

Tolu continued her story, when she got to the office as Richie promised and she showed the card Richie gave to her to the gateman who turned her back the previous day, the gate man said, "Now you are ready for employment, nobody get employment here without somebody from inside pulling strings on her behalf, and you are even fortunate, this one that gave you card is very close to the men in the power room, you will surely be employed; but when you are employed don't take it out on me for turning you back yesterday, I am only doing my assigned job." Tolu nodded and said, "I will be a fellow worker like you why will I take it out on you, even if I want to do so will I have such power?"

The man laughed and said, you will definitely have the power, except you are employed to stay with me at this gaye that is when you won't be above me, but once you are given job inside we at the gate must look at your face like the face of a god"

Tolu answered and said, "Anyway even if I have such power I am not that type that wields power unjustly against people, I know you are only doing your job, I met with the same kind of situation in other places that I have been to"

"The way I see your face, you must come from a good home, and I am sure you will climb hire quickly in this company, let me not delay you because they are already waiting for you in the conference room where you will be interviewed" The gateman said this and allowed her to enter.

When she got to the interview she greatly surprised them with her performance, she did so well in all they asked her to do and her incredible computer skill shoot her to the rooftop immediately in the company, they treated her as if they have been waiting for her a long time; the bosses began to struggle to have her work with each of them, but at the end the head of the operation assigned her to work with Richie because of the sensitive nature of his duty"

So Tolu got a job and she was to work as computer analytical assistant with Richie. They started their work together on a very good note, some accounts of some of their clients that had been a riddle to the financial analyst were daelt with through her expertise and guidance of Richie.

Withing a month of her work in the company, the news of her good work drew down the company's GM to her office, instead of calling for her, he came personally to her office to come and observed her as she worked on her computer and he was greatly impressed with her.

Richie too was very proud of her work, even though she needs no hyping, yet Richie was ready to do anything to see her elevated quickly in the company.

They often go out together to attend to the cries of the company clients that are in financial dilemmas. And when they are out, Richie always treat her like his sister, he cherished working with her.

However, two months down the lane, something horrible happened in their office that forced the management to to reassign her to another boss who yearned for her expertise when she newly arrived.

On the faithful day of this horrible occurrence, they were preparing to head out to one of their clients, and Richie had instructed that she should fetch some important files that they will need on the trip.

She came to his office to inform him that she has gotten all the needfuls ready, but when she got there Richie was busy doing a kind of last recheck of facts on his laptop, and he said to her, "Sweetheart, please sit down and let me finish with this recheck before we step out" Just as he finished with this statement his girl friend Monica strolled in, with the last statement of Richie that she heard, and seeing Tolu who he addressed as sweetheart on the sit before him, she went bananas!

Before Richie could even acknowledge her presence she was already making noise, she shouted, "I caught you red handed today, so this is is the rubbish you normally do behind me, no wonder you said that I am too incessant in my coming to your office, you fool! You kept me out of the way so that this whore may have time to visit you and follow you out to where we normally go to"

Richie was shocked with her outbursts, but he intends to calmly acquaint her with the fact that Tolu wass his co-worker, but Monica did not give him room to explain.

More shock was Tolu who never give it a thought that a day will come that Monica will visit the company and see her with Richie.

She tried to get up and explain to Monica who did not allow Richie to talk that it wasn't what she think, but Monica did not allow her to stand up, she pounced ferociously on her and shoved her back unto her butt with a shout, "Sit down, where do you think you are going you whore? You sneaking slippery snake, I've known you for long that you are a beast, that was why I never give you face in my street. I that I used to ride horse to go and beat some people's mother in their own rooms, you now think you rat can ride donkey to come and invade my property, I will teach you a lesson that you will not forget in a hurry today."

Richie cut in softly because he did not want people in the surrounding to hear his shout, Monica, you know this is my work place, don't start anything that you will later regret in here, be quiet and let me explain to you why and how she is in my office.

Monica laughed hysterically and said, "Look at guilty soul, you are speaking with quiet tone because you don't want people to hear that you have turned this place to a motel, I am not talking to you yet, when I finished with this worm then I will have time for you" She moved in on Tolu and gave her a dirty slap!

Tolu and Richie were shocked beyond words with this move from Monica, but Tolu endured it because she did not want to be caught fighting her boss girlfriend in his office, she remembered how she laboured so hard to get this job.

She could have retaliated, but she decided to let Richie handle the matter. Richie on his own now has lost his cool,he shouted, "Are you out of your mind, do you want to get me sacked from work, you come into my office and you are slapping a staff of the company because of your green jealousy!"

When Monica heard Richie calling Tolu a staff she was at first shocked! when she recovered from her shock she said, "Oh, so this is what you want to do to me ehn? You got her a job here so that you can be doing her without been caught in the comfort of your office, oh I will deal with the two of you" She rushed on Tolu to slap her again, but Tolu quickly stepped out of her reach, she crashed on the chair that Tolu sat on and fell down disgracefully!

This seriously enraged her that she fell face flat on the ground before Tolu, she scrambled up from the floor and rushed on Tolu again, this time around Tolu also decided to fight back.

They began to make a go at each other with Monica shouting, "I will kill you today, I will kill you today husband snatcher!" With her shout people in other offices heard of their fight and rushed into the place, it tool about five ladies to separate them.

The personnel manager also heard of this crisis and rushed to the place, when they managed to calm them down, they asked them what caused this show of shame?

Monica knowing she had nothing to loose since she was not a staff that they can disciplined was the one who rushed into explanation, she shouted, "I caught this slut messing with my man in the office here, and when I tried to stop her she decided to fight me because she did not want to stop"

Everybody present were shocked to hear this and they all began to say one thing or the other, but the PM forced all of them to keep quiet and faced Richie and Tolu to ask them if this was true?

Tolu was too ashamed and emotional to talk, even if she will talk she did not know if people would believe her.

It was Richie who came to her defence, he said, "Sir don't mind her she is a mischievous fool, she cannot see any lady with me without throwing senseless tantrum, sir you know I was preparing to go out with Tolu?

The PM answered, " Yes" Richie continued, so asked her to fetched the forex file of the company we want to visit, but when she came in I was double checking some facts on my system and I asked her to sit down. Just as she was sitting this devil came in and all hell broke loose!"

Monica shouted, "You are a liar, I caught you with your hand in the cooky jar and you instantly pull apart, shameless guy!

The PM cuts in into her words saying, " My dear you don't need to argue about this matter, I am here and I assure you that will know the liars among you. look at all these offices they are all wired together for security purpose, iam sure the surveillance camera will show us what really happened here"

On hearing this Tolu released the breathe she has held in for fear that people would believed Monica's word against her and said, Thank God for that my name will be cleared!

And indeed her name was cleared, for the recording in the surveillance room support the story of of Richie and nullified that of Monica

Once the truth was out, the PM rebuked Monica seriously and ban her from ever showing her face in their office again.

Even with this Monica felt cheated, she still argued that there was something inordinate between them otherwise he would not called her sweetheart. When she said this the people around laughed and said that is how Richie addressed all the ladies working here, "We all are his sweethearts!

Monica was thoroughly humiliated, she left the place vowing to deal with Tolu and Richie later.
