

 Chang Yulie's eyes flutter open, her surroundings blurry and unfamiliar .

 The air smells different saturated with the scent of damp earth and ancient trees. Examining the surroundings, she was laying in a garden with no one else in sight.

Her heartbeat quicken, a symphony of anxiety resounding within her chest. Struggling to rise, her hands brushes against the rough bark of a tree for support.

 Now standing up and tall , the next thing she noticed was her attire. She was donning a lavish robe made of layers of exquisite fabrics, adorned with intricate embroidery shimmering like the stars and whispering against her legs.

 Multicolored gemstones adorned her dress, enhancing her ethereal presence.

 She blinked confused and lost as she hopped over the stone platform, her dress flowing around her like gentle rivers.

" Who am I ? , Why am I here ?". She muttered to herself .

 Curiosity mingled with unease now pulses within her veins as she instinctively followed the route before her imbued with both enchantment and danger.

 Although lost and confused, her lips curved into a smile as the gentle breeze caress her cheeks carrying the scents of wildflowers.

 She walked further into the garden then she immediately stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening in embarrassment as her cheeks flushed rosy pink.

 Before her was a pool and in the pool was a handsome man with his enchanting bare back view to her.

The man was sitting at the edge of the pool with his feet dangling in the cool water. His skin tanned from the sun and his long black hair gently swept back by the gentle breeze. 

He gazes out over the water, the rays of the setting sun glinting off the ripples on the surface. 

His eyes the color of the sea, and his lips curled into a small smile. He seems at peace in this moment, lost in his own thoughts.

 She immediately turned around to leave without making him notice her presence as it would only make the situation awkward.

 Just as she turned around to leave, she caught sight of a venomous snake slithering closer to him. It's deadly intents concealed within it's patterned scale.

 Seeing the huge and venomous snake, fear coursed through her veins but her instinct immediately kicked in driving her to act quickly.

 Plunging into action, she grasped a wooden branch nearby. Her bare feets gliding across the ground as she moved towards the man.

 Aiming the stick, she struck the snake with unwavering precision saving the man from it's lethal strike.

 Alerted by the ruction, Wen Yumo turned around to witness the heroic stance of the pretty lady standing over the dead venomous snake, heaving heavily.

 He rose from the pool and she turned around, her palms covering her face as he stood up and grab his robe draping it over himself.

"Your Highness, thank you for the help". 

 By the time she opened her eyes, the unfamiliar man was now decked in a blue robe, bowing before her.

"Wen Yumo is honoured to have received your help, Princess Xiaodie ". He bowed.

 She stared at him in confusion as he spoke, looking at him in total amazement.

" Your Highness , Princess Xiaodie ". She muttered in confusion.

Wen Yumo stood up straight. " I'm sorry to have interrupted your stay in the garden, I didn't know you were around. Please pardon me Princess Xiaodie".

" Princess Xiaodie". She muttered again to herself in confusion, then turning to face him she asked. " I am a princess and my name is Xiaodie ?".

" Your Highness really live up to your reputation of the Fifth Princess ". Wen Yumo chuckled walking foward and she followed behind him.

" What reputation, can you explain better ?".

" Well, I have to go now Your Highness I need to see His Majesty, I'll help call your entourage over ". He replied, turned around and left.

 She watched his figure until his shiloulite disappeared into the vast garden. 

Taking a deep breath, she sat on the bench nearby utterly confused still humming the word " Your Highness, Princess Xiaodie".

 She tried to remember anything pertaining to the name she was called , the strange crystal talismans hanging around her neck or anything related to herself and why she didn't remember anything but she just couldn't. Everything else was blank aside what had just transpired now. 

 She felt like an alien who had just appeared to a foreign world out of nowhere, glancing foward she noticed the decorated sets of canopies just beside the pool. 

 The sunlight dapples through the dense canopies casting a gentle pattern that seems to draw her in like a magnetic pull, bewitching and prompting her to come closer. 

 Eventually, she couldn't resist the temptation. She gently paddled towards the canopies.

 A gust of wind breezed over, the talismans hanging around her neck shone in the dimly lit space crinkling gently.

 Surprised, she held the talismans gazing in amazement at it's shimmering decor then everything seems to fall into oblivion. 


 The castle gates stood tall, it's towering turrets reaching for heavens but everywhere was a mess as the battle ensued, leaving a trail of fallen soldiers and other civilians who had given up their lives to protect their country .

 Everywhere was set ablaze ,dead bodies littered the floor, the sounds of clashing swords filled the air accompanied by the cries of those who had lose their loved ones.

 The cries of the bereaved echoed through the air, a haunting dirge for the lost and dying.

 All around, the battlefield was a testaments to the horrors of wars, a monument to man's inhumanity to man.

 "My dearest Yumo, it's an honor being in cahoots with you. All thanks to you, things happened as planned but now I don't need your help anymore". Duke Wei said to a badly battered and bruised man hanged on a pole.

" I provided you with all informations needed, without me you wouldn't have the imperial seal, you wouldn't have gotten this far ". Wen Yumo replied in a cold menacing tone unlike that of someone at the verge of death. " How unfaithful".

"Unfaithful". The duke scoffed. " His Majesty treated you as his own son but you betrayed him, now you dare to lecture me about being unfaithful".

" A certain someone who provides me , the ambitious and disloyal duke with the imperial seal and decree dares to lecture me about being unfaithful".

" Listen, His Majesty died as a result of your actions, everything happening now is all because of you. You're the cause of everyone's woes ".

" And besides I don't need a crafty fox like you by my side anymore, if you could rise from an unknown little boy to the king's most important subject then I doubt anything is impossible for you to attain".

" Rest in peace". The duke added then he pulled the arrow releasing it's from it's bow and the arrow rammed into Yumo's chest with swift precision and with that he breathed his last.


 The scenarios changed swiftly to that of the last moments.

General Chang and his daughter, the only survivors, stood before Duke Wei, battered and bruised.

 The villain smiled victoriously, surrounded by his henchmen. He raised a bow and arrow, caressing it gently before aiming it at the duo smiling triumphantly.

"Father!" Chang Yulie cried out in grief.

"Go now," General Chang urged his daughter.

"Too bad, both of you are dying here today," the Duke laughed, aiming at General Chang and with a slight move from him the arrow was released from the bow ramming straight into General's Chang chest.

 The General fell to the floor, but with his last breath, he urged his daughter to escape.

Aiming the bow, Duke Wei shot towards Chang Yulie, but it was too late as she had already plunged down the cliff and into the deep sea below.


 Chang Yulie's floating spirit watched in desperation and devastation as her last strand of breath was saved and revived by an unknown man who gave her the task to rewrite the repetitive course of history, to prevent the war and chaos.

 All of a sudden, she was jolted out of her trance . The talismans has returned to it's normal form but her mind was howling, howling with the scenes from the past life she had just witnessed.

"Chang Yulie, you've been reincarnated. Reincarnated as the Fifth Princess Xiaodie to save the world". She muttered to herself, her fists tightly clenched as her eyes shone with unwavering determination.

"I've been given this chance to come back in time and save the world, to prevent the war and punish the vicious beings". She analysed, as the sheer sense of determination pervades her soul.


" This time I'll make them all pay, Duke Wei, Wen Yumo watch your back for you'll know not when I'll strike".

