
Here be Dragons

This is a story on fanfiction, am just copying it. This story happened to be the very first story I read and I thought about sharing it to y'all. Here be Dragons by fadedaura. .................... They were given a chance... an opportunity to escape the clutches of the Fates. A single gambit by he Old Gods forever changes the game as the newest members of the wolfpack tear through the Seven Kingdoms to create the home they always wanted. The Game of Thrones would never be the same. Eventual crossovers with other franchises. (AU, Stark Centric, powerful North)

PrimalVoidDragon · ภาพยนตร์
18 Chs






"Mother!" a voice called at her as she was walking down the main street of Wintertown. Lyarra paused and turned to her youngest daughter as she ran through the crowd throwing all highborn decorum to the garbage pit. She smiled at the youngest of all her children threw herself in her arms.

"Lyanna, what are you doing here? I thought you were back in the castle pestering your elder brothers to teach you how to fight."

"I was going to… but father called for him and they disappeared with Brandon. This isn't the first time Brandon disappeared with father either. I know they entered the lower levels of Winterfell this time but the guards aren't allowing me to follow them. Even Silena is nowhere to be seen. Where do they keep disappearing to, mother? And why did they take Brandon with them this time? Why not take me as well?"

'Oh, dear,' Lyarra thought as she felt a headache coming.

Ever since her son, Charles took leadership from her husband, things had become a bit hectic in Winterfell. There were many things going on at the same time. Sometimes it was hard to keep track of all the changes that were being implemented daily. Various Lords came and went and Winterfell was never without a visiting noble. Some came for various businesses, the others for the novelties and pleasure the capital of the North offered.

To her annoyance entertaining these guests and running the household of the Stark family had fallen on her shoulders. Her eldest three children were doing their own thing and her husband was no help at all. When he figured that his role in the northern revitalization was complete, he had shifted his workload to his family taking a step back to enjoy the pleasures he had denied himself for a long time.

Charles was all but the new Warden of the North. It was he who directed all the efforts within the region and commanded the other nobles. His betrothed Silena had duties in overseeing the land reclamation effort for sustained farming and the overseeing the College of Winterfell. Lyarra was glad that her son found such a suitable wife. Both got together well and worked hand in hand. They were the ideal future Lord and Lady Stark and she couldn't be any more proud.

'A match made in heavens indeed,' she thought as she remembered the history behind the two. She had been pissed at her husband for joining the two in marriage without her consent a few scant weeks after their birth. She even made him sleep on the couch for a month. But now she was glad that her husband made that decision without waiting for her consent. She loved her good-daughter like she was one of her own. She was already an irreplaceable part of their family.

Then there was her eldest child… Zoe. She was just like her. She loved her headstrong and disobedient daughter with her very being. Zoe was a version of her, a more uninhibited version that cared not for rules or consequences. She admired the girl for what she had accomplished. It was like she was living her dreams through her daughter. The huntress… that's what smallfolk called her. With her hellhound Blacklight and about a dozen of the direwolves that flocked around her, she was the embodiment of a huntress. She was responsible for cracking down many of the organized bandit nests that were stealing from the poor and sending them all to the Nights watch to bolster their numbers. Usually her husband had to chase after her daughter when she left for one of her hair rising adventures without informing the family about it.

"They are doing something important, sweetie. You will learn about it soon," Lyarra said to her daughter trying to change the uncomfortable topic. It wasn't uncomfortable per say. But she knew that there was bound to be fighting and tears in this conversation.

"But why does Brandon get to learn it now? We are of the same age. Why does father prevent me from doing the same things as Brandon? It feels like he's favoring Brandon more than me."

Rickard had decided to inform his youngest son of the subtle things he and his eldest children were doing so that he could prepare him for the future. Brandon may not be able to inherit any land belonging to Winterfell but that didn't mean he would be without a holding in the future. Unlike in the past when the second born sons of the Starks family were left to their devices due to the lack of properties under the Starks family, now they had multiple holdings that were in dire need of nobles.

One such was Moat Cailin. The famous keep that held back the tides of Andals and scores of southern invasions was being returned to its former glory. The castle which had been reduced to three towers was being refurbished back to its former twenty along with more improvements to the castle as a whole. The once wooden keep was being redesigned with stone and metal. When finished it would rival the size of Winterfell… the portion above grounds anyway, since it was difficult to add a labyrinth of tunnels and layers in the bog the Moat was built in.

The castle being built on the Sea Dragon Point was nearing completion as well. The triplets had decided to call it Aegis which according to them meant protection. The name stuck as the keep and its port was designed to protect the eastern coast of the North. The location was currently being overseen by the Houses Mormont, Glover and Forrester. But sooner or later a proper Lord must be installed for smooth functioning of the location.

Rickard may not know it, but Lyarra was privy to Percy's idea on retaking Skagos and establishing a settlement there under the Stark banner. He had mentioned it in passing and Lyarra was aware that nobody except her knew of Percy's idea. She had to agree with her son's train of thought. Skagos was strategically located and would provide a safe harbor should some indescribable misfortune befall their family. It was isolated enough that they the triplets could use it as an experimentation ground and the turbulent waters around the island would provide sailors with experience to traverse the rough seas.

Her son had ventured south against her wishes to see what the maesters hid behind the walls of the Citadel. He had promised her that he would be back within a week and five days had already come and gone since her son's departure. This was the furthest any of her children had ventured from their home. He didn't take any guards with him saying that he was safer travelling alone. The only reason for why she had even thought of giving her blessing for this journey was because he took Sif and Fenrir with him. She knew the two hellhounds would be able to help him escape should something go wrong.

To the situation at hand, Lyarra didn't want to leave her daughter in the dark but Rickard was quite adamant in postponing telling her about the Valley of Origin and the wonders it held. She knew that Rickard must have taken Brandon to show him the place and see whether he could find a familiar amongst the already hatched storm dragons. This was a process that couldn't be forced as the dragons were the ones that chose their partners. This was opposite to what she knew of the Targaryen dragons for she knew that Balerion had been ridden by at least three different kings. There was also a Rite to be held later today.

If Brandon wasn't lucky to find a familiar for him in the dragons he could always bond with a kirai. Already there were eighteen northerners who had formed a familiar bond with the kirai. All of them came from the youngsters that her husband had painstakingly gathered when her children were small.

The reason behind Rickard's decision was that he wanted his youngest daughter to stay home rather than be out in the wild like his eldest daughter. Zoe had been responsible for more grey hair on Rickard's head than any other reason. He didn't want another daughter he had to chase after.

Lyarra knew that this was not going to work. She was quite vocal against her husband's decision. Finally it was Charles who oversaw everything who managed to diffuse the argument between his parents. They were able to agree that they would keep Lyanna on the dark until she started to ask questions and they were unable to shift her focus to another subject. They had agreed to keep Lyanna away when they were ready to introduce Brandon to the Valley.

What they hadn't anticipated was the fact Lyanna was so resourceful that she managed to piece together everything and shadow her father to his destination. Lyarra knew that both her younger children were curious on where their parents and elder siblings disappeared from time to time. They had come up with wild theories on what Percy was doing down in the lower levels when they were small. Some of them were closer to the truth tan they believed.

"This is not something we should discuss her, sweetie. Coe with me," Lyarra said because she had already made up her mind on telling her daughter what Brandon and Charles were doing down there. If Rickard became angry at her decision, so be it. She wasn't going to let problems fester in her family.

"Where are we going? Wait… aren't we heading in the direction of the baths?"

"We are. Now come along."

Lyanna had a skip in her step as she followed her mother as the duo head towards the baths. The street that led to it was lined with restaurants, an outdoor theatre and various other places of intrigue. A decade ago this section of the city didn't exist at all. The entire sector was a new addition to the Wintertown and Charles had named it the entertainment sector. It housed the facilities that entertained all visitors to the city as well as providing a small getaway from the hectic life of all northerners.

Wintertown had expanded and was almost twice the size than she could remember when she was but a girl. Her children had all contributed in systemizing and improving the city. After the first section was renovated the smallfolk were ecstatic on the improvement and had all contributed to the plan. There were some scuffles with property owners as they refused to hand over their land for development despite being reimbursed. All that opposition had wilted away when the people themselves got involved into getting them into line. Rickard didn't have to order them about and deliver harsh punishments to those who were against the progress. The progress itself made these rebellious factions come to heel.

The Wintertown she knew only existed in one side of Winterfell. The town had grown along the road that led to Winterfell. But with the progress of time the settlement had gotten larger and larger until it was a mess of buildings and shanties. The triplets didn't like the chaotic situation just outside their home and had put their head together to design a town around the castle. In the earlier stages, the existing town was left as it was. But as soon as the various regions were finished, people were move and the old part of the town was torn down to make way for the new.

The residence section was to the right of the castle when looking from it gates of Winterfell. This sector was further broken down to the residential area of the locals and the other section contained the inns for the visitors. This was done so that conflict could be minimized as well as limiting the exposure to diseases and fire hazards. The left side of the castle wall contained the industrial section. The industries were grouped together for better management. The rear of Winterfell faced the Wolf's wood.

The centre section which was right in front of Winterfell's gates was given to the commerce and entertainment sectors. The sectors were divided by the road that led to Winterfell. The entertainment sector was to the right, adjacent to the residence sector.

"Here we are," Lyarra said as she and her daughter neared the massive structure. Other than the castle this was the largest building in Wintertown. Its size was said to rival some of the smaller keeps in Westeros. The structure was made out of a white stone that was abundant around the banks of the White Knife. Charles said that the stone was a type of limestone. It had been easy to cut them into blocks and use the river itself to transport the stones halfway to their destination. In fact most of the buildings newer buildings were made out of it because of the demand and also the ease in which it could be shaped.

Charles described that the inspiration for these buildings came to him from 'gothic' and 'roman' architecture, whatever they meant. But the buildings were otherworldly. She hadn't seen anything like them before and she was quite proud to be the Lady of the castle now more than ever. She had the right to brag about these beautiful buildings and her children's achievements with her friends and especially with her sister who was married to Harrold Rogers of House Rogers of Amberly in the Stormlands. It was fun to hear Branda whine about how lucky she was. Branda was already having thoughts of moving back to Winterfell as she had done her duty by giving Lord Rogers three children. She wasn't exactly needed in Amberly. Also it was becoming dangerous for a Stark to be beyond the reaches of their home no matter where their allegiances laid.

"Must we go in? I already had a bath today," Lyanna whined. She would rather do something that involved blades than sit inside a steamy room in quiet comfort.

"Come on now. You are already filthy from sprawling across the courtyard. I can see twigs and leaves in your hair. You need a bath before bed, young lady."

"I do not sprawl," Lyanna cried immediately.

"Then what do I call it when I see you rolling around in the dirt trying to keep up with your brother?" Lyarra asked with a bit of humor.

"I do not sprawl!" Lyanna said again with conviction. "Brandon is mean. He is always tripping me when I come close to beating him," she finally relented. "I will get him the next time. Percy promised to teach me to fight with a sword. Where is he by the way?"

"Let's get a private room dear. Then you can ask me anything. I promise to answer them the best I can."

"At long last," Lyanna said with a huff. In a way she was just like Zoe. She didn't like the fact that there were things going on that she wasn't informed. She had often tried to sneak into the meetings between her father and various Lords. Charles often had to check the room for his sister before informing his parents of new developments. Unlike her twin she liked bossing people and being in charge,

Brandon on the other hand wanted nothing but to enjoy life as much as he could. He didn't like the 'lordly' duties and often escaped his tutors. Though he was a boy of fourteen, Lyarra had to keep a strict eye on him so that he wouldn't visit a brothel before he was sixteen. She had caught him twice trying to seek the pleasure of flesh. Oh, how she enjoyed handing him to Zoe for punishment the last time she had caught him. She knew that it was wrong to laugh at her son's fear, but Zoe had managed to scare him so had he hadn't even looked at women in a wrong way. Though knowing her son, it would only last for about a year before he reverted back to his former self.

They entered the white structure together walking through an archway made of limestone columns. The entrance hall had a reception where the nobles could request certain treatments that were only available to those who were willing to pay. She walked to the desk and was greeted by a lovely young woman who wasn't native to the north by her looks. She was one of the immigrants from Essos that had entered service within the North.

The receptionist perked up when she saw her.

"Lady Lyarra, how can I be of service today?"

"Prepare our personal chamber with all the necessities for my daughter and me," she said sliding a silver stag across the table as fees for the lotions and also for the service.

"At once, my Lady," she said and motioned to one of the attendants. She gave the attendant a key whispered something in her ear.

"If you would follow Jaynese, Lady Stark."

Lyarra gave a nod and followed the attendant across the columned atrium that ran around the entire central chambers of the bath. The building was oval in shape with the baths located in the center. They had to travel to the rear of the building to get to the private section. Of these private rooms one was reserved for the Stark family. But only she and her daughters used it as the male members of the family just entered the public section to hang around and mingle with the commoners.

Along the way she could hear lively music and laughter coming from the public baths. It certainly had become a cultural center for the people. She could even see and hear people going at it in the small alcoves from the archways to the public pool they walked by. The rule was that you clean the alcove after you are done so that another couple could use it.

The attendant opened the engraved door and motioned them inside.

"I will bring the necessities, my Lady. Please enjoy the baths."

Lyarra went to the small adjacent changing room and stripped down hanging her clothes on one of the hooks in the wall. With that out of the way she went back to the initial room where the pool of lukewarm water was present. She carefully climbed down the steps and sat down on the stairs with her head above the water relaxing all her muscles as she did so.

"Ahhh," she muttered finally at ease after a long tiring morning. The sun had yet to set but she was done with her duties for the day.

Before the baths were created bathing was a luxury and even the nobles couldn't afford to do it more than every other day or every two days. That was because transporting water to and from the tubs in the bathrooms and heating the water was a chore by itself. Smallfolk were lucky to have a bath every other week. But with this marvelous creation everybody who had the chance visited it once a day. Lyarra were aware of some visiting dignitaries stopping by the baths at least twice a day.

Lyarra kept her eyes closed as the warm water eased her muscles. She felt her daughter slide down in the opposite end of the pool. They kept the silence enjoying the warmth.

The door opened again and two maids accompanied the previous attendant bringing several pails between them. Without a word they got to work. One of the maids emptied a pail of leaves and twigs into the water. Following that a bowls of oil and scented water were poured into the water. Another maid pulled down a lever on the wall and Lyarra felt the water warming up rapidly.

These leaves and oils were part of the special treatment that you had to pay five copper stars to obtain. The public part of the bath had a different procedure for the treatment with leaves and the oils. These leaves and bark were all herbs with known medicinal properties. They treated skin conditions and various maladies that were common among the people. It also left a pleasant fragrance lingering on the skin after the bath.

Lyarra didn't even bother to look at these maids working for she knew how the system worked by heart. She had visited the baths enough to just enter and do the work all by herself. But appearances had to be kept.

"The steam room is ready whenever you want, my Lady," the attendant said as the three stood in front of her after finishing their tasks.

"Thank you," she told them giving a curt nod. She knew that the remaining two copper stars would be divided among them. That was why she had paid a silver stag upfront instead of paying five copper stars. The room itself was free for their family.

"If you need anything just ring the bell," the attendant said again before filing out of the room closing the door behind them.

For another ten minutes both the mother and daughter enjoyed the silence. She heard her daughter fidgeting in the water trying to find a way to break the silence. She smiled to herself and opened her eyes.

"Ask," she said to Lyanna. The steam rose with the scent it gathered from the plant clippings. Though not as thick as in the steam room the thick cloud of water vapor made it difficult to see more than a few meters.

"Where is Percy?"


"South? Why did he go down there? Father forbade northern nobles from travelling down the neck. He told us to stay away from any visiting southerner. After all those bad things you told us the people south of the neck did to us why did he go? Isn't he scared of being captured by the mad king?"

"Tell me, Lyanna… do you think your elder brother will be caught? You adore him, you praise his skill… yet do you doubt him?"

"No… Percy is the strongest person I know. He will not get caught no matter what," she said with conviction. "But why did he have to go?"

"Your brother had an important task he had to perform. I was against him going, but he convinced m that it was something he had to do sooner or later. He'd rather do it sooner."

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you that yet, my child. Ask Percy when he comes back. Maybe he will tell you. And don't worry Percy promised to be back in a week. So he'll be here tomorrow or the day after that."

"Alright… now tell me what father was telling Brandon asking him to come to the solar in private. I know that he and father went down into the restricted section of the castle today. Everybody keeps disappearing there. What is down there?"

It would seem that her daughter knew more than she let on. Rickard kept these sessions with Brandon a secret and always scheduled them when Lyanna was away from the castle or occupied otherwise. She gathered her thoughts trying to figure out what to tell and what to leave out. Sooner or later Lyanna would be told everything. So other than their end goals, she decided to inform her daughter of things that Brandon was taught in a gist.

"You are already aware of the new castle being built at Sea Dragon Point and the renovation of Moat Cailin, are you not?" she asked Lyanna and got a nod in affirmation.

"Well your brother will be granted one of these holdings in the future. That was why your father has been secretly summoning him. He wants your brother to be ready for when he receives his future holdfast. I know what you are thinking… you were not informed because your father is still unsure on what he wants for you. He wants you to be happy and content. He doesn't want you embroiled in the turmoil of governance. That is why you were given more freedom than your brother. Tell me Lyanna, what do you want for the future?"

Lyarra could see the hard pondering look in her daughter's face through the steam. She knew that both her daughters were quite unsure on what they envisioned for their personal futures. Lyarra knew that Lyanna had not even thought about the future before this. Zoe on the other hand was a stick in the mud. She didn't want to confirm to the established rules. If she wanted she would take one of the new settlements as her own, building a new cadet branch for the Starks. She could also assume the position of the head of the Stark family as they the north had reverted back to its original laws of succession. But Lyarra knew that Zoe wanted Charles to have it since he was highly regarded. Lyarra was also aware of Zoe's dream of just roaming the land with no attachments with a small group of trusted individuals. She bounced between the two rather fast. For now she and Rickard had left her to figure it for herself.

"I want… to be more than a trophy wife. I know that it is my elder brothers and sister that changed our home so much. I've heard of stories about how desolate our land was more than a decade ago. With that being said, me and my brother will always be propped up like royalty by the smallfolk. The other nobles will want me just so that they could brag that they have a relationship with 'Charles the Harbinger', 'Zoe the Huntress' and 'Perseus the, whatever stupid title he obtains'. I want to be known as Lyanna… not as the younger sister of the wolf trio. I want to be like Lady Mormont."

Lyarra smiled as her daughter poured out her feelings for the first time. She knew that it was hard to be held in comparison with her larger than life siblings with all their achievements. Smallfolk were already calling them as gifts from gods. Both Brandon and Lyanna were talented and bright children. If they didn't have such dazzling elder siblings they would have been the ones in the spotlight.

"Well sweetie, you have finally found your true conviction. Now I can tell you some of the things we have kept secret from you all this time."

Lyarra got up and waded towards her daughter. She could see her shaking shoulders as she tried to get her emotions under control. Lyarra knew that her youngest held a lot inside her chest. She was always looking up to her elder siblings. But she could only see and travel in their shadows. Rickard was also responsible for this as he had wanted to wait until Lyanna found something she wished to strive for and test her resolve. Brandon on the other hand escaped this test because he was born a boy. It was hard for a woman to survive in Westeros. It was brutal if you were born a noble woman.

Women in this male chauvinist society were nothing but items to be traded for benefits of their birth family. If a family fell from graces, the women were traded as sexual items. Luckily the appalling practice of first night had been banished by the Targaryens. The only good thing to come out of the dragon kings in Lyarra's opinion. She was lucky that she found her one true love and a man who was willing to listen and share his power with her. But it couldn't be said true for most of the women.

Lyarra wrapped her arms around her daughter swaying gently with her to comfort her child. "Don't cry Lyanna. Everything will be alright. I promise that I will help you to become what you want. Not only me, I know for a fact that your elder brothers and sister would do anything for you. You only have to ask. Tell you what… come let's go to the steam room and I'll tell you something that even your brother doesn't know for now. Come," she got up dragging her daughter with her.

Slowly she ascended the rough stairs and led her Lyanna to the adjacent room where the attendants had already prepared.

The room was much smaller with four beds placed in the corners. These beds could only accommodate a single person. They were about knee high and could entertain someone who was about seven feet. It was constructed out of marble and the top of it was a layer of salts. Steam rose up through this bed of salt giving a soothing sensation to those who lay down on it. Already the room was thick with steam.

After directing Lyanna to one of the beds she occupied the adjacent one.

'Ah… this is life,' she thought with a sigh as she felt the steam enter her pores reinvigorating them. This sort of treatment was something Lyarra ten years ago would never have thought to experience.

"What was it that you wanted to tell me?" Lyanna broke her out of her pleasant thoughts.

"Ah yes… do you want to know what's underneath the castle in the restricted sections?"

"Yes… now tell me," Lyanna said with impatience.

"Well, there are a lot of tunnels under Winterfell but I think the one that you will find interesting is the one leading to the Valley of Origin."

"Valley of Origin?"

"A beautiful place. I'm sure you will be able to see it soon. But what I'm talking about is not the valley but the occupants of the valley," she paused.

"Mother, now you are teasing me. I'm going to get angry."

"Hehe… to give you the short version, your brother Percy discovered a species of dragons in the valley."

"DRAGONS!" Lyanna yelled.

"Shhh… keep it quiet will you? Yes… dragons. These are called storm dragons. They are vastly different from the ones you have read in your books. There is also another species of flying creatures that your brother befriended. We are keeping this a close secret for now."

Lyarra wanted to see the look on her daughter's face but the steam prevented her of that joy. She too had been awestruck when she saw the majestic creatures for the first time. She was envious of her children when they had explained that the first three to hatch were their familiars. She was aware what familiars were since there had been records of Starks finding familiars in the form of direwolves throughout the history. Four other eggs had hatched in the following years but none of those dragons seemed interested in finding their human partners. According to Percy they were wild dragons fated to be with no human partners their entire lives.

Lyarra had already decided to bring Lyanna to the Rite later that day. She may not be taught everything at once, but she wanted to give Lyanna a chance to bond with a familiar. It may not happen today but it was good to introduce her to the dragons and the kirai so she could take part in the next Rite. It was also when she, the Lady of the castle was getting her familiar as well. Even though she had Nemesis as a companion, she was rather envious of her children's flying companions. She was further miffed that she didn't get one while the Wraith jumped ahead of her.

"Mother…,"Lyanna began.

"I know what you are going to say. But wait a moment and keep quiet, understand?" she said before ringing the bell and summoning the attendant. Within a few minutes the three females entered again. Lyarra gave a signal with her hand which they understood. The main attendant stayed close to the door observing the maids as they performed their duties. She was their overseer.

The maids slathered a mixture of honey and other herbal extract on their skins. After massaging their bodies they took a small spatula from their aprons and began to gently scrape off the mixture. It was invigorating feeling the layer being wiped off like that.

After they were done, the two maids bowed and left with their overseer. Lyarra got up and headed towards the first room to take a dip in the pool again. She and Lyarra rinsed their bodies in the pool and relaxed in it for a short while again.

"Yes, you can see the dragons. I will take you there after we return home. But you must promise me that you will not speak of anything you see down there," she added sternly. "Some of the things you see will only bring us more trouble should it get into untrustworthy ears."

"I promise."

"And do you promise to work hard in your lessons from now on? You need them to fulfill your dream. And yes… I will talk to your father."

"I promise."

"Good," she nodded. "Are you done? Shall we return?"

"Yes, mother," Lyanna said brightly most likely thinking about the fascinating sight she was about to see.

"Then let's go," Lyarra said trying to think of ways that she could skirt around her husband's questions. Well she would give him her 'look' and maybe even pinch him tightly to get her way. Her sweetheart never did a thing that she didn't approve of anyway.





And that's a wrap. See you soon. Don't forget to review.