
Harem School System

It is a short story about a guy who enrolled on a school with an absurd vision and mission A school about making a harem and increasing the population of Japan due to the low birth rate: this story focuses on a one-to-one arc but eventually, the girls will know each other.

ZeroAsuna · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

Side Quest - [Shiori's Arc]

On the sunny day, a few couples gathered around the centre park. And me? Well, it's all started this morning at our household.


"You want me to what with Shiori??" I shouted confusingly.

"A date. I liked her already so please pick her up." Hikari said while stirring a soup in the pot.

" A date?? But I just met her! I can't suddenly to swoops her like that!" I replied disbelief.

"But you did to me, no?" She replied nonchalantly.

"You are different..."

"Oh, really? What the difference between me and her? We both didn't know each other too, right?" She continue while crossing her hand over her chest and raised her eyebrow.

"Well, you already fall in love with me in the first place...but you who did confess to me!" I replied.

Hikari sighed and shaking her head.

"Listen, Toru. It's doesn't matter who first or second in confession. What matte most is feeling towards each other. I also understand, why you insisted don't want to do this but it's about feeling. What if, she also like you or love you same as me, hm?"


"Oh, please don't be coward and spineless now. I know you have a big confidence in there! So, you must go there, and make her love you like how you made me now, okay?"


She pecked on my lips and pull away. Then, she brushed off some dust on my shoulder.

'She's right... if I can made her fall in love with me...maybe Shiori too? But what if...' groaned in my thoughts.

Hikari frowned when she noticed my troubled face. She then caressing my cheek.

"Don't think about 'what if', Toru. Rather 'what would' instead. What would happened if you have a date her. Think positively, Toru."


She pecked my lips once again and caressing my face gently.

"Go ahead, and be a man!" She continued while smack my back.

I just nodded obediently. But I know, she didn't want me to go this date because she will share me, the man she loved with another girl.

Before I go, I give her a kiss back at her lips and walk to the front door. I stopped at the door and reached out the doorknob.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw her flustered face. I giggles silently and open the door and walk out of the house.


And that's how, I was in this kind of situation. But to be honest, Shiori really take her time, huh?

Suddenly, I heard a tap of heels behind me. I turned back and saw Shiori walking towards me with fancy clothes and shoes.

At the same time, i dumbfounded at her, the couples around me looked at her dumbfounded. Even girls!

"Hey, Toru-kun. Did I make you waiting?" She strucked me with a sudden greeting.

I snapped back to reality and wipe my eyes.

"No! I just arrived just now." I replied to assure her that she didn't late although I it's already 2 hours late.

"Glad, I make it time. So ready to go?" She asked and waiting for me to answer.

"Yeah, let's go!" I replied as I reach out my hand towards her.

She a bit flushed and awkward take my hand and intertwined our finger.

Then, we walking around the centre park. As we walked, people around us keep staring at us.

'It is for me or her?' I asked in my thoughts.

I turned my sight to her and saw her blushed face. I see, so she also aware about the staring huh? I smirked.

"Shiori! We will go faster!" When I suddenly shouted like that I increase my pace and running away.

Shori widen and squeak loudly while her hand was grabbed. People around us just laughing and cheering at us.

"What a lovely couple!"

"Go, boy go!"

"How youth~"

That's what they said that I caught hearing. Glad, is not hate commenting towards us.

Afterwards, we arrived at the beach. Fortunately, after we arrived no ones was there. We stopped running and catching a breath.

Pant! Pant!

"Haa~ Haa~ Toru~!" She panting while still keep her gripped on my hand.

"What's wrong? Tired already?" I asked while I also panting heavily.

She smirk and laughing loudly. Confusingly, I joined her laughing as well.

A few minutes later, we sat on the beach. We didn't expecting we will go to the beach so because of that, we just sat on the sand without cover our butts.

Shiori leaning her head on my shoulder while looking at the sea.

"You know, Toru. Even though you asked me out for a date, I didn't expected this kind of date, you know?" She giggled.

"But, I appreciate it. You asked me out and brought me here. Did you do it on purpose or just coincidentally?" She continue.

I scratch my head nervously. She notice my nervously and just giggles.

"I see, so it just pure coincidence huh?" She said as she continued lean on my shoulder.

"Uh...sorry, Shiori. Its not according to my plan at all. I perfectly planned it, i swear! But-" she interrupt me by put her finger on my lips.


"It's okay, Toru. No matter how fancy or great your plans are, I rather picked spend my time with you."

"Is...that so? You really mean it?"

She nodded with genuinely smiled. Oh man, look at that smiled! She's so angelic!!

Huff~ calm down Toru.

"But, what would we do if we go according your plan, Toru?"

"Well, you know. A simple date. Amusement Park, shopping, dine-in at restaurants..."

"Oh, wow you really planned it out huh?" She giggles.

"Well, we still have time, how about we do that? Your Date." Says Shiori as she leaned forward.

"Sure! Let's go then!"

"Fufu~ someone's eager huh? Okay let's go!"

Later, I take her hand and bring her to Amusement Park. We playing so many games and rides. Roller coasters, bumping car, haunted house and more.

We also won so many prizes at the games and took so many pictures together. But suddenly...

"What?? You lost your earing?!" I exclaim.

"Shh! not so loud, Toru! It's fine, really."

"But didn't you said that earing was given by your father from America?"

"Yes, it was. But it's already loose after all so don't-" Suddenly some random kid pull Shiori shirt.

"Big sis, is this your earing?" A small little girl approached us and show an earing to Shiori.

Shiori paused while looking at the earing. By look at her face, the earring is hers but rather than take it, she smiled and closed the little girl's hand.

"Yup, it's mine. However, you can keep it, young girl."

The little girl smile from ear to ear. She then jumped excitedly.

"Thank you, big sis!" The girl hurriedly hug Shiori very tightly.

Shiori surprised and hug the girl back. Suddenly, from the crowd, a young mother is panicking looking at her child.

"Oh, mother!" She pull away from Shiori and ran towards her mother. Apparently, she lost from her mother because want to meet Shiori and returned her earing back.

'What a sweet child!' I thought.