
chapter 1

It was a beautiful morning, Harry and Key were woken up by an alarm at 5 a.m.

Harry paid the owl that brought the Daily Prophet, but he felt there was no point of taking it, he merely glanced at the front page before throwing it aside these days; when the idiots who ran the paper finally realised that Voldemort was back it would be headline news, and that was the only kind of news Harry cared about.

Harry also hoped he would see owls carrying letters from his best friends Ron and Hermione, though any expectation he'd had that their letters would bring him news had long since been dashed.

Letters that he reads are reminded to Harry, which says 'We can't say much about you-know-what, obviously....' 'We've been told not to say anything important in case our letters go astray....' 'We're quite busy but I can't give you details here....' 'There's a fair amount going on, we'll tell you everything when we see you....'

But when were they going to see him? Nobody seemed too bothered with a precise date. Hermione had scribbled I expect we'll be seeing you quite soon inside his birthday card, but how soon was soon? As far as Harry could tell from the vague hints in their letters, Hermione and Ron were in the same place, presumably at Ron's parents' house.

Key and Harry are sitting on the floor in their room.

Key looks at Harry and sees him throw unopened boxes of Honeydukes chocolates his friends sent him for his birthday.

"Still upset", said Key.

"Yes", said Harry.

"Harry, listen I understand why you are feeling so angry", said Key.

"We may have been together during that time, but you don't know how I feel because you have means of getting great news without worrying about getting your mail taken away, well anymore", said Harry.

Key gets up and looks angrily at Harry, and says "You are wrong, I have been haunted by our time in the graveyard, and all our past dangerous experiences; and the fact you think I don't feel the same, I just can't believe you feel like that".

Key is crying a little.

There is a moment of silence, and Harry doesn't even say sorry, so Key leaves the room.

Key goes outside.

Harry in the room alone, he starts talking to himself.

"She doesn't understand, Voldemort was never after her during those times, she just happened to be there. All she has to worry about is being a fae, she doesn't have any pressure on her, her life is perfect, she has all her family", said Harry.

Key is outside, crying, and she sees flashes.

The flashes she sees are Cedric getting hit by the killing curse, facing a boggart that appeared as Harry's dead body, seeing the vision of Makai and her being together as a couple, and hugging her mother and father.

"He is wrong, I do understand because when we ended in the grave, all I was worrying about was that I might lose him and that was my worst fear", said Key.

Harry looks at Key who is crying.

"Maybe I went too far, after all one of the things I remember is the horrified look on her face", said Harry.

Harry grabs some letters and Key's journal, then heads outside.

Outside, Key is getting up, and at that moment, she sees Harry with a letter and her journal.

Key starts to walk away, but Harry stops her, and says "I'm sorry".

"And", said Key.

"I should know better that you know me better than anybody and I won't try to distance myself from you again", said Harry.

Key pulls Harry in for a hug.

"So, which part of my journal were you going to read to me?" Key asks Harry.

"Well, I was going to give you this and show you this picture", said Harry, as he opens the journal and shows a picture of her parents.

"It still feels unbelievable that I finally got to see them", said Key.

"Key, you don't have to stay with me, go with your family and live a happy life", said Harry, feeling guilty.

"Not a chance, I'm not leaving unless you can come with me, these Dursleys will make your life more of a living hell if I left; and I won't let that happen", Key insisted.

"You don't have to protect me anymore, I'm 15", said Harry.

"I know, but that's not what I meant, I meant I'm not leaving you because one I'm kinda scared, two we are as close as siblings", said Key.

"Well, sis you want to go on a walk?" Harry smiles.

Harry and Key turned a corner into Magnolia Crescent; halfway along he passed the narrow alleyway down the side of a garage where they first met Sirius.

Harry remembers what Sirius' letters said: 'I know this must be frustrating for you....' 'Keep your nose clean and everything will be OK....' 'Be careful and don't do anything rash....'

Soon, they crossed Magnolia Road and headed towards the darkening play park.

"Well, it's a good thing Sirius and I convinced you to not do anything crazy like try to go to The Burrow by yourself", said Key.

"True, but couldn't you at least use your magic to teleport us there?" Harry asks Key. "It's so boring being stuck here and not going anywhere else".

"I understand how you feel, but it's too risky, what if I'm tracked and they try to attack us on our way here, it's best to lay low", said Key.

"You are right", said Harry

Key and Harry vaulted over the locked park gate and set off across the parched grass.

The park was as empty as the surrounding streets.

Key and Harry go on swings and continue talking amongst each other.

The next day, Harry and Key are hearing news, then they head to the park, where they see Dudley and his friends are walking down the street.

Harry and Key are having fun with each other.

"Harry, good news, my friends told me that the reason why they weren't answering if they were working at the restaurant that Toni normally works at is because Toni and Keni are visiting Toni's family in a villa named Purekeep and they are going to come visit tomorrow", said Key, with a smile.

"Well, are there any other friends to come with?" Harry asks Key, while looking curious.

"No, but I can convince them to take us to your friends, and I have to warn you to not be too harsh to your friends", said Key.

"Fine, speaking of friends, have you heard from Makai?" Harry asks Key.

"Yes, and I was wondering if you could read this", said Key, while blushing.

"Why?" Harry wondered.

Harry looks at the letter and sees hearts on it, then that made him understand, and reads "Dear Key, I know that times have been off, and I haven't send many letters, so to make up with lost times, I will pick up you up for a picnic after our friends visit, Love Makai".

"She wants to take me on a picnic, well that's not that bad, I thought she might want to date", said Key, while looking nervous.

"Hold it, I thought you were going to start to date after the Yule Ball", Harry assumed.

"Actually we thought that would be too fast, so we were going to wait", said Key.

"So, maybe she will ask you out and you finally can get together since you two have had a crush on each other since first year", said Harry.

"You think so", said Key. "But, what if I'm ready, what if I'm a bad girlfriend… what?"

"Key, relax, I know that you are nervous, but you must stay calm or she will think this is too much stress for you", said Harry.

"You are right, I need to calm down", said Key.

Harry and Key continue walking until they see Dudley and his friends saying their farewells at the entrance to Magnolia Crescent, they stepped into the shadow of a large lilac tree and waited.

"You want to mess with Dudley?" Harry whispers to Key.

Key nodded.

'…squealed like a pig, didn't he?' Malcolm was saying, to guffaws from the others.

'Nice right hook, Big D,' said Piers.

'Same time tomorrow?' said Dudley.

'Round at my place, my parents will be out,' said Gordon.

'See you then,' said Dudley.

'Bye, Dud!'

'See ya, Big D!'

Harry and Key wait for Dudley's friends to go away, then they reveal themselves.

"Hey, Big D", said Harry, mockingly.

Dudley turns around, and says "Oh, it's you two".

"How long have you been "Big D" then?" Key asks Dudley, while giggling.

"Shut it", snarled Dudley, turning away.

"Cool name", said Harry, grinning and falling into step beside his cousin along with Key.

"But you'll always be "Ickle Diddykins" to me".

Key and Harry laugh and they high five.

Dudley was about to attack them, when the sky turns dark.

"What are you doing?" Dudley asks Key and Harry, while looking scared.

Key feels a chill and sees her breath, then looks at Harry with worry.

Harry looks worried as he looks around and sees the street light flicker, die, and frost over.

"Don't move, Dudley", said Key and Harry.

"What is going on?" Dudley asks, while looking worried.

"Calm down, Dudley, whatever you do don't move", said Key.

Harry and Key looks around to see what is happening.

Key got out her wings.

"I mean it stop this", said Dudley, as he makes a fist and heads to the side of Harry's head, lifting Harry off his feet.

"Harry, the chill, the sky, this can only mean one thing", said Key.

"They can't be here, why now and how?" Harry questioned.

Key grabs Harry, before he hits the ground.

Dudley ran away, while looking scared.


There was a horrible squealing yell and Dudley's footsteps stopped.

At the same moment, Harry and Key felt a creeping chill behind them that could mean only one thing. There was more than one.

"DUDLEY, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! WHATEVER YOU DO, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! Wand!" Harry muttered frantically, his hands flying over the ground like spiders.

Key's hands glow.

Harry and Key looked terrified as they looked at a hooded figures gliding smoothly towards them, hovering over the ground, no feet or face visible beneath its robes, sucking on the night as it came.

Harry and Key say their spells.

"Expecto patronum", said Harry, but he stumbled backwards.

"Guardian light", said Key, as a wolf in a blue form of a spirit appears and makes the dementors fly away. "Harry, are you okay?"

"I couldn't do the spell", said Harry, looking terrified and defeated.

"It's okay, but right now we need to find Dudley", said Key. "He may be a pain, but we are the only ones that can protect him".

But, as Key is talking she doesn't notice Dementors behind.

Key slowly gets weaker.

"Key", said Harry, looking worried.

'Think happy. Think happy', thought Harry, as he waves his wand.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry says the spell.

An enormous silver stag erupted from the tip of Harry's wand; it's antlers caught the Dementor in the place where the heart should have been; it was thrown backwards, weightless as darkness, and as the stag charged, the Dementor swooped away, bat-like and defeated.

He had run barely a dozen steps when he reached them: Dudley was curled up on the ground, his arms clamped over his face. A second Dementor was crouching low over him, gripping his wrists in its slimy hands, prising them slowly, almost lovingly apart, lowering its hooded head towards Dudley's face as though about to kiss him....

Key gets up and flies towards Dudley and announces "Guardian light!"

A silver mist forms a wolf again, attacks the dementor, and is thrown into the air; it soared away and was absorbed into the darkness; the wolf and the stag cantered to the end of the alleyway and dissolved into silver mist.

Moon, stars and street lamps burst back into life. A warm breeze swept the alleyway. Trees rustled in neighbouring gardens and the mundane rumble of cars in Magnolia Crescent filled the air again.

"Key, do you sense anymore?" Harry asks Key.

Key flies high in the air and sends a yellow aura that forms birds, her eyes turn bright blue, then the birds come back, and says "Nope, they are gone".

Key flies down and lands on the ground.

"Thank goodness", said Harry.

Key hugs Harry, then helps Dudley up along with Harry's help.

Key got rid of her wings and Harry got rid of his wand.

Mrs. Figg came panting into sight. Her grizzled grey hair was escaping from its hairnet, a clanking string shopping bag was swinging from her wrist and her feet were halfway out of her tartan carpet slippers.

"Mrs. Figg, what are you doing?" Key asks Mrs. Figg.

"Key, don't put away your wings and Harry, don't put away your wand, they might come back", said Mrs. Figg. "Oh, I'm going to kill Mundungus Fletcher!"

"Key,Harry, thank goodness, you are okay", said Abigail, looking relieved.

Abigail runs to Harry and Key, then she hugs them.

Abigail and Mrs. Figg follows Key and Harry who are helping Dudley move to make sure they are okay.
