
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs

chapter 9 : A Successful Assassination ?

Well I added a new powerful character for the plot,

Eid Mubarak !

Enjoy !




Kenjaku doesn't intentionally intimidate anyone or control people through fear to get them to serve his interests. He manipulates them in clever ways using his charm to convince them they share a common goal. The mighty Sukuna, the calamity of aggression that disregards all else, worked with Kenjaku to split his soul into twenty cursed objects after death.

This entity have the ability to swap bodies, by transplanting his brain into the body, which gave him semi-immortality, the vessels he used throughout the years were : Suguru Geto , Noritoshi Kamo (not the kid), unknown person, Kaori Itadori. He caught himself sometimes acting like the original owner of the body, which means those vessels resisted him at some point.

He was smart enough to realise that he has to get rid of Aki as soon as possible, that kid could sabotage his plans, he possessed immense power and techniques that were not even known during Hein era, so pets like Jogo and Choso must collide to defeat him, but he needed them for his other plans, this kid is troubling him and he didn't like the feeling of that.

During Heain era, using assassins was so popular, want to get rid of someone? Just pay and it's all done, the stronger the assassin,the harder the task, the higher the price.

There once an individual, an outcast from the royal clan, Gojo clan, that shone bright in the field of assassination. With his blonde curls and blood red eyes that sent shivers to his targets, possessing an hight enhanced strength and strategic intellectual, the man never really wanted to be good (because, let's face it, good is boring), but is smart enough to know not to be evil either.

Not the lifeless, uninteresting murder one read about in books and fantasies, but rather, a character you couldn't describe as good or evil, nice or mean. A gray character if the wording is sound, as long as the pay is good , he is willing to do the job no matter how dirty it is. The abuse he went through, growing up, mad him see the world in a different way.

He tends to see the world in shades of nuance rather than stark black and white. They recognize that most situations and people exist in a complex moral gray area, with both positive and negative qualities, rather than being simply good or evil.

This Man likely views the world through a pragmatic lens, focused more on what works or what achieves their goals, rather than on abstract notions of right and wrong. He is probably willing to make compromises and engage in morally questionable actions if he believe it will lead to a favorable outcome.

At the same time, his 'gray character' may still have a personal moral code or set of principles that he adheres to, even if those principles are flexible and context-dependent. He'd just justify his actions based on circumstantial factors or a perceived greater good.

Overall, this sorcerer's worldview is defined by a lack of absolute moral certainty. He sees the world as a complex tapestry where the ends can sometimes justify the means, and where the line between good and evil is often blurred. This perspective shapes how they navigate challenges and make decisions.

Does he mind killing teenagers and traumatise them ?probably not, how is still he alive since Heain are ? Well that's due to his heavenly restrictions.

Heavenly Restriction is a type of cursed restriction that affects someone's cursed energy in exchange for limitations or improvements on their body. For this boy's case, he had a low amount of cursed energy( still can use it ) in exchange for eternal youth and enhanced physical abilities, this is probably not even considered a heavenly Restriction because how beneficialit is, he has been in the shadows, accepting quests from time to time. Practically, a monster way stronger than Toji Fushiguru himself!

Kubukitchõ District of shinjiku

monday, 12 am

A a blonde laid between dead bodies, in dark room filled with the scent of blood nad the smoke of his cigarette, sitting on the corps like a king on a throne,

"Long time no see, Melon bread " scoffs the men as he sensed the presence of Kenjaku

"Hello, Uritchi ,sure it's been along time since we met" responded with a calm tone and a smile

"So what brought to me after all this years ?" Asked the hitman before taking a drag from his cigarette

"Well, let's say I need a favor, are you still a gold-digger ?" The tension in the air is unbearable

"Watch ur mouth, femboy , and Yeh I'm always up for a great deal ! " joked the man before in a split-second, he was right behind Keno, a dagger to his throat

"So what u got for me ~?" Asked threateningly

"The Holy spear, do you still have it ?" The man sounded surprised upon hearing the odd question

"Why do you need such useless tool? It can not even damage the soul that much? "

"*chuckleed*....Of course you would not know what kind of power that spear holds...." as he turned to face the hitman, causing him to relax and withdraw his dagger.

"It can create molds upon using it with reversal cursed technique (positive)" then he added " perfect for killing semi-immortal creatures "

"Wow wow wow wow-wait, Killing ImMoRtaL CreAtUres ? " almost mockingly

Keno frowned, this man clearly knows how to get on his nerves, he annoys him just by existing, something hard to trigger out of him.

"Man, I left for years, just for you to get even crazy !" While wrapping an arm around him.

"Shut up, will you cooperate or not ?" Eyes practically making a hole through the poor man

"Nuh uh , I'll see the target first, maybe I can kill him without the tool" said confidently

"Hmm...I like to see you try, but you'll die" smirking

Monday, 4pm

Blue bottle coffee Shibuya

Aki was sitting, waiting for his order in the coffee shop, scrolling on his phone, he looked around after sensing a low amount of cursed energy, well there was no curse to be seen, the people in the cafe were loud, and kind of strange, like the way they eat, the way they talk was exactly the same.

Short after, the waiter came with the order, and Aki couldn't help but be drawn to his red eyes, were red eyes a human thing ?

He just toom his things then left, as he walked out of the store, his eyes caught something or someone that cursed his coffe to fall and spill all over the ground.

He started shaking, trembling,in front of him wasn't any ordinary person but his mother, not the new one but his one and only carved in his heart.

The sight of her stopped him in his tracks, his breath catching in his throat. For a moment, he was convinced his eyes were playing tricks on him - there, across the crowded street, was his mother, exactly as he remembered her. The same warm smile, the familiar gait, the kind eyes that had looked upon him with such love.

His heart raced as a flood of emotions washed over him. Disbelief, nostalgia, a profound sense of loss. How could this be? She was gone forever, her absence a gaping wound that had never fully healed.

Memories came rushing back - her gentle voice soothing him as a child, the comfort of her embrace, the unwavering support she had provided throughout his life. He ached to hear her laugh, to see that radiant smile directed at him once more.

Grief gripped him, the pain of her passing cutting through him anew. He fought back tears, wishing he could run to her, to hold her one last time, to tell her all the things he had left unsaid. The regret of missed opportunities weighed heavily upon him.

And yet, in this fleeting moment, he felt a glimmer of solace. It was as if a part of her lived on, her spirit lingering in the world, a comforting reminder of the indelible mark she had left upon his life. He drew strength from the knowledge that her love would forever be a guiding light, even in her absence. She couldn't be real it's just an illusion, right ?

The encounter was bittersweet. In that instant, he was both heartbroken and grateful, his soul stirred by the ghostly presence of the woman who had meant everything to him.

His eyes widened even more, she was pushed by the crowd! How is this even possible? Was she actually real ? No way in hell, before he knew it , tears started rolling down his cheeks, he ran to her, like he used to when she comes back from work, like the kid that was buried inside of him. As he caught up to her, holding her ..cold hands ? Suddenly, everyone beside them disappeared, that caught him off guard, the fear of her disappearing now , was unlocked.

He heard a laughter behind him, it was that waiter boy,

"Awww so sweet, meeting Momy again, though this woman clearly isn't your mom, perhaps a close nanny ? Who knows, rich brats mommy issues " he scoffed

The realisation washed over him, of course another damned assassin, he was so pissed off he started laughing like crazy.

"Of course another fucker, " whipping his tears , then added with a grin "didn't feel your cursed energy though, how can you pull something like this while being a monkey? "

"Ehh~ moved on so swiftly, man I wanted to watch something emotional " He drew his holy spear

"Heavenly restrictions, man I've seen this scenario before, boring! "

"C'mon I'll be fun , I promise! "Enthusiastically, while jumping in his spot

"Why do you want to kill me in the first place, I can give you money! " Aki was joking ,obviously, but to his suprise, the man was considering it, whoever said money can't solve your problems, must not have enough money to solve them.

"Hmm I was given a cursed tool that reinforce my cursed energy and 100k, what do you offer ?" Asked the man , crossing his arms

Aki chuckled before answering " bruh, I can give you something even more interesting! " he stepped closer " a contract and 300k , what do you say ?" In a confident tone

" A contract? "

"Yup, a contract that gives you the ability to summon ...*pausing before getting dramatic*...BAREM BRIDGE ! WHOOO HOOO !" The boy started doing some sound effects

"Who the Heck is this Baron is ?!" His expression similar to the one that Gojo usually makes.

"Barem Bridge dummy ! He is super duper strong, can transform into a fucking human flamethrower that ready to be under your control !" Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, " Imagine the forest you can burn, and sell the charl coal !"

Uritchi humed before saying " 500k and we call it a deal !" In a stern voice

"Ugh , whatever, Deal ! " they shook hands before Aki added " lemme ask my teacher for the money " the man beside him was able to hear the screams of the man on the other side of he phone, they argued for an hour before hanging up.

"THAT BASTARD IS RICH YET CHEAP AS HELL !" Said in frustration, then turned to the man beside him.

"Let's settle everything tomorrow, so...um..wanna hang out ?" Well, to his suprise the man just shrugged and pulled his car keys

"Let's go "

Aki and Uritchi cruised down the bustling streets of Tokyo, windows rolled down and music blasting from the car's speakers. The two had just met that day, but already they were thick as thieves, trading jokes and banter back and forth.

"Dude, did you see the way that guy was eyeing up that girl back there?" Aki chuckled, elbowing Uritchi playfully. "Social anxiety is afraidof him."

Uritchi let out a hearty laugh, shaking his head. "Yeah, man. Might as well have had 'creep' written on his forehead. Gotta work on that game, am I right?"

The two erupted into a fit of laughter, slapping their knees as they reveled in their shared amusement. Aki reached over and cranked up the volume, the pulsing beat of a J-pop song filling the car.

"Alright, bro, let's see what kind of moves you've got!" Aki shouted, bobbing his head to the music.

Uritchi grinned, unbuckling his seatbelt and turning to face Aki. "Oh, you know I'm about to bring the heat! Watch and learn, my friend."

With that, Uritchi launched into an impromptu dance routine, his arms and legs flailing in a hilariously uncoordinated display. Aki howled with laughter, joining in with his own awkward dance moves.

The two continued their antics, weaving through the traffic and drawing amused glances from passersby. At one point, Uritchi even leaned out the window, shouting a string of nonsensical Japanese phrases that had Aki in stitches.

Eventually, they decided to ditch the car and continue their adventure on foot, wandering the bustling streets and alleyways of Tokyo. Aki and Uritchi pointed out the most bizarre and hilarious sights, cracking jokes and playfully shoving each other as they went.

"Dude, did you see the size of that guy's afro?" Uritchi exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Aki snorted, "Yeah, man! I bet he could use that thing as a parachute if he jumped off a building."

The two erupted into another fit of laughter, their carefree antics drawing amused glances from the locals. It was a day filled with pure, unadulterated bro-tastic fun, and Aki and Uritchi were loving every minute of it.

Thay bought sunglasses, and a damned white cane , now that had to choose their target, they spotted a lonely looking man sitting on a bench, they wore their sunglasses and went in a opposite directions so they can cross path arriving at the man spot, they pretend to be blind before bumping into each other,

"ARE U FUCKING BLIND ! " yelled aki

"WHO ARD U CALLING BLIND , U BITCH !" Yelled back Uritchi, they started fighting the air which made the man let out some giggles that was soon enough cut but the two men positioning in a baseball hit position, ready to strike the man, the poor jumped off his seat before sprinting out while the two chased after him with their canes.

They stopped,after a while, of wandering and bothering people.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the Tokyo skyline in a warm, golden glow, Aki and Uritchi found themselves plopping down on a bench, their sides aching from all the laughter.

"Whew, I don't think I've had this much fun in ages, bro," Aki said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Uritchi nodded in agreement, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, man. I mean, did you see the look on that old lady's face when I started breakdancing in the middle of the street?"

Aki snorted, "Oh, dude, classic! And what about that dude with the combover? I thought his hair was gonna take flight and fly away!"

"Don't get me started at the bench man !"

The two erupted into a fit of laughter, their voices carrying across the bustling square as they reveled in their shared sense of humor.

"Seriously, though," Uritchi said, once the laughter had died down, "this city is full of some real characters, huh?"

Aki nodded, his eyes scanning the crowd. "You got that right. Like, check out that guy over there, the one with the fanny pack and socks pulled up to his knees. What's his deal, am I right?"

Uritchi followed Aki's gaze, his lips curling into a smirk. "Oh, man, that's gold. Bet he's got a collection of vintage Beanie Babies at home or something."

"What that fuck that means ? You're talking like an old wagg!"

The two chuckled, their heads shaking in amusement as they continued to point out the most peculiar and amusing sights around them.

"And did you see the way that couple was arguing back there?" Aki said, his voice laced with a hint of schadenfreude. "I mean, talk about a train wreck waiting to happen."

Uritchi let out a low whistle, "Yikes, yeah. I give 'em a week, tops, before one of them ends up sleeping on the couch."

"And bruh, You're so fucking racist, way more than my teacher ! What's your deal with people, you hate them all equally! "

"What the fuck are you on, I'm not racist !"

The two shared a conspiratorial look, their laughter tinged with a touch of cruelty as they reveled in the misfortunes of those around them. It was a twisted, yet strangely bonding experience, as if their shared broken sense of humor had forged an unbreakable connection between them.

As the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, Aki and Uritchi rose from the bench, their sides still aching from the day's antics. With a final fist-bump, the two set off, ready to continue their cheesy, bro-tastic adventure through the streets of Tokyo.

Their shared comfortable silence was interrupted by a phone call to Aki,

"What!...hum.....Yes I'm near.....ok" He hung up then turned his companion

"Are you in for an exorcism? " grinning from ear to ear

"Hmmm...Heck ya !"

Some old factory in Tokyo

The abandoned factory looms in the night, a crumbling relic of a bygone era. Shadows dance across the decaying walls, as nature slowly reclaims the once-bustling space. Silence and decay permeate the air, a haunting testament to the impermanence of human progress.

"Pretty ugly , right ?" Said Aki while observing the place

"Yup, hey can we get back ? I'm kinda hun-" He couldn't finish his sentence as Aki's got chopped off by a special grade curse.

The Curse of the Forgotten Memories, a curse the man encountered before.

This malevolent curse takes the form of a shadowy, amorphous entity that feeds on the memories and experiences of its victims. When activated, the curse envelops the target in a thick, inky darkness that seeps into their mind, slowly erasing their recollections.

As the curse progresses, the victim begins to forget key details about their life - names, faces, important events, even their own identity. This loss of memory causes immense psychological distress, as the victim struggles to maintain a grip on their sense of self.

The more the curse consumes, the more the victim's personality and sense of being unravels. They become disoriented, confused, and increasingly detached from reality. In the final stages, the victim's mind is completely wiped clean, leaving an empty shell devoid of any memories or sense of self.

Basically keep on changing the flow of cursed energy in your brain to break free.

Uritchi quickly jumped off, with his holy spear he manged to cut off a part of the curse, to his suprise , he was sad and angry for some reason, but short after caught off by the voice of Aki.

"Nah, this curse is a bitch, it's trying to fuck with my memories" um, excuse me ? Keno said this kid had insane regeneration but didn't mention he could survive his head being chopped off !

"I'm impressed! " exclaimed the man

"C'mon, let's kill this thing , but how doesn't it affect you? "

"Well, I'm one of a kind !" Grinning

[Blood edge: one hera of blood]

A rain of sharp blood tools falling at the curse from different direction making it head towards where Uritchi was standing.

He used his fist to push the curse, sending it flying at Aki, who just pulled off knew move

[Cursed energy blast : Reversal]

Using positive cursed energy, he shot it with a blast that glowed in red, making a hole in the creature, but it regenerated quickly

"The fuck ? I shot it with positive energy, why is it still living? "Complaining

"It heals in the darkness, maybe just shot its heart? " shrugged the man

"Omg I've always wanted to use that technique " excited , while the curse was still landing hit, the others avoided like a dance

"What technique? "Amused

"See!" As a halo appeared on his head, indicating he will use his angel techniques

[Maximum Output: Jacob's Ladder]

An extension technique that conjures a four-winged trumpet made of light in Aki's hands as well as an enormous circle of light in the sky above him, that surprised Uritchi , seeing the curse weakening to death from light, additionally, any cursed technique will be "extinguished" under the light of Jacob's Ladder.

The curse just made some noises before the blonde man kicked it, enough to kill it.

"Well gotta say, you never fail at impressing me !" Extended his hand "had a ice day, Aki "

Aki shook his hand playfully, "How about you ditch Keno and befriend me instead? " Asked with gleaming eyes

"Ehh~ you know MeLoN BrEaD ?" Asked in a silly tone

"Who else besides Kenjussy would want to kill me !" Exclaimed

"Kenjussy ? Pftt" He started laughing, "well I guess you right, but friends with no trust ?" Kind of serious tone

"Trust will be earned , no need to rush" He added "you know when used that illusion, it made me happy more than it made me sad. Thus, *turned his back to him , faking crying nose before turning* Ur FoRgiVen ! " playfully

"Yeah ...ig ?" They stared at each other, a friendship was born that day....


Yeah he needed someone to rely on besides the weaklings he had to protect.

Keno rn (clown emoji)

Till next chapter