

"After Richie has tried everything he could on his own to nail me and he failed, he changed his tactics, by setting his parents after me.

Though at this stage I was sure he would marry me, but because I have promised my mother that I would only give up my virginity on the wedding night, I held unto it"

"What exactly did his parent do to pressurise you on his behalf?" The presenter asked. Tolu replied, "Although I have been going to their place before in the company of Richie, but a particular night Richie told me that his parent wanted to see me, I asked him if he knew why they wanted to see? He told me that when I get there I will know it.

When we got there his parent lavishly fed me in an unusual manners, at the end of our dining they set their concerns forth before me.

The father opened the matter, he asked me when we are getting married and I told him that the decision is with his son, that I cannot decide for him, and that I have told him several times to fix the wedding date but he refused.

The father answered for him, he said, " My dear, I don't think this matter is in his hands with what he told me, I think the matter is between you and me"

Hearing this I asked him how and he said, "It is between us in the sense that what I demanded from the two of you I heard that you said no to it" When he said this I immediately knew it was about sex before marriage, but I vein ignorance because I want him to say it. So I told him that Richie did not pass any message from him to me, and I turned to him and asked, "Did you deliver any message from daddy to me?"

The father did not let him answered, he said, "I know he told you, though he may not tell you that it was my order that you must be at least three months pregnant before your wedding date, and all he has been telling me in reply is that you said no to the idea, why?"

I wanted to answer but he waved to me to be quiet and he continued, I am asking for this due to experiences that I have seen with many people, they got married and for many years they won't have children. I would not want that to happen to us, you know he is our only son; so please give us baby and then fix your wedding date"

When he finished his address I wanted to talk, but his mother too did not allow me to talk, she stood up and threw his arms around my shoulders and hugged me to her bossom and said, "Dear, we are not asking too much of you, I know you are a good girl from a good home, please do this for us"

When she said this I decided to be silent until later when I will be alone with Richard. So when we got to his place and I saw that he did not want to waste time in carrying out his parent's demands, I told him to hold it that we need to discuss the issue before anything would happened.

This angered him a lot because he believed that with his parent's demand I will just lay down and let him have his way. With great annoyance he asked me what do I want to say now, that I should have explained myself to his parents.

I knew this issue will get out of hand if I do not handle it carefully now that his parents were behind him, so I calmly answered him though I was boiling inside.

I said to him, I understand what your parents were saying, but do you know why I do not want to have sex before marriage? I...." He cuts my explanation off with a sneer!

"When you see my parents you can explain to them, you think I am hungry for sex, if I am hungry for sex there are one thousand and one girls out there who will give it to me without asking, so you should stop treating me like one dirty fellow who have nothing he is pursuing in life than your useless body!"

When he said this, to me he has crossed the line, I quietly stood up and picked my bag and head for the door. When I walked pass him, he grabbed me and pulled me back violently and asked, "Are you walking out on me?"

Hotly I replied, "I am sure you will not rape me because if you do it will be a war, if you will not allow me to say anything as your parent do not allow me to talk, then I am out of here, go and look girls who are babies making machine' there are thousands and one of them out there that will give you babies without you asking for one"

When he saw how determined I was he calmed down and tried to beg but I told him, "You have crossed the line tonight and I will not wait again with my useless body to listen to you, if you still need me fix the wedding date and come to discuss with my parents"

With that I yanked my hand out of his grip and walked out. For two weeks I did not see him, but I greatly missed him because he was fun to be with and I was addicted to his ever lively presence"

The presenter asked, "But did you not discussed this fight with your mother when you got home?"

I replied, "I did, but I did not disclosed all that happened, I only told her that his parent wanted me to be pregnant before our wedding, but in private when we left his parent's house I told him to fix wedding date and let us do what his parents demands of us"

"What did your mother now say to that?" The presenter asked. Well my mother said that if he fix the wedding date and his parents officially showed up for the engagement I can be pregnant But I did not let my mother know that we were in deep quarrel

"How did you now resolved your rifts" The presenter asked and Tolu answered, "All through the silent war I was not myself because I deeply loved him, but in pain and purposeful stubbornness I refused to be the one that will go to beg, this because I knew it will give the bargaining power over the issue to him.

He also for a while did not want to come to me, but when he saw that I did not bend, he went to his friend Ayo and told him that I am quarreling with him, I knew Ayo must have talked sense into him, so Ago invited the two of us to his house and settle the quarrel between us

After this he grudgingly fix the wedding dates and his parents came officially to meet my parents for our engagements."

"If all our ladies can be this firm in their relationship, less and less of them will avoid been taken advantage of" The presenter remarked and continued, "You are a great inspiration for virtuous living to all ladies, I really love your stand."

With that the programme came to an end for another night.
