
Her Revenge | BOOK ONE

Azalea (Lea), known as the 'Deadly', is a twenty years old assassin, who has had only one goal in her life : Avenge her parents' death. She's the best of the bests. She is feared by many. She was taking down every people who were involved in her parents' death until she falls into the hands of the Italian Mafia leader, Enzo De Luca. He is scary, cold, emotionless and ruthless. He is said to be heartless because of his lack of emotions. He kills without thinking twice. Just like, Lea, he's feared by many. What happens when The two start to feel things they've never really felt before? What happens when the most feared Don meets the most feared don? IG : actb4thinking

actb4thinking · สมัยใหม่
32 Chs


When I returned to the mansion, I was surprised to see the everyone gathered in the living room.

They had guests and I couldn't see who it was since the man's back was facing me. I then looked at the men standing, who were most likely the bodyguard of the man who was sitting.

"She's doing just fine." Enzo replied to the man's question. His eyes then landed on me, "Speaking of her..."

That made the man turn his head to see who Enzo was staring at. My eyes widened when I saw Sean with a grin on his face.

"Sean" I mumbled before making my way towards him. I didn't expect him to be here, not after what? A month. What made him come here though?

"Heyy mother fucker!" Sean grinned, ignoring everyone else. Glad to know that I was the only one unaware of his 'visit'

Did he come to take me back? Wait, but he said one more month right? Why was he here then? Did they find something regarding Vladimir?

Before I could say anything, I was pulled into his arms. He hugged me tightly and whispered, "sorry"

"For what?" I whispered back. He broke the hug, "For sending you here. I know I already apologized but-"

"Sean" I cut him off, "It's okay. If you hadn't send me here, I would have never met my brother."

"Wait-" his eyes widened, "Alessio?" Sean knew all about my brother since I told him about Alessio. Sean knew my real and full name but he didn't know that I'm The Deadly at least that's what I thought.

"Yeah. I'll introduce you guys to each other when I see him." I assured before turning my head to see the others. There, stood, Drake, he's also a close friend, then there was Troy. The others are just friends but Drake, Troy and Sean were my closest friend in the American Mafia.

Drake's the underboss while Troy's the best hacker. I taught him what I knew and he taught me what he knew. He's almost as good as me.

"We missed you like crazy, woman. Where the hell have you been? When Sean told me that he sent you here, I wanted to rip his heart out because he didn't tell me that he was going to meet you!" Drake spoke as he made his way towards me.

It's been around six months since I haven't spoken to nor seen Drake and Troy. I've been busy with my 'revenge' while they, with work. However, Sean and I stayed in contact and through him, I was getting news on the other two.

Nonetheless, I missed them.

"I missed you" Troy mumbled before engulfing me in a bone crushing hug. Between Sean and Drake, Tony was the most 'timid' one. Those three were known as heartless, cold and ruthless killers to the world but to me, these three are the most kind people I've met.

They're always on guard around everyone except me. I've known them ever since Sean took me in when I was homeless.

Drake then hugged me as soon as Troy parted away. I smiled at the three, "I missed you guys, too."

"We definitely need to hang out." Drake said making all of us nod our heads. Sean then added, "Once we've dealt with Vladimir."

"If you guys are done with your little reunion, can we begin the damn meeting?" Enzo said calmly but the hint of annoyance and anger in his voice was definitely noticed by everyone.

Sean cleared his throat before nodding and walking towards his seat. Both Drake and Troy followed him and took their seat next to him while I stood next to Enzo as there were other people standing beside the others.

"So" Sean clasped his hands together, "We came here because of Vladimir. We just need the best arms, weapons, fighters, assassins and others to take down Vladimir once and for all."

Enzo nodded, "I've called the two best guns dealers. They told me that they'll be coming here to discuss the…deal."

"Leonard and Sandro? I doubt they'll agree to deal with us because of our…reputation in the underworld. These two deals only with small gangs and powerful businessmen not mafia bosses. They are powerful and influential…" Sean paused and glanced at Enzo who was raising his brows. Sean shook his head before continuing, "Okay…maybe not that powerful and influential but one wrong move from our side will get the police on our backs and we cannot risk that. We will not threaten them."

Enzo groaned before running a hand through his hairs in frustration. He hated it when things doesn't go the way he has planned- that's one of the thing that I have learnt about him ever since I came here.

"What do you suggest we do?" Enzo almost snapped at Sean but managed to control his anger.

"We'll give them money and if they don't agree, we'll have to find someone else. Probably the third best weapons dealer- Jeremy Mosareto." Sean shrugged.

"Not possible." A familiar voice replied out of nowhere. Alessio. Since when was he here? He shot me a tight smile before focussing back on Enzo and the there.

"Why not?" Sean's brows furrowed in confusion while Alessio replied, "He's dead. Unless, you know some witch to resurrect him, I doubt he'll be useful."

"Wait what?!" Sean almost shouted in disbelief, "who the fuck killed him?"

Alessio shrugged, "I did." He glanced at me with a smirk on his face which made me tilt my head to the side, confused as to why he would kill that man.

"What the hell?!" Tony asked, "Why?"

"I needed someone to get my weapons from. Leonard and Sandro are too hard to deal with so…I settled on dealing with little Jeremy. I was ready to give him around two millions but no, little guy wanted ten millions for his worthless weapons. I had no choice but to shoot the guy and take all his weapons. I don't regret it because now, ladies and gentlemen, I have a mansion full of weapons."  Alessio grinned.

"And I share them with the Italian Mafia." Alessio added.

I was sure that Alessio must be wondering where I get my weapons from. I mean, I'm an assassin, the deadliest and I work alone. Of course, I wouldn't go and get weapons from an ordinary nothing weapons shop.

I actually get my weapons from Leo and San- right, the two best dealers. They're my friends and they know that I'm the deadly.

"So, what do we do?" Sean asked impatiently.

"We wait for the two and see what they decide." Enzo replied calmly.

After a few minutes, the door to the mansion flew open and footsteps were heard coming in our direction.

Everyone including myself, snapped our heads in the direction of the sound.  I saw two familiar men standing there beside each other. They weren't alone, they had bodyguards all around them.