
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · อื่นๆ
58 Chs

Weapon Selection(2)

A main weapon is exactly what it sounds like.

The weapon that cadets will choose now will determine the weapon art they will be studying during their time in the Academy.

Daggers, spears, and sabers, also known as the Holy Trinity of weapons, were popular choices among most cadets.

However, that doesn't mean there weren't other choices to choose from.

There were shields, halberds, bows, gauntlets, guns, maces, etc.

"Just because you are getting these weapons for free and they aren't relics or runic weapons doesn't mean they are cheap. Each weapon here costs around 10 million credits."

Liz said something in the background, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

‹Credits› are the currency of this world.

Since the world's continents were merged into one, and now several other races live on Earth besides humans, many changes have occurred during the last few centuries.

There is now only one government—  the Central Government.

Every member of the Central Government is irreplaceable, and there are no elections. Meaning one's position in the Central Government is hereditary.

Furthermore, there is now only one digital currency acceptable throughout the world, which is ‹Credits› or ‹C› for short.

For reference, ten million credits would roughly be around 1,26,125 dollars.

Cadets belonging to elite households didn't think much of it since they were used to using weapons much more expensive than these.

Nero walked up to a long sword and stood in front of it.

From what I could gather through my watch in this short period of time, it seems he is the illegitimate child of the Mayor Blaze Dekeauf of Helvidia City and a member of the Central Government, and also his mother's killer who was the concubine of the Mayor.

He must be seething in his revenge to kill his father for what he had done. But here lies the problem.

Mayor Blaze was one of the most powerful people living on this planet.

No, he was not strong. But he was one of the twelve members of the Central Government— the supreme legislative body of this world.

You can't just kill someone as valuable as him even if you are perfectly capable of doing so. That was one of the most strictly enforced laws in this world.

It maybe a breeze in the park for someone like me who is the strongest in the world, but it is different for Nero who is weak.

But Nero couldn't have just accept that. He must have wanted to kill his father even he is the most influential person on earth and is protected by the law.

He could only quench his thirst for revenge with the blood of the man who murdered his mother.

And Liz saw that thirst as an opportunity to create a perfect protégé to her legacy. So she took him under her wing.

I look forward to see how he will accomplish his revenge.

Quinn was standing in front of a pair of daggers. Quinn was more of an assassin than a head-on fighter.

Anastasia walked up to a bow, and behind her followed Amelia. They both were archers.

Ella chose a rapier as her weapon. She still had an uninterested look on her face.

Was she always this lethargic? If so, then we might get along well.

William and Elijah were standing in front of a spear and a war hammer, respectively.

While Aster was standing in front of a huge mace, which was at least twice her size.

Chase, on the other hand, chose a pair of shield gauntlets, and Grace opted for a halberd.

And while this was going on, I was just standing there still not yet decided on which weapon to choose.

It was then I remembered that I had Spearman and Archer professions on my screen. It would be best choose from these two since I submitted the same to the academy.

The weapon I decided was the bow.

I could have chosen the spear but I am not confident enough to control my strength lest I accidently kill someone. I maybe underestimating these kids too much but its better to not take any risks.

But there is one more problem. Amelia also chose a bow. If I go there it would be a lot awkward.

Let's try asking some other weapon. I walked up to Instructor Liz who was just looking at her tablet.

"Yes?" Liz asked me.

"You said every weapon that we can think of is here, right?" I asked.

"...Not in those words, but yes."

"So, is there a nuclear warhead in here?"

"... …"

"... …"

"...Do you think this is a joke?"


I must have looked quite serious when I asked that. Perhaps realizing that I wasn't joking after seeing my indifferent expression, she rephrased her sentence.

"...I see. Let me rephrase. Every weapon that you can think of and can use in a battle is here."

I wanted to retort that nuclear warheads can be used in battle too, but it was clear that there were no nuclear weapons here. 

I walked towards the bow section and picked up a random bow. Amelia and Anastasia were standing in front of their chosen bows. Both of the parties ignored each other and didn't speak a word.

Abruptly, the whole weapon chamber fell silent as one of the cadets walked up to a weapon and stood in front of it.

The weapon he was standing in front of was a gun. 

Guns used to be the most deadly weapon when compared with swords and spears. Because in the modern era, guns were unrivaled. However, the world now isn't in a modern era. It's in a magic era.

And in this world of magic, guns are pretty much useless unless you possess an exceptional talent for mana manipulation.

Swords have a large surface area, so one can easily coat a layer of mana over them to make them stronger.

But a bullet is tiny. It would take a lot of effort to enhance just one bullet with mana, let alone a full magazine of them.

If you apply too much mana on the bullet, it'll break. If you apply too little, it will be useless in the battle. It takes a lot of precision to coat a bullet with mana evenly.

That's the reason why cadets don't usually go for guns as their main weapon because most of them don't have that kind of mastery over mana manipulation.

Yet, this boy was standing there in front of a pair of handguns like it was the most natural thing to do!

"38 cadets chose swords, 27 chose spears, 14 chose daggers. While 8 cadets chose clubs and maces, 6 chose bows, 2 chose gauntlets, 1 chose a scythe, 1 chose a shield, and the remaining 4 cadets chose battle hammers and axes evenly during the weapon selection." Liz recited the numbers student who chose a particular weapon and looked the boy who chose the handgun. 

"Umm, cadet Hugh Jass, you want to pick handguns as your main weapon?" Liz asked with a bit of hesitation.

"Yes. I want these handguns." Hugh replied with a nod.

"Cadet Hugh, if you get left behind due to the weapon of your choosing, you can't hold the academy responsible for that."

If a cadet were to choose a weapon they have no talent for, then the Academy won't take any responsibility for that matter.

You'll be thrown to the battlefield by the end of your third academic year regardless of the fact that you have mastered your weapon or not.

That was one of the reasons why they let cadets choose their main weapon all by themselves.

"Yes, I'm sure. I want these handguns."

Even after the warning from Liz, Hugh replied in assurance.

Liz couldn't help but sigh before she gave her reply.

"Fine. Since instructors and professors aren't allowed to interfere in weapon selection, I won't say anything." She said before continuing.

"But know this, guns are totally useless against Kalis. You may be able to kill lower vampires and a few mana beasts with guns as your main weapon, but that's about it." She uttered with a disappointed look.