

Tang Xiao got out of his bed in a hurry, he was already late for his meeting.

This morning Tang Xiao was having a meeting with the board of directors about the expansion of Tang international,  he was planning on extending the business to other countries.

So this morning he would be finalising with his board of directors.

But now he was already late, all because he wasn't able to sleep last night, because his thought were filled with Qingxia.

Rushing to his bathroom,  he took a quick shower, came out, dressed up and ran downstairs still fixing his cufflinks.

"Your breakfast sir"

Without looking or saying a word to Mrs Wang,  Tang Xiao walked passed her and out of the house.

He immediately got into his car and drove out.

Coming to the end of the road, he wanted to make a U-turn, when suddenly his car was surrounded with alot of cars.

The men in the cars stepped down, and all this men where armed heavily.

Tang Xiao didn't move neither did he blink his eyes, he raised his hand and looked at his wrist watch, but he was already late,  immediately he pressed a button on his wrist watch before he opened the door and came down.

The thugs who were already standing in front of his door dragged him immediately and forced him into their car.


His assistant paced back and front,  his boss was not here yet, while everyone was already here, and are all sitted in the board room.

He called his boss earlier, and he said he was already on his way.

He breathed out to calm his nerves, before he went into the board room to apologized on behalf his boss.

"I'm sorry, Mr Tang  will be here in a few minu...."

He was interrupted with the sound of his phone.

"I'm so sorry " he said

He looked at his phone and discovered that it was a signal from Tang Xiao's wristwatch.

His boss installed an invisible tracker on his wristwatch a few months ago, when he discovered that he had made so much enemies.

And getting an alert from it right now can only mean one thing.

The boss was in trouble.


Tang Xiao was brought to an old house, and he was forced to sit, but he resisted which resulted to him been beaten by the thugs and forcefully tied up to a chair.

"Who ordered you?"  he tried asking the guy that was tieing him up in the chair but the guy did not respond.

"How much is he paying you?,  I can give you double, no triple " still no response

"Fine.... Name your price "

The guy looked at Tang Xiao and said

"It's not about the money,  it's about loyalty and you of all people should understand that."

Tangxiao was impressed with the guy, many people would have betrayed their boss when the highest bidder emerges, but him it was different and that's what you call LOYALTY.

Few hours later a man walked in to the place Tang Xiao was kept.

Tang Xiao raised his head and saw him.

It was Emilo the owner of the sex club, with whom he had made a deal with.

"Hey, tough Guy"  Emilo said.

"You bastard, you're behind this,  I will make sure you pay "  Tang Xiao spat out.

" That's if you are ever getting out if here" Emilo said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh wait,  of course you are getting out of here but not alive" he continued with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"No one messes with me gets away with it, you think you can come into my world and take my girl away? "

"And I paid you for her, remember and a huge sum too"  Tang Xiao said

" But I dnt want your money,  I want my girl"

" if you don't want the money why did you take her to become a sex slave? " Tang Xiao asked.

"Of all the girls in my club, she's the only one that caught my attention ,  I want her,  but you came out of no where and just took her from me"    he continued   "I would be okay if you just had her for the night,  but you became too greedy"

"I thought you took her for the debt her father owed you?" Tang Xiao asked.

"Yes,  but I haven't had a taste of her yet"

" You bastard" Tang Xiao spat out. "I'm gonna make sure I destroy you,  and that's a promise."

"Let's see you try" Emilo said

Turning around to his men he said he's so pretty why don't you guys make him all the more attractive,  so even when the police will see his corpse they would not recognize him, " he said before leaving the place.

And the men obeyed their boss and gave Tangxiao a beating of his life but he refused to scream rather he bit his lower lip so hard that he tasted his own blood  in his mouth.


.sorry for not updating for long

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