


I could see how nervous she was when she saw my mom and I knew at this point I need to be there for her.

I look into her eyes and I could see fear written all over her face and I tighten my grip around her wrist and I gave her some courage that I and here that she has my back.

I could see my mom standing with Juliana and I knew she did it on a purpose because of Shade and even my Ex Lara was flashing her teeth from afar, That girl has no shame, she cheated on me and still have the gut to show her face in my presence and still trying to get me back to herself.

I could feel someone Shade shaking her hand and I look into her face and I realize my Ebony beauty Shade is already upset seeing Lara at the party,  to make Shade calm down and Lara go crazy , I bend a bit and place my lips on her cheek and I could see how happy Shade was and how upset Lara was , Shade felt happy , I could see the shock from my kiss on her face and the joy on her face and she gave me kiss on my cheek and I I look back to where Lar was she was leaving angrily.


My mom and Dad and Juliana walked up to us and she was like I should go and have a private  conversation with Juliana, God knows I have never liked that girl, not like she is  a bad girl , I just don’t connect with her.

She has always wanted me giving me some greenlight and I know it but the truth is I have never thought of having even just a drink with her.

When mom mentioned it again,I decided to go with her and I know my Ebony beauty must be angry at me but I know what I am doing.

As I and Juliana walked away she wanted to hold my hand but I shove my two hands into the pocket and she picked two glass of wine and she gave me one and I told her it is fine that I am not interested in the drink and she returns it and she stood in front of me.

“My dad must have spoken to you about us, I mean you and I getting married after the whole governorship campaign thing, seriously I would have been by your side but you know the one night stand screwed everything up” she says and sips her drink.

“Point of correction, There is no us yet” I said and I look back to see what was happening to Shade and I didn’t see her anymore and I left Juliana and start scanning through the crowds with my eyes and I couldn’t find her and I keep going through the crowd and I found her lying flat on her tummy and I rush towards her to help her but before I knew it she fell into the pool , I became sacred and I rushes towards the pool and the hotel securities and one of my bodyguard was already in the pool and I jumped in and I took her away from my bodyguard and I carried her in a bridal style and I look into her face to see that she was alright, I was happy that she is alright, I didn’t even care if the camera’s were up or not, I just took her straight into the hotel suit that I always use whenever we have our political party gathering.

“ I look at her and I asked her if she want me to die because I know if anything happens to her , I will never forgive myself and I could see how sorry she was but the most important thing for me right now is how she won’t catch cold.

My bodyguard open the door for me and I took her in, I help her stand on her feet and I quickly gave her the bathing gown to change after changing she kept apologizing to me but I am not angry at her at all, I gave her my phone to make order and before I knew it my parents came in and my mom began to say lots of annoying words to this girl and I really dislike that and at the end of her taunt she said everyone is  waiting for my speech but I know she just want to separate us for the moment, I went to her  because I know how much I needed her beside me she encourage me that she is there with me that I should go but I drop my card for her just to let her know how much I needed her beside me.

I left the room saddened but I have no choice since my parents claim that people are waiting for me to assure them that I will be a great governor but when I got to the gathering it wasn’t yet time for my speech and I was pissed off, I wanted to return into the hotel room but the party chairman made sure he took my time with some irrelevant discussion.



A weekend ago, I had gone to my sugar daddies and that was how I came across the political party gala invitation card.

After I and my sugar daddy made out , he slept off and I took the invitation and I put it into my handbag.

When I got home, I pull of my shoes and I threw it somewhere and I quickly sit on my two seaters sofa  and I bring out my phone and I check my Account balance and I can see that I have more than enough to go and make some shopping. I go through the invitation and I felt happy that Kunle is going to be there, I decided that I will look extra good that day to steal the show that day and Kunle won’t be able to resist me.

Few days later I go to shop, I made sure , I bought the best and high class dress , I made sure my shoes were matching .

I kept checking my calendar until the day came , I got my hair done, my nails and my  make up too was done in one of the biggest hair salon in Lekki and I picked the dress I bought with half of my salary.

I dress up believing that with my dressing there is no doubt that Kunle won’t take his eyes of me but that girl came along and ruin my plan, just when I thought I was going to have Kunle back Kunle kissed her on the cheek, I was so pained that if I can just find a way to make that girl disappear beside him and replace I would, I was still trying not to show how hurt I was and she also kissed him on the cheek , they were being lovey- dovey in my presence and at that point I already had tears which could fall of my face anytime from now, I angrily drop my glass and leave the scene, I had to walk so far from the so call pool to cry.

I needed this cry, I needed to cry so that I can take him off my mind. I wish I knew he was coming that day that he caught me with one of my sugar Daddies having sex inside  my house , I would never had let I and that my sugar daddy met in the house then.

It is true he tries hard to satisfy me with even things I never ask for when we were dating but I am big girl , I need to always have money in my hand and get myself things to be able to stand in the midst of big girls.

My parents are not rich , we are just an average family and I have always wanted to live a big girl life all my life and I was able to live that life because of my sugar Daddies , I can’t just cut off my sugar daddies from my life just like that because we are not yet married.

I know he can give me beyond what my sugar Daddies give me but I wanted to prove that big girl and wife material to him that I am not after his money and that I am an independent woman but see where my big girl and independent woman has lead me , now I have to compete with a common housemaid to get him back . Even getting him back is so difficult right now because , I can see it,I can see how much he love and care for this girl, the look in his eyes says it all , the ways he kissed er on the cheek was so romantic, the way he holds her hand is just the way he would hold my hand then when I get worried about my work then. I want Kunle back , I can’t loose him, my chance to become the first lady of this state cannot be ruin just like that.

I saw some people coming close and I quickly dry my face and go to there toilet to wash my face, I bring out some make up from my purse and I apply it on my face and I return to the party and I began to scan around for Kunle and the girl and I could see the girl walking towards me in a haste and she wasn’t even looking up and I thought to disgrace her amongst all girls here and I just stretched my legs as she come closer to me and she fell flat to the ground and other girls laughed and I smile and I bend pretending to help her but made sure I say something more embarrassing to her loudly but in a comfort way but clever girl she knew what I was doing and she didn’t give me her hand when I stretch my hand to help her up and I felt so happy seeing Kunle come along because I know it would annoy Kunle but instead he showed her some care and I felt so angry only and just when I was still fuming I heard a loud splash in the water and I look back se had fall into the water and I laughed and the securities and Kunle’s bodyguard jumped in to rescue her and I was happy seeing the camera up I was caught by surprise when Kunle jumped in and help her if that was the only thing, it would have been better but he carried her a bridal style out of the pool, looking into her eyes as he carried her out of the scene and people forgot all about the embarrassment and they were all focus on their love towards each other, I hissed with tears falling down my face this time I had to just run to my car and cry there. 



I was all dressed today to please one man that I have always crush on since I was a teanager, my parents knows I have been turning down so many guys because of him and when my dad began to discuss with my mom about the number of people that are willing to participate in the governorship from his party, they were about six and my mom said to my Dad that , she couldn’t become a first lady of the state because when they also were contesting they never win that she wants me to become the first lady of this state while my Dad said , he also had the same Idea in his head so that it would be easy for him to be the underneath Governor while the governor voted would be a figure head and to achieve that his daughter needs to be the first lady.

I was so sad because I wasn’t ready to become second third and fifth wife to anybody because those were the selected candidate then and when Kunle’s parent came that they want their son to be an aspirant instead of them, I was so happy and when Dad wanted to decline him because of his age I had to encourage Dad but today what he could is to intimidate me with a common housemaid, it it was so other girl , I won’t be pained but a housemaid that came into his life to ruin him.

Well , I have nothing to worry about afterall he has no choice than divorce her after the fake wedding, afterall I am still the future first lady of the state even though I am jealous.

When Kunle came back to the party without that girl I felt so happy that I will spend some time with him but the stupid Kunle wouldn’t stay whenever I try to come closer he would go into midst of some guys.



When I got to the store, I told the lady in charge to help me out with quality and beautiful designs since I am not very good with designers and she helped me select me select a lot of dresses and I picked a white pant suit  and I paid with the ATM and a stiletto shoe , the heel is kind of high but I can still manage to lift it with a mini handbag that I will carry like a purse, all white with a touch of pink on it, I bought a make up kit and made payment and I quickly rush into the elevator with the bodyguard following me , I quickly dress up, manage to give myself a simple make up.


When I was done crying I return to the part and to my utmost surprise, Kunle was walking to the stage and that stupid girl wasn't with him again and I said to myself.

"Falling her down and she falling into the pool has kept her in the place she belongs, behind the party" I smile happily and I said to myself. "After this party, I would go after Kunle only for Kunle who was about to begin his speech stop and said. "I have to do this, women deserve their respect and that moment I turn back and all heads were already back staring at someone and Kunle got down the stage.


“ I stood after dressing up and I look at myself in the mirror , I felt the confidence in me and I picked up the mini bag and I put the handle into the bag and placing it by my side and I stepped out with the two bodyguard beside me , I know I look different in my dressing because I wasn’t wearing a gown.

I walked boldly into the venue and all heads turns back to me and Kunle who was about giving his speech said.

“Sorry , I have to do this, women deserves to be respected” he walked to me and he stood smiling at me, he held my hand and kissed the back of my palm and we both walked to the stage