
Harem in Apocalypse

A young smart ass genius who loves technology and fantasy, lives with his family enjoying to his fullest with all his family. One day his family proposed and he accepted them all, but due to a sudden outbreak all his life changed, in a good way though

DanyDaniel · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 3 - Thoughts and Truth

「 ( We all loved him ever since his born. Everyone cares about him. The love and care towards him get grows as he's started growing including me. Right I am married I have daughter and he is my cousin brother but I can't able stop thinking about him and the feeling got stronger and stronger each second but I didn't show it to anyone, but when I was pregnant my husband divorced and we separated

But I didn't marry anyone else. My little brother Daniel always comes to me whenever I felt sad he showed his concern or rather precisely his affection and love from then I never felt sad again and only felt happy because I can be with my little bro

He was a genius, smart and quick learne. My father and other uncles teach him everything what they know. And also taught him martial arts and self defense, when he was 7, with him Amelia and Sophia both learn martial arts and self defense. They only learn because they could be with him they always be by his side no matter what. We all know that they both also love Daniel

My little bro likes technology and anything related to fantasy a lot. He also has a separate room for his own R&D experiments

But soon we all came to know that all us has feelings for Daniel but we never argued or objected and My father and uncles also realized that, but they kept to themselves silent and be normal like always. And thus we slowly some of us started to show our affections towards Daniel and its continued

A few years later My father and both uncles were died in an accident it hits us hard but Daniel stood strong and encouraged us all, by seeing him like that we became normal

After uncle's death my mom, aunt Victoria and me start to run our company "DEVMSCAL" , it's renowned for its new inventions and trading techniques, and most of it were Daniel's inventions and techniques. Its the brand and family logo of Daniel but after the incident, within a few months some other trading companies and private lenders tried to throw an uproar and start a coup d'etat for to steal the company by false accusations and fake documents as proof but then suddenly Daniel came and threatened & blackmailed all by showing them their dark secrets, details of black money and side business. He may be child but he is a smart-ass genius. Some tried to retort but then suddenly they got continuous calls and messages so they checked their phones and they were became pale and fall on the ground. Daniel just turn on the news, all to their shock who were retorted to Daniel were on the news. Their dark secrets, secret side business were all leaked and also there was a order issued by the govt. to arrest them asap, not only that, all their money including black money was hacked and this scared the most, all the others were scared to death after knowing that the money got hacked. And no one dares to say a single word, all of them agreed to sell their shares to us without a single thought

After that uproar Daniel told them all to leave and gave a warning to never-ever try to think to do something to us and they left soon after a few minutes there was a news telling that a huge accident was occurred to all people who left beforehand, in some traffic jamming interference and some communication and satellite failure

I don't to whether it's real or not but it took me some time to believe all of that. And then the first time in my life I saw a evil menacing grin on Daniel's face, I won't be able to forget it till now.

After that there is nothing any suspicion towards us. Daniel told us how he did all of that. He told us about the virus "RUBY" that he created, and he all done this at the age of 10. No one knows about this except our own family

He is also good at academics and other activities though he often goes to school, he moreover prefer to be with us or do his experiments rather than going to school

As time goes everyone of us started more-and-more affection towards Daniel including my daughter Melody she loves to be with Daniel and he always spoil and pamper her the most and some of us got more bold most importantly my aunt Margaret, Daniel's mom she opened up more, care and loved him more than us of all no one objected that including Daniel

Then we all girls agreed to love him in our own ways and we won't do sex for some time until he turns 15. He knows that we all love him but he never take any initiative or advantage of us he simply responded to our feelings till now. A few days ago we all girls gathered by my mom, and my mom suggested that we will confess to Daniel 1 day before his birthday it means today and so we all confessed Daniel. He was surprised with our sudden confession and he is not against it at all now we have have wait and see how Daniel responds ) 」Cecelia thought herself

( I was surprised that my mind and heart both stopped for a few seconds but when I felt my mom kissing me I regain my senses, it was normal that my kisses me but now it felt different, a passionate kiss with affection so responded back with my actions and it followed by all my family members one-by-one

I was not shocked or that surprised that, my own family loves me more than as a family member. My family members always cared about me loved me ever since I was a child. As I was growing I came to know that all have feelings for me and they all love me more than a family, at first I was shocked but I don't want to hurt my family and also moreover I have the same feelings towards all of them so I never objected their affection and gladly responded back. But I never took any initiative or advantage of them

When I was 10 my father and both uncles were died and it hit us hard but I supported my family and thus they all became normal.

Soon after that incident my aunts Victoria and Elza and my cousin Sissy were taken the position stand run the company. But I came to know that some other companies and private lenders were trying to start a coup d'etat, with the help of "RUBY" its a virus bot that I developed 1 year ago and I have all the access access the world even satellites and it won't be detected by any other virus or anything. "RUBY" can adopt to any attacks on its accords by staying on the whole technology as it's own part of it and I never used it much but after my father's death I used it and I gather all the information I want

Then I came to know about the coup d'etat the fucking scumbags tried to harm my family, then I must prepare a spectral traet for even thinking to try and as I went on that day when they want to start coup d'etat, I show them all of their secrets, threatened & blackmailed them to sell their shares but some retorted so I just gain the access from the communication using "RUBY" and I leaked the their all secrets to the media and govt. and the hacked their banks through "RUBY" and got access from satellite and transferred their properties and created a fake legal transaction and the others got scared to see what was happening in front of their eyes no one knows what happened or how? They just know that I was behind all these and they understand their situation without a single word accepted their fate and sell their shares.

I told them to leave with a warning and that's not it, now is the most important treat will be served. I just killed them all by "RUBY" by gaining the access from satellite and communications and made a traffic interference by jamming the signals and thus they died by rash driving or over speed without leaving a small detail and evidence so there is no more suspicion towards us.

How can I leave someone who tried to harm us and I just showed the power of us so who knows what they do so I have to clean the mess so I can leave peaceful or else the mess will become stench and it will make us suffer before that happens I just cleaned it

Then I told my family about "RUBY" and what I did

Soon after they got more bold and acted accordingly but nonetheless I responded back. And now at present first I was surprised nut soon I felt happy from bottom of my heart that they all proposed to me not one but all of them. All I need is now to confess my feelings towards them ) I thought myself


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