
Harem Sovereign System

"Any pervert can create a harem but to love a harem is another thing. One who loves equally is loved equally." Lex suddenly became the host of a self-proclaimed harem sovereign system. The system transported him to a parallel dimension where superpowers, elves, cat girls, demons, angels, and many other things exist. In the parallel world, humans possessed magical abilities From there onwards, Lex began his journey to search for love while becoming the Harem Sovereign! *** AI generated cover owned by the author.

LightWatcher · แฟนตาซี
87 Chs

Light Consent To Roasting

"Tell me about the blessing," Lex said excitedly.

[ As per the blessing of the harem sovereign, your… libido's strength and stamina will increase the more you come in contact with a woman. Furthermore, you can form a connection with your harem members. ]

"That sounds pretty good." 

[ Yeah and more information will be revealed later on. ]

"Show me the stats now." Lex could feel excitement rushing through his veins. 

For Lex, who never had a real useful talent in his past life, even a small power would be helpful. He swore that he would at least try hard.

'Heck, I will even settle for the ability to become a pornstar. Wait, on second thought, maybe I got a bit too excited.' 

Even though Lex didn't know whether such an ability existed, it was a bit tempting to have that skill, especially if he could pull himself out of debt with its help.

Yes, he had a debt on his head. According to the new memories he received, his parallel version owed money to the gang that got him into the false cases. He also owed the bank a lot since he took loans for studying.

'Hmm, my student loans were present in my last life as well and the gang incident happened there as well. However, I didn't owe the gang any money. Something else definitely happened in this world.'

Unfortunately, Lex was not able to view all the memories of his parallel. Only certain memories showed up on time.


Name: Lex

Race: Human

Ability: Sealed(Sealed)

Attribute: Suicide Survivor

Do you want a detailed explanation?


The first thing Lex saw was the ability and that explained everything to him. He did possess an ability but it was sealed.

"I do want a detailed explanation," Lex replied in a confused tone. There were no stats present there except for a very weird title.

He knew the basic format of systems and how they worked. However, there wasn't anything like that visible for him.

The screen in front of him changed as a new set of words appeared on it.

"By choosing the detailed explanation, you consent to minor roasting in exchange for a helpful explanation." Lex read aloud.

A frown formed upon his face. Though he didn't like being roasted, Lex knew that the explanations would be helpful for him.

'I have already suffered so many insults and slurs due to the fake case. Give me your best shot, Elfie.' Lex smiled humorlessly before giving his consent.

[ The first stat is the power stat which reflects your physical and mental power. It's currently at a level where you can be knocked out by a ten-year-old ability user. No point in showing that. ]

'Let's see… If the original me from this world trained this body, it means that I should be stronger than the average non-ability user. After all, he attended a special martial arts school.' Lex looked at the positive side.

[ Next stat is agility. At your current level, you will obtain 6th place out of 12th in a 200-meter dash race. Once again, no need to show it. ]

'Not bad, not bad. This body is flexible as well so I should have no problem in using it a bit more freely.'

[ The Trick stat refers to your mental ability to think, resist, and adapt to situations. At your current level, you can run the Boy vs Wild show in a high school. ]


Lex wondered whether this was Elfie's way of avoiding copyrights.

[ Vitality refers to your physical resistance against attacks as well as your healing capability. Truth be told, this would be much higher if not for ability users. At your current level, a ten-year-old can pierce your heart with a well-aimed laser beam. ]

'Expected. Non-ability users definitely suck at defense when they are fighting against supernatural beings.'

[ At last, Dexterity explains how well you can handle weapons, abilities, etc. Years of gaming and self-pleasure make this your highest stat right now. ] 

'At least those things turned out to be useful…' Lex thought with a sigh. 'You did explain the stats to me but I can't see them on the status screen. You can't show me the stat values, can you?'

[ You are correct. I am sorry for being kinda useless but that was all I can provide in regards to your stats. ] Elfie apologized.

Lex blinked in surprise. He was once again reminded that, unlike a mechanical system, Elfie might be someone with feelings and stuff. 

"Never mind that. Let's move on to the powers you can provide me with." 

[ I will provide you with a medium to grow stronger. ]

'Then why did you call yourself the Harem Sovereign system before?'

[ You can't become stronger on your own, Lex, at least not now. You will have to unseal your powers but that will require help from other people, especially females. ] 

'Mind explaining this in detail?' he questioned.

[ For that, you will have to go to a library. ] 

'You don't know it yourself, do you?'

[ You are absolutely correct! ] Elfie said in a game announcer's voice.

Lex shook his head and sighed. Elfie seemed to have the cheerful personality of someone with a hard past yet had the intelligence of a stereotypical blond woman.

[ Oi, that's rude! ] 

'You can hear my thoughts even when I am not talking to you?!' Lex exclaimed.

[ I can only hear the things you think about me. ]

'I see…' Lex sighed in relief. He definitely didn't want anyone poking inside his head, especially someone who could talk inside his head as long as he was alive.

[ You can sigh all you want but I know your fantasies. You want a harem, don't you? ] Eflie giggled.

"What about my sealed powers?" Lex ignored the question and asked another statement.

[ Your powers are sealed due to two reasons. One, your body can't contain your powers, and two, you don't have enough elemental energy. I have no idea what Elemental Energy refers to. It was written in the manual about this world. ]

'You got a manual about this world?'

[ Yeah and it has three lines. This is Gaia. It has magic. Elemental energy is the key to everything. ]


There went his hopes of Elfie holding knowledge about the current world.

'Oh well, there must be some books inside this house. I trust my parallel self to keep his high school books intact.' Lex thought optimistically.

[ About that… ]

One minute later, Lex was rubbing his forehead. He couldn't believe that his parallel self had burned all of his high school books the day he graduated.

That was quite irresponsible. Though to be fair, Lex did the same thing on the last day of his exams.

He didn't know whether to be disappointed in his other world self or himself.

"Oh well, library it is," Lex muttered before opening his closest.

The clothes inside were similar to the ones he wore on Earth so he didn't have to think too much about what he should wear.

Lex picked a simple pair of black jeans and a blue shirt to wear. He was tempted to go with an all-black outfit but his other-world self apparently didn't have much fashion sense.

'Time to take my first step outside.' 

Lex opened the door and stepped outside. He looked to the left and to the right before stepping out.

The less people he met, the better it was for him.

Everything went well until Lex stepped out onto the main street. A grim expression settled on his face when he noticed a bunch of females moving in his direction.

By the looks of it, they were definitely coming for him. Lex had met similar women like them and the results had never been good.


Sorry for the small information dump ^^

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