418 Let's Get a Divorce (3)

นักแปล: Atlas Studios บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

Si Zhengting's voice was sharp as usual, but this time, there was a hint of hoarseness.

As Zhuang Nainai listened to him, she lifted up her head to meet his steady gaze and then nodded.

He surely had some opinion or another about her proposal for divorce the day before.

Without eating breakfast, Zhuang Nainai decidedly followed him into the study room. As they sat opposite each other, the atmosphere felt somewhat formal and uptight.

Yet after sitting like this for a while, Si Zhengting made no attempt to speak. Unable to resist any longer, Zhuang Nainai gave a slight cough. "Umm…"

"I've thought about the proposal for divorce that you made yesterday."

Zhuang Nainai was cut off just as she was about to speak. Stunned, she looked at him, her heart in suspense.

He couldn't possibly disagree, could he?


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