
The dark closet

Heath's plan is perfect.

Well … almost.

He booked the whole restaurant for a nice birthday dinner. He got the cake and the hotel suite ready. He even watched over the live band's rehearsal after personally picking the songs they'll play.

Everything is in place, except he forgot the centerpiece to his plan: Damon's gift.

Heath feels like an idiot for forgetting.

He went through so much trouble, combing through all of his and his family's connections to set up an appointment with renowned Italian watchmaker Philippe Giovanni, and even then, he had to wait for months before it arrived. He can't rush a genius now, can he?

Given all his hard work, it's so stupid of him to forget to bring it on the day of Damon's birthday.

Making his way back to the Lin Manor, he can only thank his fortune that Damon didn't discover it earlier. He didn't exactly hide it; the darkest shadow lies beneath the candle, after all. Knowing that big Alpha of his, Damon won't notice if one of his personal items goes missing, much less so if something is added to it.

The imposing gates of Lin Manor welcome him like a hero returning from war, and he very much feels like one as he climbs the stairs to Damon's room.

Heath doesn't even pause upon seeing the open bedroom door, single-minded in his goal.

He heads towards the antique wardrobe as fast as he can, grabbing the (not so) carefully hidden box atop the high shelf. Breathing a sigh of relief, Heath relaxes when he sees that it is neither damaged nor opened. He is so focused on checking the condition of the one-of-a-kind watch that he doesn't notice the sleeping body curled up in a corner of the closet until said body shuffles.

The rustle of fabric is loud enough in the otherwise quiet room that it steals all of Heath's attention. Whipping his head to the source, he sees it - sees /him/.

Kaiden, bundled up inside Damon's clothes, only has his flushed face peeking out. The Omega's chest is heaving up and down as if the very act of breathing is too difficult for him. His pink hair is clinging to his forehead and beads of sweat are falling down the side of his face.

Heath scoffs at the sight, rolling his eyes at the pathetic Omega yearning for someone he can't have. If he isn't pressed for time, Heath would have yelled at the Omega, maybe even dragged him outside, but alas, he has more important matters to tend to. He'll let the Omega go … for now.

However, he promises to remember this infraction, vowing to make the Omega pay for sneaking into his boyfriend's closet when they were both out.

"You're lucky this time," he mutters to the sleeping Omega, voice laced with disgust.

Heath turns to leave, but not before closing the wardrobe door shut, unaware that this piece of antique furniture can only be opened from the outside.


Kaiden stirs awake to absolute darkness.

No, not absolute, for he sees a strip of light somewhere near his covered foot. Or is that his knee? He doesn't know, he can't see.

How long has he been out?

He groans with a turn of his head, hands stretching to the side. He doesn't reach far, trapped within something wooden. His head still hurts and he still feels like he's being slowly roasted in an oven, but at least his stomach isn't cramping anymore.

He takes whatever improvement he can get. Kaiden doesn't overestimate the limits of his body, fully aware that he needs to go to the hospital or if worse comes to worst, call an ambulance.

God, he hates riding on that thing, but he isn't confident enough in his leg strength to brave going down the staircase on his own.

Left with no choice, Kaiden reaches into his pocket for his phone, only to grab nothing.

Where did it go?

And where is he anyway?

His memory is fuzzy, the events of the last hour—has it only been an hour?—flashing in his mind like still images.

He was feeling feverish since morning, he did some chores, and then he walked up the stairs.

Right, he remembers, he went to Damon's room to drop off his clothes in the closet.

The closet.

His heart thumps, the sound is loud and ominous.

How did he get inside the closet?

Was it Keisha?

Did she lock him up again?

No, he shakes his head.

He made it out; he doesn't live there anymore. He went somewhere far, crossed cities on a midnight train.

Right, she can't reach him here anymore. He's hiding well, laying low.

But where is he?

He can't think, can't remember.

His palms are sweaty, his whole body is sweaty, and his ears are ringing.

It's too loud. His heart is too loud. He can't see. It's dark.

Let him out.

Someone, please let him out.

He pushes on all sides but nothing budge. Nothing moves.

WIth weak fists, he pounds the wood around him. He's banging everywhere but it barely makes a sound.


He doesn't want to be here.

He tries to yell but nothing comes out. His throat hurts.

Where is he?

Someone … please …

Save him.

He'll be good. He won't come out of his room. Just don't lock him up in the closet again, he's begging.

It's dark and he can't breathe.

He can't breathe, oh god, there's no air. He'll be stuck here forever. She won't let him out. She might even forget he's there, she's done it before.

Kaiden cries, his knees pulled to his chest, curling in himself. His sobs come out in hiccups, the sound ugly and wet as he's breathing hard through his mouth.

Memories rush to his head without a warning, making his head hurt even more.

He knows what'll happen after this. He'll be beaten, and then starved.

No … please … It hurts.

He won't be able to walk for days, he'll be stuck in the bed, just like she wants … and then … and then …

Kaiden cries even harder, shoulders trembling against his weak frame. He clenches on the fabric in front of him and then he senses it: honey and ginger spice.

It's Damon's scent.

His Alpha's scent.

No, he shakes his head, not Alpha, just … just Damon.

Damon, who saved him; Damon, who took care of him.

But will Damon come? Damon doesn't like him.

No, Damon was kind to him. Damon saved him. Just like that night … Just like that time, Damon will save him again.

Kaiden knows it. He /knows/ it. They're fated mates. They have an unexplainable connection to each other. Damon will save him.

"Oh … Damon, please come quickly," Kaiden pleads to the darkness, tears freely flowing down his face. "I'm begging you, get me out of here."

He repeats the words like a mantra, desperately chanting them to manifest to reality.

He keeps crying, alone and weak, waiting for someone to open the door, waiting for Damon.

It isn't until much, /much/ later when his voice is hoarse and there are no tears left to cry that he realizes … Damon won't come.

Damon won't rescue him.

Does anyone want to guess how Kaiden will get out? Will he be rescued?

If so, who will come to save him?

If not, what will happen to him?

If someone gets it right, I'll post an update ahead of schedule :)

99bluerosescreators' thoughts