
Experiments and Rituals

(1 month later)

It's been a month since I've moved into Serpent Castle and life couldn't be better. The House Elves bring me food, I have a huge bed, as much land as I could possibly need and mountains of money and precious jewels. However, nothing moves my heart as much as the endless, and when I say endless I mean ENDLESS mountains of books. I have just finished reading all the books I had set out to read, starting with school course books (1-7) and ending with the advanced books in my own collection. I'm nowhere near finished reading all the books in the castle but my objective has been reached. Now, all that's left for me to do is put my knowledge into practice. I stood up, picked up my materials and walked to my laboratory. I was going to create my rings now.

My original goal was just to create one daylight ring but as I got into my research I learned so many more things so my plan outline has adjusted accordingly. Now, I'm going to create two rings. One will be called Sol and the other Lunar. The Sol will be the daylight ring and will also have minor defense capabilities while the Lunar will have much higher defensive capabilities minus the daylight part. Now here's the big part. I'm also going to create a small storage space within those rings that way I'll always have a little stash. Since I'm still not proficient enough with runes and with the limited space because of ll the other capabilities I'm adding, the space will only be able to hold three bags of gold each so essentially I have six bags of gold worth of space.

I entered my laboratory and snapped my fingers, igniting the torches on all sides of the room. Afterwards I walked to the desk and sat down, spreading my materials. First, what I needed to do was practice drawing the runes. Knowing this, I got out many parchments of paper and proceeded to practice my Rune Crafting, connecting them where the needed to be connected and spacing them where the needed to spaced. After about three hours of practice I finally took out the practice rings and set them on the table. I took one in my hand and placed my pick on the inside of the band. Right when the pick touched the band the virtual screen appeared again before me.

Draw Defense Rune: (Yes) (No)

Alastair: "Yes." I thought, and my hand started to move.

It wasn't so much as on its own as it was the information of how to move being poured into my head. Whenever I would press too hard or my hand would get squiggly the interface would warn me and then correct my posture.

Defense Rune created.


Item now gives the wearer increased physical and magical defense.

Seeing my completed work I smiled. I then took out another practice ring and started to practice my runes for sunlight as well as the rune for defense. In order to create a sunlight ring you have to draw both a defense rune as well as a sunlight rune and keep them connected like the cursive alphabet. This is how the magic system determines if it is a new enchantment or part of the same enchantment. For example, if I were to just draw the sunlight rune then maybe it would radiate a bit of sunlight and could be used as a flashlight but if I connect the defense rune the end of the sunlight rune then it creates the Sunlight Defense rune. Then to give it extra defense capabilities I would have to give a little space between my next defense rune and the Sunlight Defense rune.

As expected, when I started to draw the sunlight rune the interface did its thing and a few minutes later another ring was created which as expected, only radiated a bit of sunlight.

Seeing how my rings were perfect I decided that it was time to do the real thing. I took out the two main rings and set them on the table, taking a deep breath. Sol was a golden ring with an orange jewel in the middle and lines coming outward from the jewel looking like the sun. Lunar was a black ring with a white jewel in the middle with no other decorations. I grabbed Sol and placed my pick on the inside of the band. The virtual screen appeared in my vision once again.

Draw Sunlight Defense Rune: (Yes) (NO)

Alastair: "Yes."

Just like before, the information was transferred to my brain and I moved my hand accordingly.

Sunlight Defense Rune created.


Item now gives the wearer defense against sunlight.

I sighed after the first rune was created and after a few seconds of admiring my work I placed my pick back on the ring.

Draw Defense Rune (Weaker because of Sunlight Defense Rune): (Yes) (No)

Alastair: "Yes."

(3 minutes later)

Defense Rune (weakened) created.


Item now gives wearer a minor boost is physical and magical defense.

The pick was once again placed on the ring.

Draw Space Storage Rune (minor-low): (Yes) (No)

Alastair: "Yes."

(8 minutes later)

Space Storage Rune (minor-low) created.


Item now stores other items within a pocket dimension.

I then proceeded to do the same thing with the other ring and it ended up looking something like this.

Defense Rune (regular)

Space Storage Rune (minor-mid)

I was ecstatic looking at my finished creations. This was a huge mile sone for me and I intended on savoring this moment. I slipped the two rings onto each of my thumbs totaling three rings combined. My lordship ring and Sol and Lunar.

I then walked out of the laboratory and made my way to the ritual chamber. I called five House Elves that specialized in healing magic in case anything went wrong and proceeded to place the materials I would need. The first ritual I was going to do was the blood fusion ritual. In order to do this one all I needed was the consent of the creature and for it to pour its blood into an open wound while saying 'sanguis fundere' ten times. After that, depending on the strength of the creatures bloodline and the strength of the wizard/witch's will power the caster could either die or go through unimaginable pain. The creature I have chosen is called the Serpentine Devil. It's a serpent from another dimension known by muggles as a demon.

I drew the magic circle on the ground and dropped my blood onto it, breathing deeply a few times before hardening my will and returning to my usual stoic self.

Alastair: "I summon thee from thy dwelling. Oh supreme emperor of all that slithers. Heed my call and appear before me so that we may forge an eternal contract."

It was then that the circle started to glow a bright eerie red. Flames appeared from the circle and formed ginormous claws that tore the fabric of space. From that tear a serpents head slithered out. The serpent was so huge that it couldn't bring its full body out from the portal because there wasn't enough space on the planet for it.

Serpentine Devil: "Who dares to summon me?! I haven't been disturbed in hundreds of thousands of year!" The serpent yells in a strange dialect of parseltoungue.

Alastair: "I have summoned you, great Serpentine Devil. I wish to forge a contract." I hiss back in the same demonic parseltongue.

Serpentine Devil: "How do you know this language? Even if you are a parselmouth you shouldn't know this dialect."

Alastair: "I know every language no matter what it is. It is one of my magical gifts."

Serpentine Devil: "You are quite young to be able to summon me. Tell me, boy, what is it that you want?"

Alastair: "All I wish for is for some of your blood."

Serpentine Devil: "You want some of my blood?" The great serpent thinks for a while before deciding on an answer. "Very well, boy. I shall give you some of my blood however, you must do something for me."

Alastair: "That is the nature of a contract." I reply with a small smirk.

The great serpent chuckles but even that shakes the earth.

Serpentine Devil: "I suppose you are correct. Fine then. The thing that I want from you is to be able to share your life force. You see I am on the verge of death. In a few thousand more years I will die and death is something I am not ready to accept yet. So what I will do is take on a much smaller form and give up most of my power in order to become your familiar. Doing this, I will be able to share your life force and regain my power through time."

Alastair: "You wish to become my familiar?" I ask with wide eyes. "You do know that humans don't even live for a hundred years let alone a thousand. You'll have a longer life on your own than bonding yourself with me."

Serpentine Devil: "Normally that would be the case but you asked for some of my blood, meaning that you wish to fuse my blood with yours, most likely. This will boost your lifespan to the same as mine at the start of my life and I can tell that you hunger for more power. That is a drive that not everyone has. I can see that my life will be a lot more interesting if I tag with you."

Alastair: "Very well. If that's what you wish, then I have nothing to say against it."

Serpentine Devil wishes to form a Master, Familiar contract.

Bond with Serpentine Devil: (Yes) (No)

Alastair: "Yes."


Bond has been made.

Give familiar a name.

Alastair: "How about we name you Ruby as a testament to your ruby colored scales." I say and just like that, a magic circle is imprinted onto the forehead of the snake and onto the top of my hand.

Ruby then shrunk into a miniature version of herself and slithered up around my body and laid itself around my neck. It then bit into my neck, transferring its blood into mine through the wound. I started to say the chain and within a few seconds my body was filled with the worse pain imaginable. Despite my screaming and protests Ruby didn't let go and continued to funnel in blood through her fangs.

Ruby: "Just bare through the pain. I'm giving you the optimal amount of blood so you can have a completely transformation." She says and after a few more minutes she releases her fangs from my neck.

I fall onto the ground twitching and panting as I feel my body changing. I was becoming stronger, my skin smoother, my hair longer and my organs started to change to that of the Serpentine Devil before falling asleep. Before I lost consciousness, I relayed my wishes for Ruby and the elves to finish the rituals of the vampire turning and the body part replacement as I was asleep and that was what they did.

When I woke up I was on my bed with Ruby underneath my neck, acting as a sort of neck support pillow.
