
Chapter 1: Starting From The Bottom

On a snowy night blood stains the snow, a 17 year old boy lies in this blood stain. With the hair color of the void and eyes the color of the healthiest tree trunk. Now starts to show signs of breathing as a wisp of black soul enters between his eyebrows, surprisingly though the wisp of soul looks small the density of aura it radiates betrays it's image. Some may call this quality over quantity or big isn't always good.

The 17 year old boy sits up as his wounds began to close up, his eyes start to turn full black as a demons with a little shine that gives you a terrifying chill. His body start to shift in an unnatural motion as the sounds of bones shattering and shifting in the snowy night, then as the weird sound echo fades there comes into existence a handsome face grey shiny hair like the ash from that favorite cigarette you smoke.

As he looks around a holy like projection of a stunning beautiful woman in priestess clothing formed with a gentle smile on her face. She looks at the youth then nods in satisfaction, then begins speaking with a fairy like voice.

[Hello Mr. Sunumi I am a Divineness you may call me priestess Hora, as I have come to deliver Goddess Li's message I will send it directly to your mind]

As the message gets sent to Rex's brain he looks at Hora like she's stupid for 5 seconds, then stands on his feet while knocking the snow off his clothes.

Rex: What divineness? your just a cultivator who mixed holy energy with Ki, you may look the part but your still too young to fool me please turn down the boasting before you turn narcissistic.

He turns and walks away as Hora cheeks turn red from anger and embarrassment she yelled at his back totally cracking the image she tried to portray.

"You rascal! that's all you have to say you could at least said hi or hello or how ya been, still heartless cold this is why in the whole 900 years of your life you haven't had a girlfriend."

A cold silence followed behind for a couple seconds.

Rex: I'm out, bicker with yourself I have preparations to make.

"Humph! yeah just run away you ....."

Rex gets further away until Horas voice is fully faded, he starts thinking of his plan's. According to the goddesses message I have to start over on my path to divination, while going to experience life? When my mission is done i'll finally be able to ascend to be a god, I got a vessel that has no family and has a perfect body for divination practices.

First things first let's start the Divination practices, as I reach the previous bodies house I make a space for meditation and sit down and bring my hands in a praying position. We Divines have the most advanced path to becoming a god, like cultivators with sit down and meditate however we don't need to to all the extra crap like flowing energy through our acupoints. Our energy is the strongest and it flows from the palms pushed together to the brain, for divines the brain is all we need to strengthen the rest follows on it's own pretty easy right.

The brain and the soul are connected as my soul has overwhelming strength I easily break through to a junior divine stage one, my thinking process sped up by a couple times more and my body expelled the excess impurities and fats as my skin become smooth and tough. Furthermore, my body strength has exceeded human limits many times over. I use a basic divine skill call cleanse to instantly clean body and hair, lastly i summon my fallen angel universal outfit. The universal outfit can change into and clothing style or color.

I change into a simple outfit with contains black boots, a grey shirt with a thin black jacket, and black jeans with the design rips on the knees. Thus I head out into society for a a way to 'EXPERIENCE' life.
