
Her Revenge | BOOK ONE

Azalea (Lea), known as the 'Deadly', is a twenty years old assassin, who has had only one goal in her life : Avenge her parents' death. She's the best of the bests. She is feared by many. She was taking down every people who were involved in her parents' death until she falls into the hands of the Italian Mafia leader, Enzo De Luca. He is scary, cold, emotionless and ruthless. He is said to be heartless because of his lack of emotions. He kills without thinking twice. Just like, Lea, he's feared by many. What happens when The two start to feel things they've never really felt before? What happens when the most feared Don meets the most feared don? IG : actb4thinking

actb4thinking · สมัยใหม่
32 Chs


I stared at the small yet beautiful house in front of me. I was at Marissa's Kent house. I came to convince her father to let Blake and Marissa get together.

Okay let's be honest, I didn't come here to convince him with sweet words. I came here to convince him with a knife and a gun.

If the man was to refuse, I would kill him then Marissa would be free to make her own choices. If the man was to agree which was the wisest decision to make, then it will be for his own good.

I knocked on his door and waited for him to open the door. He was supposed to be alone since I came at a time where Marissa was supposed to be working. I found out that she works in a small cafe somewhere around the place.

I waited and waited for someone to open the damn door but nobody did so I opened it myself and barged in.

"Rodrigo Kent" I called his name as I made my way inside. "Anyone here?"

"Please help!!!" I heard someone shouting. I quickly rushed towards the sound of the voice and what I saw almost made my eyes pop out of their place.

What the fuck was he doing there?

"P-pl-please I-ll let h-her d-do what she w-wants. D-don't ki-kill m-me, p-lea-se." the man pleaded, tears pouring from his eyes, down his cheeks.

"You abuse her for fuck's sake!" Enzo shouted, his voice filled with anger making the man flinch. He had his gun pointed to the man's forehead.

I walked to his side and stopped him before he shoot the man. "Don't"

"Why not?" He removed his stare from the man to me, his gun still placed to the man's forehead.

"A Quick Death is too easy. He needs to be tortured and abused too so that he can feel the pain." I replied, staring coldly at the man. A flash of fear crossed his eyes and he stiffened.

Did he seriously think that I would tell Enzo to spare him? Me out of all people?

"You're going to call your daughter and tell her that you're leaving her and you're going to apologize to her for everything you've done to her right now." Enzo ordered to which the man nodded instantly. "Put it on speaker"

With his trembling hands, he took out his phone and dialed his daughter's number. He then put it on speaker.

"D-dad" The girl's voice was trembling, "W-wha-t? I didn't d-do any-thi-ng this time."

The man gritted his teeth when he heard his daughter's voice, showing us how much he hated her. I was actually feeling bad for the girl but I didn't show it. I kept my cold and emotionless face like Enzo was.

"M-Marissa. I want to apologize for everything I did. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have treated you the way I did. I...I am leaving forever. You can live the life you've always wanted. Bye." He instantly cut the call without waiting for her response.

"Happy?!" He snapped at both me and Enzo who knocked him out with his gun.

"Why are you here?" Enzo asked, as he lifted Rodrigo's body and walk outside. I followed him and watched as he placed Rodrigo in his car.

"Thought I'd help Blake with his 'love life'. What about you?" I asked, raising my brows. "Same shit" He replied, "I'd do anything for the ones I care about."

"Even if it means dying?" I asked.

"Even if it means dying" he repeated. Without sparing me another look, he got inside his car and drove away.

I stare at his car before going into mine. It was time to end the last man apart Vladimir who was present on the crime scene of my parents' death.

His name was Wade Horseman.

Stupid name, I know.

He's forty seven years old, married, two daughters. As much as I'd hate to orphan his daughters and widow his wife, I have to. He deserved it.

I removed my phone and looked at his address and current location before getting into my car then I went straight for him.


I entered the hotel in which Wade was staying. I got into a room of the hotel and changed my clothes into what the staffs there were wearing then made my way upstairs, to the same floor where Wade's room was. Once I was standing in front of his door, I knocked.

Seconds later, he opened it and raised his brows at me. "Who are you?"

"Room service" I replied with a fake smile. His mouth formed an 'O' in realization. He moved away to let me in which I did.

As soon as I heard the click sound from the door, meaning that He locked the door, I turned around to face him.

"Why are you staring at me? Do your job and clean the damn room! I'm expecting guests tonight." He barked orders at me which I hated.

I walked towards the door while he got away from it. He couldn't be near the door or he would escape.

I then removed my gun and shoot him in both his legs instantly before he could react. He groaned in pain as he held onto his legs.

"Who the fuck are you? What the fuck do you want?!" He shouted, still groaning in pain. I walked towards him while he backed away until his back was in contact with the bed.

"Four years ago…" I started, "You along with Vladimir and some other men who are now dead, killed Elizabeth and Robert Romano. Am I right?"

His eyes widened before he shook his head instantly. "I don't know where you heard that but that's not true!!"

I shot him in his right arm, making him scream in pain. "Don't lie to me." I hissed before asking again, "Were you there or not?"

"I w-w-as." He stuttered.

"Do you know who killed Lewis, Logan and the others?" I asked, tilting my head to the side so that I could take a look at his tattoo, showing on his neck. It was a dragon tattoo, showing that he was part of the Russian Mafia.

He nodded his head at my question, ignoring the pain he was feeling, "The Deadly."

"Good. Do you know why they were killed?"

He shook his head, "N-no."

"They were involved in my parents' death. That's right, Wade, I'm the world's best assassin. Your worst nightmare." I whispered making him shiver in fear.

I then shot his left arm and he screamed in pain again. I removed my knife before stabbing it into his ears one by one and watched as his eyes grew wide with pain.

He begged for me to stop but I wasn't going to. He, along with his other partners and Vladimir ruined my life.

I was alone, homeless. I've been through hell and back.

"Fuck you" I spat at the man before slitting his throat.