
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs

Chapter 20 : A Date With An Angel


plz bear with it, Enjoy !


Shibuya, Tokyo

Ru was walking down the street, humming her favourite songs, wearing a dark skirt and a denim jacket. She was heading to her meeting with the sorcerer that she met the other night, the same park boy and Kenjaku's suspected lost soul, although personally she didn't want to call it a meeting either as she would just explain herself and clear any doubts in his mind.

However, that wasn't the only reason she wanted to see him again. She had become interested in getting to know him as well, perhaps because of his nature as a person. After all, she used to have a thing for people with authority.

"Let's see what this kid wants!" thought Ru as she arrived at the place they agreed to meet—a vivid park where one can hang out and enjoy the nature. Although Aki was no where to be seen. They clearly agreed to meet here, why isn't he anywhere, is he late or something ? That question wandered in her head while she was walking, suddenly she sensed a familiar flow of cursed energy. It was Aki's ?

"Ehhh! He's increasing his flow just so that I can locate him. He's staying at the coffeeshop in the corner of the block if I'm not mistaken... How did he know that I was nearby? Was it the rats again" Thought Ru as she kept walking closer and closer until she reached the bar. She looked through the window glass and saw him sitting there. "The idiot, didn't he say the park, why is he there ?" She thought while looking.

Aki knew that she found him but he did not turn his head to look at her, after all, she was already in his sight, thanks to the birds around. Ru entered the bar and walked to the table where he was sitting. Their last encounter was not satisfying for Aki, he wanted to know more than just her name.

He had a different look from yesterday. This time he was wearing a black shirt, grey pants, and sunglasses. "Hi there angel! Guess it wasn't too hard to find me," said Aki, smirking.

"Hello tomatohead ! Hope I didn't keep you waiting," said Ru as she took a seat, scoffing.

"Not at all. Besides, this is one of my favourite places to hang out so either way, I enjoy spending time here," he replied.

"Ohh! And why is that? Does this place mean anything special to you?" she asked him, wanting to know a little bit more about him.

"It does, because I used to hang out here with my dear friends," He claimed, making her a little confused.

"Dear friends ?" Asked Ru, as if suprised that he has friends

"Nevermind that! Let's move on to the topic but first," said Aki as he waved for the waitress to come over and take their orders.

"Good Afternoon and welcome. How can I help you?" Asked the waitress.

"I'll have a cappuccino with cream and cinnamon on top," said Ru.

"An espresso for me," said Aki.(Au,note: now he thinking about every night oh~)

"Right away!" Said the waitress as she took their order and left quickly. As the two of them were left alone again, while waiting for their order, Aki couldn't help but look at Ru. Her shining silver hair, her perfectly shaped nose, and those beautiful eyes of hers really captured Aki's attention for a moment.

'She truly is majestic, I guess,' thought Aki to himself. Ru noticed that he had locked his eyes on her, making her giggle a bit.

"Huhu! You're staring a lot now, the same as the first time. You like what you see?" Asked Ru with a seductive voice.

"You tell me. Who am I supposed to look at other than the person who's been making headlines recently?" Replied Aki with a smirk.

"Is that the only reason, sir Aki? Here I thought you'd be excited to see me," said Ru with a pouty face.

"Well, I'm not gonna deny it. You look beautiful tonight. It seems that me asking you out really got you excited! Getting all ready and nice!" Said Aki to her.

"Asking me out! I thought you would just interrogate me, redhead. Did I give you the wrong impression with my looks tonight?" Taunted Ru as she put her palm in front of her mouth and covered it as a sign of acting shocked, but clearly in a way of making fun of the other person.

"Hahaha!" Laughed Aki quietly as he put his hand to his forehead and fixed his hair.

"You can relax, as I told you yesterday you're not a suspect of anything, just something had to be sure of" Aki said to her.

In the meantime, their order had arrived.

"Here's your order, please enjoy," said the waitress to them.

"Thanks!" Replied Aki while Ru just nodded her head.

"So *told her his name* Aki san, what do you want to discuss? You want to talk about last night again?" Asked Ru.

"Actually, I changed my mind. I want to know who you really are. Tell me something about yourself? Oh, and by the way, you can drop the honorifics when you say my name," said Aki.

Ru knew that he would specifically ask for her background. The question was what would she say to him. Would she confess the truth or basically lie to him? In the end, she is Ru.

' thank god I faked background before changing identity ' thought Ru.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are definitely not from Tokyo; otherwise, I would have known you a long time ago," said Aki and then drank his coffee.'she is not even mentioned in the manga' thought to himself.

"I'm originally from Kyoto, but me and my family moved out to the United States when I was at a young age. I have returned recently, though. To be honest, I've always missed this place, so I've always wanted to return," explained Ru, lies ready to spew.

"What do you do for a living?" He asked.

"Well... I work at a state government agency as an archaeologist," she said to him.

Ru does work as an archaeologist. The only difference is that she got it thanks to her strings, to blend in jujustu society safely. This way, she would not only avoid the sorcerers but also help her integrate better.

'That makes sense why she was at the auction ' thought the boy.

"Yet again, a beautiful young woman like you who works as an archaeologist gets involved with our business and pretty much makes the headlines for exorcising one of the most fearsome curse spirits to ever exist?" He analyzed.

"Me being an archaeologist had nothing to do with my involvement. As I told you, I happened to be there at the wrong place and at the wrong time," answered Ru.

"That's a lie. I know that you wanted to retrieve the cursed talisman for yourself; the witnesses that were there told me everything," he told her.

This shocked Ru for a second as she was pretty sure that she had brainwashed every person who was there... But then it clicked in her mind.

'Oh right...! It must have been those kids. That's how he knows!' Thought Ru to herself. Still, she did not give a reaction. There was no point in lying to him.

"Sigh! Ok... you're right, I wanted them for myself, or rather I wanted to add them to our collection of valuable artifacts in my department because for now, I don't trust neither Jujutsu High, the three families, nor the curse users to be capable of keeping those objects,as I said last night. If those cursed objects ended up in the hands of either side, they could be used as weapons that can destroy society," Ru told him while looking straight into his eyes.

"You thought that if you got your hands on them first, it would be better for everyone?" Aki asked to confirm her intentions.

"Of course I did, otherwise I wouldn't bother at all," replied Ru.

"Yet what's funny to me is that you ended up doing pretty much what I was supposed to do, so we can say that our intentions are the same in a way," he told her as he grinned.

"I guess we could say that you're right, in a way," she said with a smile.

Aki was looking at her smile as if he was looking into a classic portrait. Like the sun was shining on her smiling face and the sound of nature echoed in his ears for as long as he observed her beauty.

It seemed strange how this woman had managed to get his attention. He wondered how this was possible; after all, becoming Aki had changed his personality to be more apathetic and extroverted unlike his old self, thus he wouldn't have time to notice or think about girls, sure he did flirt but it all was meaningless, yet Ru felt like a different story. He felt like they would have so much to talk about.

Ru was thinking the same. Her mind was focused on him, the way he talked, the way he looked, the way he acted.

Could he become someone fixed in her life, like someone who wouldn't make her change identity out of boredom or maybe some kind of bond? Her senses told her that he was somehow similar to her, but in what aspect?

Did both of them have the same life, the same personality, the same goal, the same tragedy? Which one of them was it?

That's what she wondered.

Without realizing, she was staring into blank space as her mind had drifted away for a moment.

"Ru! What's the matter? You're spacing out," said Aki, pulling her from her thoughts.

"Nothing! It's just that I had a dream last night and I was thinking about it now," said Ru, remembering a deep dream of her past identities she had.

"Kinda wondering what dream it was that is keeping you so lost in thoughts," wondered Aki.

"It was a dream from my past. I don't really want to get into details, but I saw in my dream people that I have disappointed and memories that I could never have. To be honest, I don't pay attention to dreams, but the one from last night really left me with a hole, and I don't know how to close it," she explained. Referring to the people she let down and abandoned for mere reasons, like boredom.

"With time and with the right people !" he simply answered.

"What? " she asked, not knowing what he meant.

"Give yourself more time and stop thinking about it. If your dream becomes a weakness to you, then do the impossible to defeat that weakness of yours. That's what I do. Trust me, it's much more helpful to put those weaknesses in the trash and start focusing on how to make your future better," he advised her.

She knew that this was the right choice, but hearing it from somebody else really made her happier and more confident.

For years, she soared above the world, observing the fleeting lives of humans with a detached curiosity. They were to her as ants to a giant—insignificant, transient, and beneath her celestial grace.

Thus with each new identity, she convinced herself it was the thrill of change she sought, the excitement of a new life. But deep within, where her true self lay hidden, it was cowardice that whispered the lies she so desperately clung to. She was running from the possibility of connection, from the potential of a love that could transcend the boundaries of her immortal solitude.

In the end, it was not boredom that would undo her—it was the longing for a love she had never allowed herself to experience, to see the beauty in the imperfections of those around her, for in love, she knew, there is no superiority, no inferiority.

"Thank you, Aki. This was really helpful," she told him.

"Nah, don't thank me; instead, tell me where do you want to go next," he said seasing the opportunity.

"Now now, don't get too ahead of yourself. You can only have one date, no more," she said with a grin.

"It's still one date even if we change places; besides, I'm not planning to let you go so soon," he replied back.

"Pfff! Fine, let's just go for a walk for now, and then we'll see," Ru said as she stood up.

"Ok, great! Let's get going then," said Aki as both of them stood up.

After he paid the bill, both of them walked out of the coffee shop and walked around the place. They were walking side by side, not really saying a word until she wondered.

"By the way, why Shibuya of all places?" asked Ru.

"Because it reminded me of the first time I was here with my friend. Since it was the first day," he answered.

"You brought him to that coffee shop as well, didn't you?" she said, to which Aki replied, "No, I took him to a haunted building for an exorcism," he said as if it was something normal.

"Woah! You're an asshole!" she told him. He started laughing lightly from her reaction.

"You better not be taking me into one of those places unless you want to die," said Ru to him with a firm tone.

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, I am not taking you there," he said as he tried to peek at her face.

"Where are we going then?" she asked as they continued to walk together. He stopped for a moment, took off the sunglasses, and looked her in the eyes.

"Give me your hand!" he said to her.

Although it was a little surprising, she liked the fact that he didn't shy away and did what his heart wanted.

Ru gave her hand to him and held onto it tight as they kept walking.

"You see that tower over there? It's the Roppongi Hills Tower," said Aki as he pointed at the tower.

"So that's where we're heading up to," she realized.

"Yeah, this place is quite special. I'm sure you're gonna love it," he told her. After a while, they entered inside the tall building. Ru and Aki went straight to the last floor that served as an observation deck.

"Here we are!" he announced.

Ru walked closer to the window where she could see the city sight from above.

"As I thought. You can see the whole city from here. It's beautiful," she said while staring at the sight.

"I would visit this place from time to time whenever I get sick of Jujutsu life, lately I have been bringing my friends with me" he confessed.

"Do you do it ? with them?" asked Ru.

"I do, with all of them. Those memories live inside my heart," he replied back.Ru didn't show it, but she smiled from the inside after hearing his answer.

"Hmm! I never thought that a person like you would say such words," said Ru with a smug.

"Hehe! Yeah, I can be nostalgic from time to time," he replied back.

"But still, I would love to hear your stories, Aki," she said to him.

"Only if you tell me yours, Ru," he replied.

"My life is complicated. I don't usually talk to others about myself, but when I do, I have to make sure that I can trust them. Can I trust you, Aki?" Ru said, wanting to know his answer.

"Believe me, I know what complicated means. You can either trust me or not; that's up to you, but I can tell you that the more you try to hide in the shadows, the more difficult it would be to escape from the darkness. You should try to reach for the light that can pull you away from that void," said Aki as he looked at Ru.

What he meant by darkness is the sins, the secrets, the guilt, the anger that a person can hold. With light, he refers to protection, guidance, love, trust that can save that person. Ru immediately understood what he meant, yet the first thought she had was whether following a particular light is the right path.

"And what if that light that shines the most blinds the person who wanted to escape from shadows and brings more eternal darkness to them?" Ru questioned. She was saying that, knowing that a long time ago, she was the light in the eyes of someone and yet they were betrayed by that protective light. Deep down, she didn't want to receive the same treatment.

"The light serves for you to find your way and to awaken that lost glimpse of hope inside of you, but I never said that you have to rely on that light alone. After all, there is a whole sky out there waiting for you. The sky where it's neither too dark nor too bright. Wherever you look, you would see that sky," he explained to her, making her more convinced.

"Someday... maybe someday!" Ru thought to herself as she was lost in thoughts.

Aki got her attention again after lifting her face up. Both of them looked into each other's eyes and focused on the reflection that their eyes had.

"I can see the light in those beautiful violet eyes of yours, Ru. I'll make sure that light never ceases to exist," Aki said with a low but seductive voice, enough to make Ru blush.

His words really warmed up her heart, and she had to admit that she thought the same about him.

"And I can see the golden sky over the horizon reflecting in your eyes, perhaps the same sky that you were talking about. The sky that lives around me," said Ru, making him surprised by her words. He also got red cheeks at her words. It got more romantic for Ru and Aki when the two of them started to get closer and closer without even knowing it.

It was like their bodies were taking control over their minds. As Ru and Aki closed their eyes, their lips were almost met together, ready to form into a passionate kiss between the two, but unfortunately, before that could happen, something interrupted them. Unknown to the two, a huge explosive noise could be heard from up in the air. Fireworks lit the night sky, showing a wonderful sight that could grab anyone's attention.

This was like a wake-up alarm for both of them as they realized how close they got. Ru and Aki both retreated back and focused their attention on the sky that was rocked by the colorful fireworks.

They began to act like nothing was about to happen and just kept watching. However, Ru didn't want to completely ignore what was going to happen, and to Aki's surprise, she grabbed his hand and was holding tight just like he did with her in the beginning.

The fireworks kept lighting the sky for a few more minutes as Aki put his arm around Ru and pulled her close to himself.

After the fireworks ended, both of them decided to return back. It was an amazing experience for both of them, but it could not last forever, and they knew that.

Aki walked her to her home apartment where she was staying.

"So this is where you live? I've heard it's a nice neighborhood," said Aki as he looked around.

"It sure is, but don't even think of moving out here," said Ru as a joke.

"I won't have to," he said back at her.

They began to laugh a little until Ru got serious again.

"Aki, thank you for today. At first, I thought that this would be an interrogation, but it turned out to be one of the most memorable experiences that I've had here," said Ru to him.

"You don't have to thank me. I didn't just do it for you; I did it for me as well... for both of us," said Aki.

"What are you going to do now?" she asked him.

"Don't know. Probably get an invitation from you for a cup of tea... that would be nice," said Aki with a grin.

"Not so fast. We've been together till now. Let's leave it for another time," said Ru as she put her hand in a stopping motion.

"It's fine as long as you say that there will be another time. So... where do you want to go tomorrow?" he said as he was playing with her hair.

"For a student, you really have a lot of free time to spend, don't you," said Ru.

"Depends on who I'm spending my time with. Wait... now that I think about it, how about you come and meet my friends? I was also thinking about something in mind," he suggested to her.

"Yes, sounds fine to me. I'm also interested to see you act with them. That must be so funny to watch," said Ru with a small laugh.

"Well then, I'll come and pick you up tomorrow morning. I could be late though, so don't wait for me at the window," joked Aki.

"I'll see you tomorrow then. I'll be going in now," said Ru as she got close and went to hug him. She wrapped her arms around him, and he did the same and also held the back of her head with his left hand in order to pull her closer to his chest.

Ru wouldn't say anything, but she could hear his heart beating much faster than it normally should.

"Good night, Aki!" said Ru as she opened her door.

"Good night, Ru!" said Aki as he waved his hand.

She closed the door, and then the sorcerer took his leave.

While he was walking, Aki was checking for his sunglasses to put them on. He checked all of his pockets but couldn't find them.

"Where did I put them? I'm pretty sure I've had them with me this whole time, and there's no way I have forgotten them somewhere, unless... no way... did she take them when she hugged me?!" said Aki as he realized that Ru had taken his sunglasses in secret without being noticed.

"Hehe! Aren't you clever," said Aki, not minding it at all.

In the meantime, Ru was holding Aki's sunglasses and laughing at the thought of his reaction after realizing that he doesn't have them.

"Hope you don't mind if I keep a little something to remember, redhead," said Ru to herself while putting them on.


End of the chapter

I wrote this chapter by reading some romance novels, and there's this one that I can't remember its name, so I took ideas from each and made what u read, so like always don't fucking complain about romance cuase idk how to write on the first place.


isn't that sweet ? ig so oh ~

Ps_Zakicreators' thoughts