
Hell-Verse: Randal's Rebellion"

Randal's Rebellion follows the journey of Randal Shrifeman, a young man mysteriously transported to Hell. He discovers that he is the son of a mortal woman and the demonic ruler, Lucifer. Randal, along with his new friends Dante Firenot and Elizabeth Eve, navigates the complex social, political, and economic landscape of Hell,... And has one hell of a time

IAMAFRAUD · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

The hunt

The following morning, Dante and Randal rose early, eager to set out on their hunt for the Gorehound. Over breakfast, Dante shared more information about the creature's weaknesses.

"The Gorehound is particularly susceptible to fire magic, Randal. That's good news for you since you've just learned the fire rune. Its thick hide might be resistant to physical attacks, but it's not as effective against magical flames. If we can manage to land a few solid hits with fire magic, we should be able to weaken it enough to finish it off."

Randal asked, "What about the wind rune? Can I use that to our advantage as well?"

Dante nodded, "Yes, actually. The wind rune can be useful in deflecting or dodging the Gorehound's attacks. Additionally, if you can manage to use the wind to manipulate its movements or disrupt its balance, it'll give us an opening to strike with fire."

"Is there anything else I should know about the Gorehound?" Randal inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Well," Dante said, "they tend to hunt in packs, so we should be prepared to face more than one. They're also quite intelligent and may try to outsmart us. We need to be cautious and stick to our plan."

As they finished their meal, Dante handed Randal a book about the local creatures and animals in the Hell-Verse. "This should give you some insight into the beasts we may encounter. It's always good to be prepared and know what you're up against."

Randal gratefully accepted the book, eager to learn more about the creatures of this strange new world. He knew that knowledge would be his greatest weapon as he continued his journey through the Hell-Verse.

As Dante and Randal continued to track the Gorehound, they couldn't help but notice the distant rumbling of heavy footsteps. They exchanged concerned glances, both aware that the giant creature they had encountered before was somewhere nearby.

"Do you think it's following us?" Randal whispered nervously.

Dante shook his head, "I'm not sure, but we should be careful. If it is following us, we don't want to lead it back to the village."

They pressed on cautiously, keenly aware of their surroundings. The rumbling footsteps eventually faded into the distance, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief. As they moved deeper into the dense, twisted forest, the air grew thick with the scent of sulfur and decay. The twisted trees seemed to close in around them, their gnarled branches reaching out like skeletal hands.

Soon, they began to hear the yips and howls of the Gorehounds echoing through the woods. They crouched down behind a large, moss-covered boulder, trying to determine the size of the pack they were about to face.

"I count at least five," Dante whispered, "but there could be more."

Randal's heart raced as he listened to the eerie howls, "Are we really prepared for this?"

Dante looked at Randal with determination in his eyes, "We have no choice. We need to deal with this pack before they cause any more trouble for the village. Just stick to the plan, and we'll be fine."

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Randal nodded in agreement. They waited until the yips and howls seemed to move further away before continuing their pursuit, both knowing that they were about to face one of their most dangerous challenges yet.

Dante and Randal moved stealthily through the underbrush, keeping their eyes peeled for any sign of the straggling Gorehound. It wasn't long before they spotted the creature, its dark fur mottled with patches of dried blood, sniffing the air as if sensing their presence.

"Now's our chance," Dante whispered urgently, "We need to take it down before it rejoins the pack."

Randal nodded, feeling a surge of adrenaline as he prepared to engage the beast. Dante made the first move, sending a flurry of small, razor-sharp blades flying from his fingertips toward the Gorehound. They whistled through the air, embedding themselves in the creature's flank. The Gorehound snarled in pain and anger, its attention now fully focused on its attackers.

Randal stepped forward, his heart pounding in his chest. He quickly formed a rune in the air, igniting his fists with a flickering, red flame. As the Gorehound lunged at him, Randal dodged to the side and delivered a powerful, fiery punch to the creature's ribs. The beast yelped in pain, its fur singed and smoking from the impact.

The Gorehound, now enraged, snapped its jaws at Randal, narrowly missing his arm as he ducked out of the way. Dante, seeing an opening, moved in and slashed at the creature's legs with his magic-infused sword. The blade cut through flesh and bone with ease, sending the Gorehound crashing to the ground.

Seizing the opportunity, Randal leaped onto the fallen beast, his flaming fists raining down blow after blow on its vulnerable underbelly. The Gorehound writhed and howled in pain, its desperate attempts to escape only weakening it further.

Finally, with a final, brutal punch from Randal, the Gorehound fell limp, its once-fierce eyes now glazed over in death. Panting heavily, Randal and Dante exchanged relieved looks, knowing they had narrowly avoided a much more dangerous confrontation with the rest of the pack.

Randal, his heart still racing from the excitement of their victory, could hardly contain his enthusiasm. "We did it! We took it down!"

Dante, however, remained cautious, his eyes darting about the surroundings. "We don't have much time. Let's collect what we need from the carcass and move quickly."

As they hurriedly gathered materials from the fallen Gorehound, another of the creatures appeared from the underbrush, drawn by the sounds of battle. It snarled at them, its eyes filled with rage at the sight of its dead packmate.

"We've got company!" Randal shouted, his excitement quickly turning to apprehension.

Dante moved to engage the new opponent, his sword slashing through the air as he closed the distance between them. Randal followed suit, forming another rune to ignite his fists with fire once more.

They managed to take down the second Gorehound quickly, their previous experience giving them the edge in battle. However, as the creature fell, it let out a piercing, desperate howl that echoed through the forest.

Dante's face went pale. "That was a call for reinforcements. We need to get out of here, now!"

Randal's excitement turned to fear as he realized the implications of the Gorehound's howl. The two of them quickly gathered the remaining materials they needed and began to flee the area, knowing that they were about to be swarmed by a pack of enraged Gorehounds.

As they ran, Randal could hear the distant howls and yips of the pack closing in. The once quiet forest was now alive with the sounds of pursuit, and the pair knew they needed to find shelter or risk being overwhelmed by the pack.

The suspense hung heavy in the air as Randal and Dante pushed themselves to their limits, the sounds of the Gorehounds growing ever closer, the promise of a dangerous confrontation looming on the horizon.

The pack of Gorehounds caught up with Dante and Randal, their snarls filling the air. One of the creatures managed to bring Dante down, its sharp teeth sinking into his satchel and pulling him off balance.

Randal, now cornered by three more Gorehounds, prepared to defend himself. Their vicious snarls and snapping jaws made it clear that they were out for blood. As Randal tried to fend them off, he was quickly overwhelmed, taking several heavy hits from the creatures.

Dante, meanwhile, struggled against the Gorehound that had brought him down. Summoning his strength, he managed to fight it off, finally forcing it to release its grip on his satchel. Panting and bruised, Dante looked over to Randal and saw him in trouble.

"Randal!" Dante shouted over the snarls and growls. "Use your wind runes! You can evade their attacks!"

His voice carried over the cacophony of the battle, giving Randal a moment of clarity amidst the chaos. With his remaining strength, Randal focused on the wind runes he had learned, hoping to gain the upper hand against the relentless Gorehounds.

Randal quickly etched the wind runes onto his fists, the symbols glowing with a pale blue light. As he thrust his fists forward, a powerful gust of wind erupted from them, forcing him to stumble backward while blowing the approaching Gorehounds away from him.

Feeling a sudden surge of inspiration, Randal decided to try something new. He etched wind runes onto his back, hoping to propel himself forward with the same force he had just experienced. As he launched himself toward the Gorehounds, he also traced fire runes onto his fists, flames flickering and dancing around his hands.

Randal shot through the air like a missile, his wind-propelled charge catching the nearest Gorehound off guard. The combination of wind and fire magic on his fists increased the force of his attack, and he struck the creature with a devastating blow, killing it instantly.

Emboldened by his newfound strategy, Randal continued his assault on the remaining Gorehounds, using his wind and fire magic in tandem to overpower them. Even the Gorehound that had been attacking Dante was no match for Randal's relentless onslaught.

Dante watched in awe as Randal took down the last of the creatures, his earlier concern replaced by a mixture of pride and amazement. He had never seen someone adapt to using magic in such a creative and effective way so quickly.

Dante looked at Randal, eyes wide with astonishment. "How are you learning all this so quickly? You're incredible, Randal!"

Randal, still catching his breath from the intense fight, humbly replied, "I couldn't have done it without you, Dante. Your guidance and encouragement made all the difference."

The pair began to gather the valuable materials from the fallen Gorehounds, working quickly to avoid attracting any more unwanted attention. As they worked, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, a sinister smirk on his face. It was one of Orkal's gang members who had been following them.

"Orkal isn't too pleased with your little act of defiance," the gang member sneered. "You've caused him enough trouble, and now it's time to pay."

With a swift movement, the gang member drew a rune of darkness in the air, its inky tendrils reaching out to bind Dante and Randal in place. They struggled against the oppressive force, but found themselves unable to break free.

As they were bound, the earth began to tremble beneath their feet, the sound of heavy footsteps growing closer and louder. A massive demonic bear, known as an Ursagor, lunged out of the nearby undergrowth, roaring ferociously. It seemed to have been drawn by the commotion, and now its sights were set on the Orkal gang member.

The Ursagor charged the gang member, its powerful claws swiping through the air. Caught off guard, the gang member was forced to defend himself against the monstrous bear, inadvertently freeing Dante and Randal from his dark rune's grasp.

Seizing the opportunity, Dante and Randal grabbed as many Gorehound materials as they could carry and fled the scene, leaving the gang member to fend for himself against the fearsome Ursagor. Though they hadn't been able to gather everything they had hoped for, they were grateful to have escaped with their lives intact.