
An Offer

Evanna could not help but be ecstatic by going back to the library and picking up the books written in Muranthian. Though she realised she would still need to be wary, it was still a secret and one shared with the prince. She peeked up at him after hearing his light chuckle. Would he keep this a secret?


"I think it would be wise to rest some more, Evanna. You may be over the fever, but you might collapse again," Arawn replied, stilling Evanna by the concern that flickered across his features. But it went so quickly that Evanna must have been imagining it. He watched her patiently, and she realised she had not responded after pondering on the prince's actions. "For today, stay in my chambers. I still have work to do, but it would be best if you are in my line of sight," He added.

