

'Suddenly, like a heartbeat racing, Micah's eyes snapped open. He shot up, drenched in sweat, surveying his surroundings as if awakening into a new reality.' *** Peter and Micah... orphans that only have each other... Who soon find out who they truly are... and escape their prison... They are set off to find something... that can give them true power... To defeat the Ikes... an enemy kingdom that wants to destroy them... They find friends among them... and enemies among them... They go through adventures... as more information reveals about their true power, and their true history... Danger, harm, betrayal, and fear impact them... as well as friendship, brotherhood, and unity... Who will prevail... who will win this war...?

GMS Jakers · ตะวันออก
138 Chs

An Adventure for Scouting

Under the cloak of night, when the moon hung heavy and silver in the sky, young Peter found himself preparing for a slumber fraught with trepidation. His fear, once a roaring tempest, had now been subdued into a lingering unease. Still, he believed it wisest to seclude himself within the canvas walls of his tent, seeking solace in the illusion of safety it provided.

In his heart, Peter bore the weight of his princely lineage, a constant reminder that those who coveted power would forever harbor designs on the king's progeny. His instincts had proven true time and again. It was the royal blood coursing through his veins that marked him as a target for those who sought to undermine the throne.

With meticulous care, Peter fashioned his makeshift bed and laid himself flat upon the unforgiving ground of his tent. His thoughts swirled like a tempest within him, driven by the ceaseless dance of shadows beyond the tent's fabric.