
40: Emotions

[3rd Pov]

The news that Colin Creevey had been attacked the night after the game and was now lying as though dead in the hospital wing had spread through the entire school by Monday morning.

The air was suddenly thick with rumor and suspicion. The Muggle-borns were now moving around the castle in tight-knit groups, as though scared they would be attacked if they ventured forth alone.

Meanwhile, hidden from the teachers, a roaring trade in talismans, amulets, and other protective devices was sweeping the school.

Alaric, of course, took a major part in it, placing a small automatic stand outside of his workshop. Any student who wished to buy any sort of artifact present in the catalog only had to write its name on a piece of parchment, and then place it in the cauldron that rested on the stand. In a puff of smoke, the artifact would appear on their hands.

With most of the students on their toes, the days continued to pass.

Alaric, when he wasn't in class or spending time with his friends, would mostly hang around his workshop, working on new enchanted objects, or the library.

His research on the ancient language of the book was now a solo effort, as Daphne had been avoiding him since the incident with the Blood Magic book.

'She'll come around' he thought. If she knew some of the spells Alaric could cast, her behavior would be completely different.

The indecipherable book in question lay closed on the table Alaric had occupied in the restricted section. Currently, Alaric had a book on dangerous serpentine creatures in his hands.

"A Gorgon, perhaps?" he muttered to himself. There were a few creatures known for speaking Parseltongue, mostly serpentine ones, but few of those had any abilities related to their gazes.

A Gorgon was a magical creature that originated in Greece, being fuel for a lot of muggle myths, and it was known for its communication via parseltongue and petrifying gaze.

Alaric's eyes skimmed over a few other possible creatures, such as the horned serpent. This beast was also one that could speak in parseltongue, and could even turn invisible due to its magical crystal that rested on top of its head.

However, it lacked any sort of eye abilities.

There was also the Basilisk, but the fact that there was no sight of one in the last 400 years and that its stare would instantly kill, made Alaric also dismiss it.


"Fifteen points to Slytherin," said Snape in his ever-monotonous tone.

Before him on the table rested a flask containing a crystal-clear, blue liquid. Affixed to the flask with a sticking charm were small parchments with the names 'Alaric' and 'Daphne' written on them.

As Alaric and Daphne made their way past the potion stands, preparing to exit the classroom, a fiery-haired girl cast an upset glare at the blonde who accompanied Alaric.

With a resounding metallic thud, the dungeon door closed behind them. Alaric glanced curiously at the girl, while she attempted to avert his gaze.

"What's this all about between you and Hope?" he finally asked, while the two walked with no direction in mind.

There was a moment of silence, with only the sound of their shoes clicking against the ground, as they made their way out of the castle.

"We didn't always use to be like this," Daphne said in almost a whisper. finally breaking the silence. "We were friends, or at least I like to think so," she wryly smiled. "We all were. Me, Tracey, Hope, my sister Astoria, Ginny, Susan—"


"Yes, the girl in Hufflepuff — and Victoria. All of our parents used to be friends, so we also were..."

"That one doesn't sound familiar," Alaric said absentmindedly. He took his wand out and casted some warming charms on them while they walked around the lake shores, making the girl sigh. in satisfaction.

"Victoria Rosier. She's a few years older than all of us. Used to keep the group together,"

"What happened?"

Daphne glanced at Alaric, spotting the apologetic look on his face.

"She moved to France," she giggled, seeing the slight relief on the boy's face. "Her parents died when we were all little, so she had to go and live with her extended family" she added, the smile she had disappearing. "Because of that, she went to Beauxbatons,"

The pair took a sit at a small wooden pier that gazed over the waters of the lake, the occasional giant tentacle coming out to greet them. Their feet dangled in the air, almost touching the freezing waters.

"When she left, it all started to crumble," Daphne continued, her hands resting on her tights, clutching each other tightly. "Hope and I always had some sort of rivalry. Being it in clothes, shoes, hair, and even magic. If I had a pretty dress, she had to have a better one. If I styled my hair differently, Hope had to do it better,"

Daphne's eyes started to turn glassy as she looked at Alaric. "Do you know why I started to learn Occlumency?" she said, some tears streaking down her face. "It wasn't because of the pressure of being a pureblood 'princess' or whatever they've been calling me these days. It was because of her! — I knew she had no talent in Mind Magic — she couldn't stop crying because of it once — so I asked my mother to hire me a tutor to teach me,"

An arm reached out to the girl, as Alaric tried to comfort her in a side hug.

"You could say that was the breaking point," Daphne noted, leaning her head on Alaric's shoulder, her tears slowing down. "When Hope found out, she was livid. Saying that I was only learning Occlumency to spite her. Susan was the first one that stopped hanging out with us. Then Ginny would only go if Hope was there. Tracey thought they were trying to single me out, so she did the same as Ginny but with me. And my sister, well, she was only caught in the middle of it all,"

The chilling November breeze barely affected the pair, as they gazed over to the calm waters of the Black Lake.

"You're not going to say anything?" Daphne asked, looking at the owner of the shoulder she was resting her head on.

"Sometimes, people just need to spill their heart out to feel better," Alaric said, with a smile on his face. "Do you feel better?"

Dazed, the golden-haired girl stared at Alaric, seemingly lost in thought.

"I... I do," Daphne said, her face gaining a touch of red when she noticed how long she looked at the boy. A smile then graced her lips as she made herself more comfortable.

"I'm not going to say you were right," Alaric spoke a few minutes later. "Because you weren't. You both were in the wrong. She was jealous and you were petty," he continued.

"But it's a good thing you realized that," The most beautiful smile Daphne had ever seen formed on Alaric's lips. "It's the first step you took forward to grow as a person. And who knows — maybe, if you can get past your differences, you'll be all friends once again,"

The girl didn't know what to say. Silence nestled between them again, as the two began to walk back to the castle. Before they were about to enter, Daphne grabbed Alaric's wrist, stopping him in his tracks.

Without uttering a single word, Daphne embraced the boy in a fierce hug, whispering a heartfelt 'thank you'.

Alaric reciprocated the hug, caressing the girl's back, comforting her, the typical Scottish weather not stopping them from sharing a sweet moment.


[Alaric's Pov]

In the second week of December Professor Snape came around the Slytherin common room as usual, collecting names of those who would be staying at school for Christmas.

Lys and I received a letter from our mother a few days ago, saying how she would spend Christmas with some of her old friends, meaning we needed to stay at Hogwarts this year... again.

As my four friends had parents who took Christmas seriously, I was going to, once more, be one of the few Slytherins to stay at school during the holiday. Normally, I would be somewhat excited, especially now that I'm part of The Mischief Brigade — I'd have more space to prepare some nasty pranks — but, unfortunately for me, I would need to share the almost empty common room with none other than Malfoy.

For some reason, he decided it would be a good idea to stay at school during the Holiday. He said something along the lines of 'Seeing orphan Mud-uh-m-muggle-borns die'. He would change his mind in an instant after spending a day with me.

Oh, there were also his two goons, wherever they're names were.

The last potions class before the holiday took place in one of the larger dungeons.

It went as usual. Twenty cauldrons stood steaming between the wooden desks, on which stood brass scales and jars of ingredients. Snape prowled through the fumes, making waspish remarks about the Gryffindors' work while some Slytherins sniggered appreciatively.

After last month's emotional dump, my potions partner was much more open with me.

Draco kept fish eyes at some Gryffindors, so I decided to give him a taste of what was to come.

While the professor had his back to me, with my free hand that wasn't stirring my and Daphne's cauldron, I swished my finger, and the concoction from Draco's cauldron, his try at the Swelling Solution, came flying onto his face.

Needless to say, he spent the whole afternoon with Snape trying to get his face to turn back to normal from its carriage wheel size.

At the end of the week, Blaise, Theodore, and I were walking to the Great Hall for their last breakfast of the year at the school. When we were about to enter, we noticed a small knot of people gathered around the notice board, looking over a poster that had just been pinned up.

"A Dueling Club!" Blaise excitedly exclaimed, grabbing me and shaking my shoulders. "They're starting a Dueling Club!"

"The first meeting is tonight. I wouldn't mind dueling lessons — they might come in handy these days..." Theodore muttered.

"I told you before Theo. The Chamber's monster won't come after you. You're a pureblood for Merlin's sake!" Blaise said, trying to shut down the spiraling thoughts of our friend.

"Could be useful," I said, but something in the back of my mind kept telling me not to go.

At eight o'clock in the evening, I quickly found out why.

Daphne said she'd rather spend her time on her more 'illegal' studies, which had something to do with her sister, or so she said. Some banned books about the subject appeared magically on her desk in the library once, books which I may or may not have so copies in my suitcase.

Leaving her best friend with her books, Tracey accompanied us to the Great Hall.

The long dining tables had vanished and a golden stage had appeared along one wall, lit by thousands of candles floating overhead. The ceiling was velvety black once more and most of the school seemed to be packed beneath it, all carrying their wands and looking excited.

"I wonder who'll be teaching us!" said Tracey excitedly, as we tried to get closer to the stage.

"I hope it's Flitwick," I said, casting a small Confundus on an older student who refused to move. Who wouldn't want to learn some skills from a former dueling champion? "Honestly, as long as it isn't—" I continued, only to end on a blank stare.

Lockhart was walking into the stage, his plum robes needing an Alaric treatment, accompanied by Snape.

I looked at Professor Snape's face, and the use of Occlumency couldn't be more evident. I bet the man was holding himself as to not curse Lockhart to death.

Lockhart waved an arm for silence and called "Gather round, gather round! Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent!"

I wonder, if I humiliate Lockhart in a duel, will Snape award me more points?


A/N: Did you know that Ron's actor, Rupert Grint, never watched the scene with Aragog in the Forbidden Forest? Now you know.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget the stones!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

NyanTacreators' thoughts