
[Chapter 9]: The Confession

The morning today wasn't those of any before. I rushed up alone and fixed myself. James didn't sleep in the dorm these past few days. Perhaps he is ignoring me.

As lunch time occured, me and Sean went to the cafeteria and Sean bought lunch for me. Just as he go back, he gave me my food and we both started eating. While eating, someone walked towards our table, "Uhm..." she said as we eat. I looked at her and my eyes widened as I remember her face, "Hmmm, Dianne right?" I asked and she nodded. Sean whispered something to me, "Who's this chick?" he asked and I smacked his head. He went back and focusing on Dianne, "Are you busy? May I talk to you for a second Mint?" she said and I nodded. I go and followed her. She smiled while walking and when we reached a more private place, she looked back at me, "You know Arthur right?" she asked while blushing. She is cute though, somehow, while talking I see her head somehow just reached my shoulders, but going back to Dianne, I'm pretty sure she likes Arthur. "Y— yes why?!" I don't want to jump to conclusions so it's better asking her. She nodded cheerfully and gave me a box, "Please give this to him, I'm from class-2 actually so I don't get to meet him that much." she said as she handled the box over me. It was cute, and I have thought that maybe, in my opinion, Dianne's way of approaching Arthur will work out. "Why not James though?" I asked and she shook her head, "I haven't seen James these past few days." she said and she was somehos correct. James had been off in school for some time now. I gently grabbed the box as I said, "Alright then, I'll update you once he got this." I said and she nodded. Later on, she waved goodbye and left. I went back to Sean and placed the box beside me. "So what was that?" Sean asked. "Dianne likes Arthur." I said and Sean laughed or probably... smirked. "Looks like you got yourself a love rival." he teased and I slapped his arms. "Jerk, continue eating." I said and he did while smirking.

As the bell chime, we went back to our classroom and saw Sean talking to Leo. I approached him and gave him the box. "Oh ho! You got an admirer!" Leo said as he laughed and look at me. "Don't get this the wrong way Leo, that was from Dianne, class-2." I explained. Arthur looked at the box and later on glanced at me, "Thanks, I'll talk to her." he said and I blushed. However, something inside me is feeling pain seeing Arthur happy about Dianne's effort. I went back to my seat and waited for the teacher. I am thinking somehow that I don't stand a chance with him. Cause I know we're both guys, and Dianne is a female and she has a higher chance winning Arthur. Well, not literally winning. I ain't gonna fight over Arthur, because I already knew I have nothing to fight for. I feel like I'm sulking right now. "Hey are you alright?" Sean tapped my back as he saw my face. "You don't look like you do." he said. "Jealousy isn't it." he teased and somehow it cheered me up. I smiled and pinched his ears gently. After that, the professor went in.

—Next Day—

James is still no where to be found inside the dormitory. I didn't mind it, but somehow, I'm worried about him though. I dressed myself up and went straight to the school area. As I enter the room, I saw him, smiling, talking to his friends cheerfully as if he isn't facing anything. I went to my seat and he happened to be seating beside me. I looked at him and he looked back, smiling. I smiled too and I am happy somehow that he's ok. "You alright?" James asked and I nodded as I smile. Later on, the professor went in and he started with the dictations. I really wanna ask James why he was not present these past few days, but I knew it won't be a part of my business. I haven't figured out how to deal with our problem yet though. So maybe, perhaps, I'll just go with the flow. While I try ti focus on the lesson, somehow I am being slowed down. I don't know, but James' disappearance really bothered me. I received a text from him, luckily, my phone was on silent.

"Let's talk later on." he said and I replied with a thumbs up. Maybe this time, he'll explains and fix this. I wanted to do something to fix this too, however, I can't as I am weak.

Then later on, when the bell chimed, James held my wrists and dragged me gently downstairs. He brought me to the planetarium... again. I looked at him, "Don't worry." he said and we went inside. He brought me to the same table and brough out some drinks from his bag. "Do you remember when we were kids, we always gaze at the starry night sky as you try and identify each possible constellation that you'd see?" I looked at him as he try to reminisce those forgotten memories. "I'm fine. I actually missed you, you know that?" he said as he touch hair. He softly shook his hands over my hair flurrying it. "I'm really sorry James." I said and he shook his head. He smiled and said, "It's nothing. Perhaps, the past really is past. However, I will still fulfill my promise. That I'll take care of you, and I'll look out after you. Mint, after all, I like you." he said and I blushed. However, I hope he understands the situation here. "From now on, I'll support you in everything." he said and he stood up. He reached out for my hand as I stand up and fixed myself. We both went up happily as if we are facing no problems. As we both went out, on the latter part of the planetarium, specifically, behind, we both saw Dianne and Arthur.


I grabbed my phone as the bell chime and went down. Later on, a girl approached me, "Uhm... Arthur? May I talk to you for a second?" she asked. I'm pretty sure this is Dianne. "Alright." I agreed and she dragged me behind the planetarium of the school. She was blushing though, and she looked so shy. I found her cute and I found myself smiling over her smile. I do find her interesting. I've heard news that she was the ace student from her class.

As we reached the back of the planetarium, she gave me a rose, "Arthur... I— I like you." she said calmly and I smiled. I touched her head and dragged her face towards mine. Then I found myself kissing her.


Volume 1 is almost done! Please don't forget to vote and rate for my story. Also, after volume 1, volume will be delayed as I will start on the next sequel which will be a surprise. Please do support it too!❤

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