16 Setup!

{29th June 1993}

{Muggle town, Cheshire, London}

{5:30 PM}

Cheshire was a large community on the outskirts of the UK. I took a deep breath enjoying the fresh air as I walked around the older-looking houses towards the town square where all shops and hubbub reside.

'Maybe I should buy a house here too, but I would need an Identity and various other documents to do some transactions to mingle in with the muggles here. Maybe staying here in the town could help with some background while I find some way to forge some paperwork. What should I call myself, I'll go with Zabini, that way I could say I was traveling and exploring the countryside.'


A football rolled towards my feet, I looked towards the side and saw some kids playing am a tall kid-run towards me, looking vary and excited, "Hey," he hesitated, "I don't think I have seen you around here?" I looked at the football pitch behind him, as his various friends were looking impatient. A sudden urge to kick the ball overcame me so I dragged the ball with my right foot away from the kid and took a sharp step towards and hit it with the inside of my foot. The ball curled around beautifully as it landed on the edge of the penalty area near the group of players. The feeling of Deja vu went away as soon as it came and as a notification disrupted my attention.

[Occlumency leveled up]


I was baffled by a sudden shout of "Michael" and looked up to see the kid who was standing in front of me look at me with a curious expression before turning to shout at the rest of them, "You guys play! I'll be there in a second!"

He then turned towards me and came closer, "Do you play professionally? You have the build for it and that cross was sweet." I looked at myself, I was quite toned because of playing quidditch every year and all the dueling practices.

'Why do I have a feeling I should know this kid,'

"Nah, I once did at one point but an Injury took the game from me," I looked at the ball.

'That feeling was from my real memories, did I play football? Like in school? College?'

I shook my head and removed those useless thoughts out of my head and looked at the kid, "Go on, your friends are waiting. And take care of that foot!" I said and waved away before continuing on my way.

'That's not my life anymore, but maybe I should buy a ball, it did help me gain a level, but I know what I need to do.'

Thinking back to the passage about what the 4th Tier of Occlumency accomplished I quickened my pace intent to go back after getting what I came out to do.

'''...After complete mastery of Tier 3 Occlumency, begins your real journey into using Occlumency into dueling and offensive magic. While also gaining access to the most important benefit of Occlumecy, the Parallel thought process, the ability to focus your attention on multiple things at once allowed breakthroughs into various fields in magic and the reign of Natural Oclumus's came to an end...'''


The bell chimed as I walked into my destination absentmindedly and looked at the counter in front of me. Sitting behind the counter was a normal European-looking middle-aged guy. I have seen a lot of Asian and other Ethnic groups in Chester, it looks like a nice community.

"Hey what can I do to help!" the guy said with a smile as I walked towards him.

"Hey, I'm Blaise" I extended my hand which he shook and replied with, "Hey Blaise, I'm Terry."

I placed a galleon on the table and his attention immediately shifted towards the shining coin. I examined the various objects around the place as Terry looked at the coin with a small magnifying glass I think.

"Wow! I haven't seen anything like this in my life! Is this a dragon? Galleon as in liquid?" He murmured.

"I found a bunch of these while traveling, I just wanted to know if they are real gold or not," I asked Terry who immediately nodded, "It's gold alright!" he said as he scratched the surface carefully with a small metal knife?

"You looking to sell?" he asked excitedly.

I dropped four more galleons on the table and he immediately took out a measuring machine before dropping all the galleons on it.

"Alright it's a little less than 10 grams but I'll give you the price for 10 because I haven't seen anything like this." He said and I nodded and he placed 8 of 10-pound notes in front of me which I happily swiped away and said, "I'll see you around Terry! maybe if I find another pot of gold I'll come back to you!" I said and walked out of the pawn shop.

'Alright first part of the plan done...'

I walked out of the shop pulled out my wand and placed a simple alert ward on the door keyed it to any magical signature then walked to a nearby alley, memorized the location, and then apparated away.


{29th June 1993}

{13th Branton, Cheshire, London}

{5:56 PM}

I stumbled a little noticing that I stepped on a rock so I levitated it out of the way and looked around, my new house was located almost halfway on top of a mountain.

'Well calling it a mountain would be a bit of a stretch but it is quiet enough that I could come and go without alerting anyone'

I walked into the house feeling a familiar blanket of magic covering me, and I walked back into my office after my impromptu trip.

'Alright now we can guess how the ministry deals with leakage of currency, if there are any gaps then maybe I could take advantage and make money in both worlds but it seems unlikely. There is a slim one-pound gap in every galleon so it seems unlikely that I could exploit this scheme with my meager wealth but if I could gain a large amount of money in the real world then it could be possible...'

I looked towards my open trunk and picked out the diary that In which I had written my plans before, and opened the first page.

'''Alternate recipe to the Boils cure potion'''

'Alright time to get familiar with brewing!'


AN: In the next episode of A Slytherin's story, I have tried to create a legitimate potions system! kind of like chemistry. Let's see if it is feasible!

Anyway! see ya tomorrow!

Alright just to clear some stuff up--- Harry Daphne will not be friends with Blaise ever! They will be on the same side against Voldemort! Harry and Daphne are the two other Main character's in the story but that doesn't mean they will be friends again!
