
Hello World: CEV

Neh, I'm sure you're very bored right now, You don't have anything to read right? Why don't you read my book?

Claudia_ · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Do you feel it?

Life is a little dull, Isn't it?

Don't you sometimes wish you could live in a world full of wonders and adventure? Living in your favorite shows, as many people would agree, is a dream come true. just thinking of it is bliss to my heart, just to finally feel excitement and joy again.

I've been stressed out my entire life; my life isn't anything out of the ordinary; I wake up, take a shower, go to school, sleep, and repeat I had done this for 15 years. This routine turned me into a machine-like being, never feeling particularly excited about anything in particular and simply accepting whatever came my way. Society shaped me into a dull person with no personality; it narrowed my mind to everything the world has to offer; and it formed me into a bland person, forcing me to agree with everything others say just to fit in.

Today I wanted to do something different, take a walk outside, I want to watch the trees sway, I want to watch the clouds dance, and Feel the swift air blowing in my face. hmm, I'm satisfied with life. Depression and stress overtook my being from a long time ago, but today I made a decision that I have been thinking about for a really long time ago. I went back to my house and close the door, lock it and close the curtain on my windows. I went to my room and sat down in front of my desk, just to look at my PC. "this thing helped me go through and endure my depression till this day, " I thought. Anime, manga, movies, they all made my day always better, That's why I appreciate them from the bottom of my heart. I especially treasure Tensura since it opened my eyes and showed me a world I didn't know about.

I guess I should do it now before I change my mind. I took a bottle from under my desk cabinet and sat down on my bed, I look at the bottle in my hand, It had a symbol of a rat dying on it, with much determination... I drank the pills and lay down. A couple of seconds pass by and I feel it, My body.. reacting to the poison, my mind got hazy from the start, and then convulsing and finally, my heart stopped, causing oxygen to be unable to get into my brain.

Clint Evans Violet was found dead at his apartment.

January 8th, 2022

Cause of death: suicide by rat poison.