
Harry Potter: The Dark Path

Harry discovers an extraordinary power within himself: wandless magic. Fed up with being a pawn in the games of Dumbledore and Voldemort, Harry embarks on a quest to seize control of his own destiny. Seeking refuge and knowledge, he returns to the Chamber of Secrets, where he stumbles upon things beyond his wildest expectations. Join and witness the rise of Lord Harry Potter.

Dream_Guardian · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
89 Chs


"Just when I think you can not possibly make things even worse for yourself," said Salazar, his voice resonating through the study, "You find something worse, and you do it."

"I already told you, it was an accident!" complained Harry.

"What a load of dragon dung!" roared Salazar, "You set the boy on fire, using your wandless magics! That was no accident!"

"It riled me up, didn't it? I lost control of my emotions, and in turn, my intent. Since wandless magic relies upon intent, it did what I wanted it to do!"

"You do remember that you're not the only Mage I've taught, correct?" asked Salazar, "Your intent would have had to be very specific; you would have had to literally envision the boy catching on fire, and then having the flames vanish a second later! I can only wonder what kind of trouble you have gotten yourself into!"

"Detention." replied Harry casually, "McGonagall found me when I was coming back from my chat with Hermione. I have it in like fifteen minutes, actually."

"There is absolutely no way you got off with a simple detention. Not even your generation can have lowered behavioral standards so drastically."

Harry shrugged.

"I said it was accidental magic, and they don't have a reason to not believe me." replied Harry, "To be honest, a detention for accidental magic seems a tad bit unfair."

"The oldest recorded case of accidental magic, at least from when I was alive, was thirteen."

"Well I'm fourteen, big difference."

"We digress. You have to have wanted him to catch fire, or it would not have happened. There is no such thing as accidental Mage Magic - it can release itself in strange or unintended ways, but it will not occur without some form of potent intent."

"Either way, I lost control of my emotions, didn't I?" argued Harry, "If I had learnt Occlumency, things like this might not happen in the future!"

Salazar's eyes narrowed.

"You have not developed so much as a basic control or understanding over your emotions; having you learn Occlumency now would tear your brain apart. You posses, without a doubt, an unusually low level on natural Occlumency."

"You said Occlumency would help me control my emotions. I could work on both at the same time!"

The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes, before Salazar eventually spoke.

"We will begin after you have overcome the first task." said the portrait, "You still remain incapable of doing magic after conjuring the chains."

"I'm working on it." said Harry, "I'm getting better, hopefully I'll be capable of restraining whatever beast they bring - the smaller, the better."

Salazar nodded.

"You have progressed impressively in your offensive magic, which you can use in case of an emergency. Aim for the eyes of the beast; almost all magical creatures are weak there."

"Alright. I can work on accuracy when I come back from my detention, but I need to leave now or I'll get in trouble - McGonagall was furious."

"Good, and refrain from getting caught doing anything Gryffindorish in the future."

"How very amusing." Harry remarked.

Upon leaving the chamber, Harry had made his way over to Professor McGonagall's classroom for his detention. It was a few minutes before 9:15, the time that had been scheduled for his detention.

According to school rules, all students were supposed to at least be in their common rooms by nine, but that did not seemingly extend to events such as detention. After all, he had been sent into the Forbidden Forest well past midnight during a previous detention, and it had been when he was a first year.

"Ah, Mr. Potter." said Professor McGonagall when Harry entered her classroom. She stood up from her desk, gently pushed the stack of assignments she had been grading tot eh side, and made her way over to the door.

"Your detention will be taking place somewhere else." she informed him, before walking out of her classroom at a quick pace. Harry jogged slightly to catch up with her, wondering where it was they were going.

"The headmaster and I have been very concerned with your recent disappearances." said Professor McGonagall, "It has been brought to our attention that you have not been seen in the Gryffindor common room for weeks."

"Let me guess, Hermione told you?" said Harry sarcastically as the two of them made their way down one of the many staircases.

Professor McGonagall flashed him a disapproving look, though she said nothing. She was clearly waiting for him to answer her question.

"The Gryffindor students didn't want to be around me, so I gave them what they wanted."

"And where is it that you have spent all your time for the last week and a half?"

Harry shrugged casually.

"When you have as many adventures as I do, you're bound to learn a few secrets of the castle."

"I suppose the map helped a great deal as well?"

Harry paused, his eyes narrowing.

"Hermione told you." he said. It wasn't a question, but rather a simple statement. It was confirmed when Professor McGonagall nodded her head slightly.

"I can not do anything about the map, as it is rightfully yours. I have also decided not to delve further into your choice to leave Gryffindor Tower, as you are clearly fine and are a Triwizard Champion. Since you are not seemingly abusing your newfound freedom, I have no say in your personal life."

She paused at the end of the staircase, turning around to Harry.

"I will, however, express my disapproval of your choice to skip out on your classes." said McGonagall, "These past few months you have improved incredibly in all aspects, far more than I have ever seen someone do in a year. It is not wise to miss out on your education at such a time in your life."

"You yourself told me that as a Triwizard Champion, I have the right not to go to my classes." said Harry, "I'm not missing them, it's more like self study. I'm practicing hard to make sure I don't get hurt."

Professor McGonagall frowned, but once again said nothing. She led Harry further down the stairs, until they eventually reached the main landing.

"Professor, where exactly are we going?" asked Harry curiously.


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