1 The past 1

The meeting hall in Mumbai:

On the stage there are big shots of various industries...

The felicitation for the best teacher awards is going on. This year there is a speciality in awarding them. A simple-minded and a common person named Priya is selected for those prestigious award. She is from an ordinary background. But she has a good reputation among all the people and places she worked.

Everyone who received the award are being praised by the big shots. They are also praising Priya for getting the award like how lucky she was for having so much reputation, her hardwork and the support she got from her family so on.....

When everyone is praising Priya about her upbringing unknowingly she got tears in her eyes. She remembered her Dad who used to support her in every way possible. He was her only family. She has a daughter who is currently in USA with her family. She settled there.
