
Herald of the Gods

In a world of heroes, hunters and monsters, join Shiro, a high school boy who was born without 'Spark Essence', a magical energy used to determine the skill level of an individual and their grade class. Being the only individual born without a 'skill essence' in over 100 years, Shiro has always been bullied and abused by society his entire life, not being able to produce the one thing that he can use to defend himself from villains and Phantoms. The Phantoms are creatures sent to destroy all of mankind, and can only be killed by Spark Essence, which Shiro is unable to manifest. One faithful day, Shiro meets a strange individual, who at first thought was a foreign hero, told him what it really means to be a hero, rather than him thinking that someone can only be called a hero because of having spark essence, in which case, the man tells him he was wrong, but a true hero is someone who puts his life on the line to protect others, the stranger left Shiro with the thought in his head who a true hero is, of course this left Shiro in surprise, because he had never heard that before. After the encounter with the strange man, Shiro boards a train to go home, only to magically appear in a cave, where he finds an old man, who told him he had been chosen to become the new champion and protector of the earth. At first, Shiro thought all this was a joke or a dream, only to find out a few moments later, after receiving the power of the old man, his appearance changed and he felt completely different, like stronger. The strange man whom Shiro earlier met, was there to explain everything that had happened, and later on revealed that he was the Greek mythology God known as HERMES, of course, Shiro was shocked and surprised for not knowing that he was at the presence of a God this whole time. Hermes' later on told Shiro he would like for him to meet with the other Gods and deities, and they both went to Olympus, where all the deities had gathered to meet the new champion and tested him, to see if he was worthy of such a title and power. In which case, he was, so Shiro was chosen to be Earth's new protector to save the planet from the coming doom that is soon to fall upon planet Earth. Join Shiro as he fights to save the world and get some companion along his way, and also unexpectedly builds his heram without realizing it. Check my discord server for characters illustrations: https://discord.com/invite/pqWN8skNvp I hope you all enjoy my story. Thank you.

Ace_speedster · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

chapter 18: The House of Wisdom

"You can become a hero!" Sentinel said

"I find you worthy to inherit that title," he added, "But you're going to need some pieces of training, why don't I become your mentor" he stated.

"Ehh??" Shiro asked.

"Yes, you heard me kid, I'll be your mentor from now on, isn't that great?" Sentinel smiled at the boy.

'I mean, it's an honor for the 3rd strongest hero in Japan to train me, but I'm already going to be trained by the deities' Shiro thought.

"Wait a minute, isn't this going to be hard on you, I mean you are the number 3 hero, you're going to have a lot on your hands, and you shouldn't bother yourself with someone like me, plus, I have no spark essence to manifest a skill, what the point of…" Shiro was interrupted.

"You're overthinking this, and don't you worry, when I'm done training you, you won't need a skill to become a hero"

"Really? But how?" Shiro asked confused.

"That is a secret you will soon find out, if you accept my offer" Sentinel smiled.

Shiro thought of how great of an opportunity this was, but he was already 'ORION' earth protector and champion, could he handle the task of being trained by Sentinel and also being trained by the deities to become ORION?

"Yes, of course!" Shiro admitted.

"No hesitation, just as I expected" Sentinel laughed

"Good, meet me at Shaghoian beach in two days, I hope you're ready, kid?" Sentinel smiled.

"Yes sir, of course" Shiro nodded.

"Very good, now I'll be leaving," Sentinel said as he opened a portal and walked into it, then the portal vanished.

Shiro was amused at seeing Sentinel magic up close again, "I'm surprised you said yes" a voice said beside him, only to look and see none other than Seshat in all her glory.

"Goddess?!" Shiro immediately moved to bow, only for her to stop him.

"No, don't worry about that" She smiled and Shiro blushed hard and hid his face, she found him very amusing.

"So, is there something I can help you with?" he asked anxiously.

"That offer you just agreed to accept, it's a good thing you did," she said brushing off his anxiety aside.

"Eh, why?" he asked curiously.

"The number 3 hero, Sentinel," she said presenting a book to Shiro, "Read it, through and through" The book was around 300 to 400 pages.

"All of it?" Shiro asked nervously, but secretly he was excited.

"Hmm mm, it contains everything there is to know about this Hero, I would advise you to go through the first few chapters before your training starts, just to get an idea of what you're getting into" she handed him the book.

"Wait, how do you know all this?" Shiro asked genuinely curious.

"I'm the goddess of knowledge and all that is written, I know everything that has ever happened in this world, but I can't predict the future or tell you things that are speculations, theories or ideas, only facts" Seshat said in maximum grace.

"Wow, that's so amazing, so do you really know everything that has ever been documented or that has ever happened? How do you remember it all? How do you see it all? Can you express things that require physical experience, like can I know the taste of a lobster without ever tasting it" he rambled on with questions.

She was pleased by his inquires, he really amused her "Yes and no, I can convey virtually experience itself, like" she explained as a flower appeared on her hand, looking like an illusion "This is the pride of Barbados, a flower native to the equator climate, I can show you what it looks like, yes, but I can't let you experience how it feels, how it smells, physical sensation I cannot convey, I can tell you the petals fell like velvet, but you can't feel it for yourself"

"Shiro awed "That's still incredible, your power is so amazing" The wonder filled his eyes, and made her stomach flutter.

"Yes, it is, and now it is yours" she said as she kissed his forehead, "Orion, have this gift and you can use it to summon knowledge from the House of Wisdom" she stated.

"The House of Wisdom?" he was confused.

"Indeed, the House of Wisdom is the library that houses all knowledge, and I am known as the mistress that guards the House of Wisdom" she explained.

"That's quite a title" Shiro bemused.

"Don't be intimidated, it is nothing like Champion of Earth" She smirks at his reaction.

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