
childhood grew up to fast

As a kid, I didn't know the red flags were there. I was born in the color yellow in a small town oakmogie my name is Michelle I was born on Halloween the year 2002 the scariest night of the year. a year later I meet my best friend my younger brother Nathan on Dec 3,2003 we still are partners in crime the twins everyone calls us. our half sister Kim was born on Oct 2,2006

we moved out of yellow oakmogie to shalter were I made friends with kaley and nathan friends with her brother corbean. I got out of my shell and went go girl scoots I listened to Miley Cyrus everyday before school. rode horse and jumped on trampoline ate black berries I had the best life. my bio dad would read tinker bell to me filled my head with fairies and music and art he got me a kitten soxy because her white feet. we moved to Beguns were my kitten turned to a fat house cat. I hung up my girl scoot badge got ballet I wasn't a good dancer They always put me in the back though I wasn't dancing swan lake on stage, things at home...