
[1988 Pt.2]

[The Next Day]- [June,1988.]- [Kennington Road, London.]

During his time as a public administrator, Jason had seen a lot of things that most people would not perhaps see in their lifetime--- He had seen family members turn against each other fighting over an inheritance, he had seen the police being powerless to do anything to a criminal due to the lack of evidence, he had seen dead bodies, he had seen victims of sexual assaults, he had seen corruption, he had seen murderers who were unrepentant--- and whenever he had seen such ugly side of human nature, he had always asked himself: How can a human even do something like this?

Today, as Nathan read the headline of Britain's Premium Magical Newspaper, The Daily Prophet, he asked himself again, "How can people even get behind something like this?"

The headline read Minister Bagnold gets Guidelines for the Treatment of Beings and Non-Wizard Part-Humans as a working standard for the DMLE. It was a law that gave explicit orders to Human Wizards and Witches on how to deal with magical beings like Vampires, Werewolves, Veela, Mermen, Centaurs, Dwarves, Half-breeds (Though Nathan liked to refer to them as half-bloods), etc.

The guidelines were a blatant fear-mongering attempt against said races by the ministry. The more Nathan read, the more he felt ill at the blatant racism of the law. The sadder thing was that the reporter that was covering the story was praising the ministry for trying to keep the dangerous beings in check. The article spoke of how a person should be wary of Vampire's eyes that work similar to an imperious, how Veela enchant men, and how dwarves would kill anyone if they insulted their creations.

Nathan did not know much about magical beings but what he did know from a small reading through a book written by Newt Scamander- That was not how any of these species were, and the only humanoid species that a person should be wary of was a Vampire.

'Voldemort may have been a psychopath from birth who believed himself superior to everybody else, but what made him into a blood purist was this society.'- The British Wizarding world would take a lot of effort to make a better place. A nation that has prejudice running so deep in it that it still idolizes the likes of Slytherin, a monster that wanted to cleanse muggleborns from wizarding society, was not something that a democracy could deal with.

'Definitely impossible without a very authoritarian government, maybe even a dictatorship.' - As much as Nathan said that Wizards and Non-magicals were equal- It was a lie. No two men were equal, their circumstances might be the same, but they were never equal. A government should strive to treat everybody equally- Opportunities should be given equally to everyone, and everyone should have the right to live happily. But the truth, is simply that wizards are simply superior to non-magicals individually just as a democracy was superior to a dictatorship when it came to a state's stability. And Nathan wholeheartedly believed it.

Magic was something that simply pushes the scales in an individual's favour to an impossible degree. Many people would argue that it was not true since one can see that wizards were the ones to retreat in fear of non-magical persecution.

'Wizards are just humans capable of wielding a power close to very very weak reality manipulation,' The only reason that wizards were not taking over the world was because of the statute of secrecy. There is a reason that many gods and myths across the world were said to have magical powers. Wizards had long taken over the world, it was the statue of secrecy that slowly moved them away from the mundane world into insular communities that contained themselves.

The statue of secrecy wasn't there to protect wizards, it was there to create a boundary between the mundane and the magical. The statute did not prohibit communication and mingling between wizards and non-magical, it prevented the abuse of power between wizards and non-magicals on a large scale. There was a reason that nations like Sweden, Bhutan and Australia had been the driving force behind the statute.

Nathan shook his head- these problems were not possible to solve for his present self, he should focus more on the immediate threat of Voldemort- after the man was dealt with, Nathan could purge the ministry and the other institutions across the country to rebuild them better.

He got up from the chair he was sitting in and he looked at the wall clock- It was time he found his grandmother so that she could take him to get his wand.

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[The Leaky Cauldron, London.]

Nathan appeared in a blaze of green flames into the dingy old pub that served as the gateway between the mundane and magical. He found his grandmother talking to a blonde woman that looked about the same age as her.

He walked up to them and gave the woman a tilt of his head as he said, "Hello, my name is Nathan."

It was a simple greeting that a child might use to introduce themselves to someone who was older than them.

"Nice to meet you, Nathan, I am Kiara. I am your grandmother's friend," She greeted Nathan back with a kind smile like one would accept to see on a child.

'Nobody can argue that I can play a child well,' Nathan thought smugly.

Aurelia, seemingly finished chatting with Kiara, simply said, "Well, I am going to get Nathan his wand."

Kiara looked surprised as she asked, "I thought he was ten."

Aurelia said, "He is, but he is a smart boy, so we decided to get him started on his studies a year early."

Kiara frowned in disapproval as she said, "But he is ten, Aurelia," as if it made her argument right.

Aurelia nodded before saying, "He isn't going to be allowed to use it, it is just that we decided to get it a bit earlier. See you later, Kiara."

'I am not!!!'- Nathan was outraged that he would not be allowed to use a wand before he ignored the panic that threatened to take over his thoughts. He could deal with the problem later, getting a wand was far more important, and throwing a tantrum in the pub would not help him.

He followed his grandmother after bidding a hasty 'Bye!' to Kiara, Nathan could swear that when he caught up to his grandmother, he heard her mumble the words, 'Ruddy Traditionalists.'

Both grandson and grandmother walked towards where Nathan knew the courtyard of the leaky cauldron lay. It was there a wizard could access the alley.

His grandmother took out her wand before tapping at two bricks and the bricks started shifting to make a hole in the wall which they climbed into.

No matter how many times Nathan visited the place it still was an alluring site. And as he looked around the place, he suddenly asked his grandmother, "Gran, can we get ice cream after I get my wand?"

Aurelia gave a peal of laughter before saying, "Of course, we can get it, sweety."

They walked to the shop that Nathan had been itching to enter for quite some time.

Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands Since 382 BC----- The shop and family both intrigued Nathan due to an inconsistency he had come upon as he had read about magical focii.

The Roman Empire has been largely credited for the creation of wands, they not only created them but also were the ones to make use of them in the first place.

The problem with it was that the empire came into being only after Octavius took over as the Emperor twenty years before the birth of Christ.

While the Ollivander's were making wands since 382 BC. This begged the question who was the one lying: The Romans or the Ollivanders?

Nathan was more inclined to believe that it was the Ollivanders because there were records of Augustus Ceaser making use of wizards, giants and djinns(Extinct) during his conquest. And his success was largely attributed to the large supply of wands in the hands of his wizards.

But then had it been true, then the Ollivanders would have been called out for lying to their customers by any competing wandmakers like Gregorvitch.

The inconsistency was a worrying one since he was also sure that only the Roman Empire had wands while the Republic did not have them.

Where had Augustus found such large caches of wands? After all, wandmaking was a time-consuming process. That would take decades to create the number of wands that Augustus used.

Nathan shook his head, another mystery that he would probably never gain a credible truth to.

He walked into the shop with his grandmother--- and as they entered the shop, a tinkling bell rang out signalling their arrival. Nathan could see thousands of small boxes neatly stored throughout the shop.

The only thought Nathan had at the moment was, 'Good lord, the space expansion enchantment on this place is strong.'

Nathan had practised feeling the intent behind magic as well as feeling magic itself in the past year as he had used runes. It was a useful skill to know that was simply a matter of developing a habit to try to remember the feel certain magic gave like trying to remember the feel of the texture of a surface. Not difficult to pick up but one did have to make a conscious effort to learn it.

His thoughts were broken when an old and soft voice said, "Aurelia Williams, Nine-and-a-quarter inches, Yew along with unicorn's tail hair. I still don't know how such a contradictory wand could choose anyone. I hope she is in fine condition."

Aurelia smiled before saying, "It is Aurelia Grey now, and it still works like it did the day I took it away from here."

The man nodded though he was looking at Nathan now. And as Grey eyes met electric blue ones, the old man asked, "So are you here to get your wand, Mr?"

"Nathan Grey, and yes Mr Ollivander, I am here so that a wand can choose me."- Apparently, it was the right thing to say as the man nodded with a smile before asking, "So tell me, my boy, what arm do you use more often?"

"Right arm," Nathan answered.

The man nodded before waving his own wand. Immediately, a measuring tape flew out of the shop's drawers and started taking measurements that one would normally be giving in clothing stores.

The grey-eyed man then walked to one of the many columns of boxes and pulled out a brown box from which he took out a wand that looked like an ivory piece to Nathan. He then walked back to Nathan before gently offering it up and saying, "Ten and a half inches, Mahogany with a core of Unicorn Tail Hair, suited for delicate transfigurations."

Nathan grabbed the wand, expecting some kind of reaction. Ollivander however, nodded in visible understanding before grabbing two more boxes from one of the many columns.

The man said, "You are a rare type of customer, Mr Grey. Eleven inches of Rowan and Sycamore twisted together around the core of a Unicorn's tail hair. A wand suited for the magic of protection and exploration."

When Nathan took the wand in his hand, unlike the first time, he felt a small amount of warmth, less than when he used wandless magic, spreading in his hand. However, unlike with wandless magic, the warmth did not spread beyond his wrist.

"Not this one," Olliavander said as he smiled brightly, before snatching the wand away and replacing it with another one.

This time, as Nathan grasped the wand in his hand, he experienced that familiar warmth, stopping once again just above his wrist. But this time, something was different. A click of recognition occurred between the wand and himself as if they had been made for each other. Suddenly, the wand erupted in a dazzling shower of small sparks.

Nathan could feel magic flowing from within himself into the wand. It wasn't like the sluggish flow that always accompanied Nathan's wandless magic, no, it was like the flow of water exiting a dam.

"Bravo, Mr Grey, an excellent match," the old man looked happier than Nathan himself, "Eleven and a half inches. The handle of the wand is made out of spruce while the shaft is made out of Aspen. It has a core made out of carvings of the horn of a Swedish Short Snout. It is a wand made for duelling and more magic-intensive spells."

Nathan nodded, memorizing each and every word the man uttered.

"How much for the wand Mr Ollivander?" His grandmother asked politely.

The man simply responded, "All wands cost seven galleons each," as he packed Nathan's wand in a blue box with golden trimmings before handing it to the boy.

Aurelia nodded before handing over seven gold coins to the man. While Nathan kept the wand close to his chest as they left the wand shop, seemingly afraid that somebody might take it away.

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[A|N: A new chapter for the rewrite.

Some of my thoughts regarding the chapter: This chapter shows racism in the wizarding world of Britain actually happens with Ministry's backing. Along with that, I have also explored the fact that Jason was active in political circles in his past life too along with his interest in history and law as well.

If you like the story so far, check out my Patreon for early updates: patreon.com/dukeofvirtue

Comment down what you think about the chapter and drop powerstones if you liked it.]
