pay attention to me" and as usual Liz makes one of her cute pouts.

"Come on Liz, don't be like that, sorry, I promise to pay more attention to you from now on."

"Hey Hiro, don't you think you dote on Liz a lot?" he tells me icuno

"You think icuno, I think she treated her the same as the others"

"Well that doesn't matter" says Goro "better hurry, I want to know what blessing I will receive"

"Or maybe damn" Ichigo tells him, in a mocking tone.

"Calm down, Goro, you could say that we're here," says Liz, approaching a large, highly decorated door.

We proceeded to enter the room behind the door, to our surprise it looked just like a typical church in our original world.

"Welcome be heroes chosen by God" an old man told us, who wore the typical clothes that a bishop would wear, his appearance was that of a grumpy but wise old man.

"I am glad that you have come so quickly to my call, now I will proceed to explain to you how you will receive your blessings, but first you have to purify your bodies"

After the king mentioned that we should purify ourselves, they guided us to some thermal baths.

According to the explanation of who guided us, these waters have the blessing of the god of the seas, who eliminates impurities from the body.

"This is very convenient, don't you think" Goro said.

"If you're right, even that bishop, he gives me a bad feeling, but I won't give him much importance and I'll enjoy this while he lasts."

After a few minutes, they asked us to return to the room, where we originally arrived.

"Okay, now that you have purified your body, we can proceed with the assignment of your respective divine blessings," said the bishop.

Once those words were said, they led us to an altar, where the statues of the guardian gods of the kingdom of Venetinova were located.

"These are our guardian gods" said a nun, who was in the place "here are the statues of the god of war, the goddess of truth, the god of magic, the god of alcohol and the goddess of commerce These five are our guardians."

"As the sister said, they are the guardians, besides the chances of getting a blessing from each one of them increases for having been summoned in this realm" Liz told us with a small smile.

"It would be very convenient, if we were granted the blessings of the god of war and magic, that would enhance our Skills" said a girl with a pensive expression.

"Don't worry, in this world there are as many gods as abilities" the king said sarcastically.

"Well leaving the game aside, everyone present your respective prayers to the gods and they will grant you their blessings" said the bishop with a slightly tired tone of voice.

Once we heard this, we all offered our prayers to the gods, when we finished doing so, a great Light covered the whole place.

"This is magnificent" pronounced the old bishop "all of you have already received the blessing of the gods, check your statistics and discover, which gods noticed you."

"Calm down, bishop" ordered the king "before doing that, check the divine mark that the gods have given you."

Keeping in mind what nots said the king, we all proceeded to check our bodies, to find ourselves with the surprise that animal tattoos were now found on them.

"Hey Goro, what kind of tattoo did you get?" I said happily.

"A bombardment beetle and you Hiro"

"I received a chameleon of many colors, and you girls who received"

"I received a cute butterfly" said Ichigo

"and I received, a hummingbird" said kokoro

"I for my part received a dragon" said icuno

"Well that makes sense, considering your title" Goro told him jokingly.

"Since you have done this, check your blessings" LIZ ordered us.

Having nothing else to do, I checked my blessings

title of god

blessing or curse

Degree of blessing or curse

god of strength



goddess of beauty



God of War

blessing and curse


goddess of the hunt

blessing and curse


god of magic



goddess of truth

blessing and curse


shinigami god



ninja god

blessing and curse


medical god



strategist god



creator god

blessing and curse


god of trade



god of rulers



blacksmith god

blessing and curse


"This is amazing" I said out loud, to which LIZ walked up to me and said "Hiro, what blessing did you get?" So I showed him my table of blessings.

"This is incredible, hero Hiro, it's the first time I've seen so many blessings together and of such a high level"

"That's it, because I'm a summoned hero for sure" I said a little nervous.

"And your hero Goro, how many blessings did you get" asked LIZ very interested.

"I have received eight blessings" said Goro a little dissatisfied.

"That's also very high normally, someone receives a maximum of four blessings and in some exceptions five, but I've never seen so many together, and how many did you girls receive" she asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"I received eight too" said icuno.

"I received nine" said kokoro.

Finally Ichigo "I've received nine too."

"Now that everyone has reviewed their blessings, I will explain how they work, the blessings are classified by level from 1 to 10, and as you go through them using your level will increase, you also have the possibility, to obtain more blessings over time and the increase of their personal levels" the king explained to us.

"Well, since you received your blessings, you are free to continue your training," said the bishop.

After that, train with the others until it's time to go eat.

"Hello, how did the practice go?" Liz asked.

"Okay," Ichigo replied, "actually we were planning to go to a dungeon tomorrow."

"That sounds interesting, be careful" I advise us"

"Of course, with Hiro's eyes and Ichigo's mana tracking, nothing will take us by surprise" Goro said puffing out his chest.

"I hope that this overconfidence doesn't take its toll on them," an old man with an aura of a very intimidating warrior told us.

"Of course, sir, we'll be careful," said Icuno, to which the old man nodded and left.

"Hey Liz, who was that?" Goro asked.

"He's the commander of the royal guard," Liz said in a mocking tone.

"That explains his stats and that intimidating aura" I said surprised.

"Hey Hiro, that's rude" Liz scolded me.

We continue like this for a while longer, and then we retire to our avitations.

(Ufff... so much training left me exhausted, but thanks to that I got new skills and I've leveled up) I said mentally.

After the night has passed, we are at the door of the castle, to go to the dungeon.

"You arrived very early Hiro" said kokoro

"If what happens is that he was excited" I said in a mocking tone.

"And your team?" I ask icuno.

"I saved it with my object box ability" I told them "if you want I can also save yours".

"That would be very" useful icuno said "moving with this big shield is difficult".

Once we save everything, we start the trip.

Minutes after walking, in silence with the minimum equipment that would allow us more mobility through the forest, we arrived at the entrance to the dungeon.

"Okay guys, from now on don't let your guard down, and be ready for anything" I told them as we put on our equipment.

""""okay"""" they responded at the same time.

"Then let's go inside"

Once inside we were surprised by what we saw, a completely new environment.

"How strange, it's been a while since we entered and no monster has appeared" Goro complained.

"That's because this dungeon, it's already been completed," Ichigo said.

"Everyone on guard, something's coming," Ichigo said suddenly.

After a few seconds, a group of fifteen goblins appeared.

"They are horrible" said icuno disgusted.

"You're right, but we must eliminate them" I told him "Gorocover us together with Ichigo, kokoro attacks with me in front, icuno intersects all his attacks and counterattacks if possible" I ordered them.

"LET'S BEGIN!!!" Goro shouted excitedly shooting the first ones to get close, although he didn't eliminate them.

Kokoro and I quickly approached and invoked our weapons, in my case I invoked a katana and kokoro his twin blades.

Icuno intersected some arrows, which were shot by a member of the group of goblins.

And icuno cast ice magic, freezing some of them while kokoro and I eliminated them as fast as we could.

"Well great work team, this is our start" I told them very excited.

"Why are you so excited" icuno said a little exasperated.

"It just so happens that in our previous world, I was an otacu, so killing monsters is quite an achievement for me" I said with a smile.

"Or I see, although I didn't expect it" Kokoro said.

"What did you not expect?" Asked.

"Well, you were an otacu."

"I see".

"Hey you two lovebirds, stop flirting and come help" Ichigo said a little annoyed.

""Sorry"" we said at the same time, and collected, the materials that the bodies of the goblins provided us.

After having extracted the materials and put them in my item box, we continue advancing in the dungeon.

"Hey Hiro and if we rest for a while" said icuno, "we are about to reach the second floor, besides we have fought a lot" .

"If you're right, let's rest, there were only weak goblins on this floor, but from now on things like kobolds, giant rats, snakes and higher level goblins will come out, if we're lucky" Ichigo mentioned.

"Yes, but why do you say if we are lucky" asked Goro.

"Because if we're not lucky, things like worms, spiders, and low level earth dragons will spawn," Ichigo said.

After a while of rest we reached the second floor.

"Hey Goro, there's something that's been bothering me since we entered," I said.

"What's wrong, Hiro?"

"You're supposed to come in with a bow, but now you have an assault rifle in your hands, how is that possible?" .

"That's thanks to my hero title *armor master*" he said "it just so happens that this title only allows me to use long-range weapons, so I practiced and now I can use weapons equal to the ones in our previous world".

"Umm, I understand so with your permission I'll copy your ability" I told him.

"Go ahead" he replied.

"Stop, it looks like we're unlucky" Ichigo said.

"What's wrong?" Kokoro asked.

"We have an earth dragon in front of us, Hiro check his level with your eyes" he asked me quickly.

"I understand, VISUAL ACTIVATION AGREED" once I activated my ability all my senses became sharper, and I could know what level my allies and enemies have in addition to their abilities.

Suddenly I turned pale, and cold sweat ran through my body "what's wrong with you" icuno said worried.

"That thing is level 40 plus it's Intermediate class."

"That's not possible, it's not supposed that only low level monsters appear here, up to the seventieth floor" said Goro.

"That doesn't matter now" said icuno "that thing already saw us and is coming towards us" he said while intercepting earth magic that the dragon had invoked.

As quickly as I could, I ordered "every defensive position, Kokoro attacks his sides with me, Goro and Ichigo distract him, I protect them so they can attack freely."

"Understood" they responded at the same time.

And so the biggest battle that we would fight up to now, gave its origin.