
Soul Path

When Jake is seriously reading his book. A rather respectful voice echoed in the room.

"Sir, your dinner is ready".

Jake awoke from his deep concentration and smelled delicious foods coming from the kitchen. Cobold is currently standing beside Jake while bowing his head respectfully.

"This is indeed some delicious looking food… Thanks Cobold"

"Yes master" Cobold answered happily. Jake sure that if cobold has a tail he probably will wag his tail at this kind of occasion. Actually Cobold if compared to some other House Elf in the original series is rather a chill and a respectful fellow. Although he was trying to punish himself earlier it is not as severe as one particular House Elf. (QUIZ TIME, comment who is the house elf? 5 or more correct answer will be rewarded 1 additional bonus chapter).

"Cobold, you can sit here and enjoy the food with me" Jake said while pointing out at the empty chair.

"How can I do that sir, I am merely a servant, a slave. How can I sit equal to a wizard"

"This is an order Cobold, or are you not seeing me as your master anymore?" Jake questioned playfully.

"No..No..No… sir I wouldn't dare" Cobold than fearfully sit on the empty chair.

"This is better. Cobold from now on you will not do B when I asked you to do A. understand? The order I gave just now was a test." Jaked bullshited his way through without even blinking. Actually he just want a companion while eating dinner this time, usually his grandpa does that, for one whole year his grandpa would accompany him eating his dinner. Although in the previous live he was an eight stage Essence Immortal old monster, deep inside he still cherish his time with his grandpa in this life. After all he never felt a familial love and that was the closest one he had so tonight he is especially feeling lonely when reminiscing about dinner.

"Cobold, now your most important task is to stay hidden. Do not go wondering to a crowded place where you might be seen. As for the daily food I am sure with your magic, hunting wild animals is not hard right? Hunt whatever you can around here."

"Yes sir" Cobold answered cheerfully. He is happy because finally some orders came from his master.

The two of them enjoyed the food and Jake decided to take a rest to prepare for tomorrow's cultivation.

---Night ends, morning arrives---

At seven am Jake awoke because the sound of woods being chopped. It seems like Cobold is diligently chopping woods. Jake decided to fully wake up to continue yesterday's plan. Exiting the tent Jake observed his surrounding, the forest is a dense one, and it's really peaceful and secluded here. Although Jake did not know where it is he did not care at all. Thanks to this forest quietness he could sleep comfortably for the first time without that damnable loud bikes (Ch. 1).

"Good morning sir, your breakfast is ready in the kitchen" Cobold greet Jake with a smile.

Now that he is wake he observed this tent carefully, yesterday he did not get the chance to do so. There are three bedrooms, The large one is his bedroom, one guest bedroom and one bedroom for Cobold. Each room seems to have their own bathroom. There is a kitchen and a living room. Now that he think about it this is indeed a rather large tent. He took a shower and began to enjoy his food. He then proceed to learn more about magic and spells for approximately four hours to draws more detailed plan when he finally learn them in a practical way.

An hour later Jake is sitting crossed legged on top of a large rock. He began to observe his inner world. Previously because of his inability to feel the Qi of heaven and earth, he choose to cultivate one of the Soul Path art he possessed, 'Mind Palace Spiritual Art'. What is the soul path? Why is different from the Qi path?

The Soul Path is something that is actually uncommon in Jake's previous world because how difficult it is. The Soul Path does not train the body nor does it train magical power. This Path train the 'Mind Space'. A soul is the combination of a person's emotions, memory anything that gives an identity to an individual and the core existence that is void of all that which is known as 'atman'. They together form a human's 'soul'. The Soul Path allows a cultivator to evolve the soul into 'space' that is known as 'The Mind Space'. The stronger one soul is the better it is to train in this path. This doesn't mean that soul is gone and transformed into something else, on the contrary the Soul Path allows the Soul to make its own little house in various shapes. Because the fragile nature of the soul, a person although capable, cannot just let his soul wondering around outside his physical body for long. To make this happen a soul must have more stable base of support and that is 'The Mind Space' formed from techniques or arts available in the Soul Path cultivation system. The Mind Space shapes are different depends on the techniques or arts. It can be in form a beasts, plans or in Jake's case a palace with 9 floors. Once a certain grade art has been mastered, The soul will evolved or rather change its status into what commonly known as 'The True Self". In Jake's case he only trained his 'Mind Palace Spiritual Art' to the first floor only and that's why his soul is not yet a 'The True Self' but rather an 'Astral Body' like what he told his grandpa.

Practicing 'Mind Palace Spiritual Art' does not require mana or qi (or spiritual power maybe I will switch these term occasionally), but rather 'Soul Power'. The only limiting factor in training the 'Mind Palace Spiritual Art' is the how much a person soul contains Soul Power, as long as the soul has a lot of soul power it's absolutely possible to directly train to the highest level unlike Qi path which needs understanding and enlightenment. In fact with Jake's current soul power is totally enough to attain the highest level. In his previous life he also attained the highest level in 'Mind Palace Spiritual Art' but when his soul was struck by the eight stage Divine Tribulation Thunder, the 9 floors of the 'Mind Palace Spiritual Art' collapsed into a pure Soul Power. In the moment of life and death the ring save his soul and brought his soul to this foreign universe. What makes the most Soul Path techniques and arts difficult to train is a person needs to have a pure enough Innate Soul to attract the wondering soul power in the air to one's soul. This cannot be attained through training. This can only be obtained through positive karma. Jake in his previous live had a blinding amount positive karma since birth. Maybe the live before that he was a saint? who knows. It was the reason he was able to train his 'Mind Palace Spiritual Art' until the last floor.

NOTE: I am a newbie writer… I tried to describe the appearance of the food Cobold cooked but man… it’s better not to discuss what kind of descriptions I came up with… so I skipped the description…

Also this is today's last chapter.. watch out for the for the QUIZ.. for it may bring 1 bonus chapter for tomorrow's release.

nonamecodexcreators' thoughts