
Child of the Underworld

Fiell as the child was named looked at the man curiously as he smiled at him. Arthur said.

"Who are you? Why did you say MY son? Are you the one who abandoned him?" The dark haired man smiled at the stream of questions.

"If I can come on in I can answer a few questions before i have to go. I came to see my son on his birthday and give him a few presents for the future." The three of them walked inside and immediately Molly went to question Arthur.

"Hang on dear he says he is Fiell's father."

"HE SAYS HE ID THE ONE WHO ABANDONED THE POOR CHILD." Molly called out in a rage filled voice. The stranger smiled at that.

"Hello miss it seems you are a good mother to my son. I thank you for that. My name is Hades God of the Underworld, of Wealth and king of the dead." His words were so factual they shocked the family into silence. Three older brothers looked at him agape and the twins looked at him without comprehension.

"Are you joking good man? The gods never existed they are a myth." Arthur's voice rang out with unsurety in his voice.

"Ah then maybe a bit of proof." Hades said. He snapped his fingers and Molly Arthur and Fiell were outside. "Ah I dont want to scare the children you see."

"What about Fiell then." Molly said immediately.

"He is my son." Hades said simply. "He has power over my domains." He clicked and gokd and diamonds erupted from the earth. Half rotten zombies crawled after it. The zombies staggered to their feet and bowed to Hades and Fiell. "I did say I would help pay for my child and your good parenting." Pointing towards the pile of valuables he said. "These are for you. I am just showing you so you wont get confused when you see them in your bank vault."

"Wait." Arthur said looking confused. "Dont you need out help to get in?"

"Oh nonono the goblins follow after me you know. I am the God of all the riches beneath the Earth." He smiled and the dead and valuable disappeared. "Anyway I came to talk to my son and gift him a present. Privately." He spoke staring at the husband and wife. Arthur nodded and walked to get in but Molly stayed a minute.

"Fiell dear come inside quickly okay it is your birthday after all." She stared worriedly at him and walked after her husband.

"Anyway, Fiell happy birthday my son." He spread his arms wife and at that Fiell leaped to hug him. He jumped back after a minute and looked at Hades again.

"If your are my blood father?" He asked." Who's my blood mother?"

"You will meet your mother in time she also could not look after you for now. Moving on I asked Hecate to help me make this. It is fashioned from a cypress tree and stygian iron. It will be your wand and sword." He withdrew a pale white wooden wand with a handle of nightmare black. Lines of steel could be seen in decorative skulls. He handed it to Fiell who stared at it curiously. As soon as his hand grasped the handle bones and gold appeared around him. Hades smiled at that and spoke once more. "Beware my son I have tried to keep you here to protect you however sooner or later monsters will find you and try to kill you. It is in there nature Raise the dead and train with them." After that he vanished into a swirl of shadows. Fiell walked back into the burrow and showed his parents the wand.

"My other father said I have monsters trying to kill me mum and this will help protect me." Saying that a look of concentration appeared on his face and the wand changed becoming a dark blade that seemed to consume the light.

Arthur's face that lit up at 'Other father' frowned at the sword trying to grasp he he found he could not.

"Dont wave it around Fiell swords are not toys." After being reprimanded Fiell changed it back into a wand and stuck it in his pocket. Molly's face became more relieved at that and the celebration continued.
