
Harem School System

It is a short story about a guy who enrolled on a school with an absurd vision and mission A school about making a harem and increasing the population of Japan due to the low birth rate: this story focuses on a one-to-one arc but eventually, the girls will know each other.

ZeroAsuna · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

Harem School

Japan, 20XX. 

With a low birth rate, the people of Japan are always concerned about the country's future.

However, out of nowhere, a mysterious man appeared in front of the leader of Japan and declared something absurd and unbelievable. 

Establish a school that is allowed to create a harem or polygamy. Of course, the leader and his executive don't like it and it is obviously illegal in the country.

Afterwards, with some precaution, and agreement between the two sides, the leader of Japan allowed it with some conditions.

[Condition of the agreement] 

- Students (male) that do not have any members in the harem will be sent off to the normal school by the next term

- The student (male) who has the least members is the harem, they will also be sent to the normal school (max member: seven)

- Students who abuse or do something inappropriate without any consent from the members, will be sent to the rehabilitation centre. 

Following the condition of the leader, a new system of school was established, the harem school system. With that, a brand new school was built called "Ipputasai Gakuen" or High School of Polygamy. 

10 years later...

The rate birth of in Japan slowly increases with the year. Now people also slowly opening up to the new system of education.

Although, the school is same as ordinary school. 

[Monday, morning]


As the rays of the sun shine through my room also into my eyes, I slowly open my eyes and sit up on the bed. 

"Same as usual" that's what I thought when I was up this morning. But what fresh me up totally was a 'letter' or offering letter. 

"Sweetie! Come here for a second!" 

A voice from downstairs makes me confused. Right now, I am taking a bath when I hear the voice. Apparently, it comes from my mother from downstairs. I quickly end my bath and rush downstairs. 

"Okassan, what's wrong??" I shouted with a concerned face and voice. 

"Sweetie, look at this" replied her while showing me a piece of letter in her hand. 

I walk toward her and grab the letter. As soon as I grabbed it, my mother asked me to open it. She said she hadn't opened it up yet because it had my name not hers. 

Without further ado, I quickly opened it up and took out the content of the letter. It was an offer letter from the school. Not any ordinary school but a new one, the Harem Academy!

My mother's face from a confused state turned to a proud face. 

"Aww~ Finally, my son's turn this year! I'm so proud of you, my dear!" she shouted as she hugged me tightly. 

Proud? Oh yeah, that school's purpose is to increase Japan's birth rate right? But why me? 

"Mhm...thanks" I responded with a hesitant voice. 

"What's wrong sweetie? Not like it?" 

"No, it's not I don't like it, just confused why they picked me for the next term student." 

"That means you are special!" 

Special, huh? I mean, my mother was a student there...is this just a coincidence? or someone set me up? 

Later, my father was told about my offer letter from my mother. He is also proud of me...well maybe because it will be beneficial to the country? 

At the end of the week, I packed up my stuff and was ready to enter orientation. 

[At the front gate of the Harem Academy] 

"Alright, son. Everything's ready?" asked my father while dropped all my stuff. 

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's all" I replied. 

Father and I are not that close because he is my 'second' father. Yes, my mother remarried after my biological father died in a car crash back then when I was ten. Six years later, he came to our family and married my mother. 

Now, I'm sixteen. Time flies not gonna lie. But whoever is my father, if he treats my mother better and takes care of her, I will accept him. 

"Alright then, time to go. I know that parents can stay but I have so many businesses to take care of. Can I go?" 

I sighed. Well, to be honest, the only reason I dislike my step-father of mine is how busy he is. I know he wants to support us financially but at least spend some time with your step-son, will you? 

"Sure, father. I know how busy you can be. You can go now. I will bring my stuff myself" 

He nodded and drove away leaving me at the front gate. Then, I sighed again picked up my stuff and walked inside the school grounds. 

As I stepped inside the school grounds, I was amazed. The building, environment and student uniform are in top shape! 

While I was dumbfounded by the environment, someone bumped into me from behind and dropped my stuff. 

When I turned my sight to the person, it was a rich kid. I sighed. Just as I expected, not only me (normal people) were offered but those rich people too, huh...

Then, I quickly picked up my stuff, and the rich kid walked to me and stepped on my hand on purpose! I look up and see him. He made an arrogant face and was proud. 

Tch! I clicked my tongue.

I was so pissed but I can't easily throw a tantrum in public. It's not I'm being a pussy but it will make me bad in front of those cameras! 

These modern days, people will take a video and upload it to the internet. I know this excuse is also a bit disappointing but I can't lose my face here. 

I just need to endure. If I can endure this humiliation, the video will focus on this rich kid bullying people! This is my win! 

That's what I thought. In the end, the video became viral and the audience laughed at me for not criticising that rich kid! 

At school, I become a laughingstock. What an unfair judge right? 

Later that day, no girls wanted to be my members (harem) because of that video. It's pretty rational, who want to join weak leader. Once again, I sighed.