
Chapter 2

  As much as I don't want to admit it, I can't get that beautiful boy out of my head. Why do good girls always fall for the bad boys? Sitting in my Algebra 2 class, I am zoning out when my teacher's voice interrupts my thoughts. "Rachel! Answer the problem!" Unfazed, I give the answer to the problem I solved before class started. Ms. Fargo, still suspicious, asked me to stop daydreaming and focus on the class at hand. 

  Later, as I walked down the hall with Macy, I was absorbing all the information she was giving me on Buxton. He was one of the best players on the baseball team, he goes to the gym every day and he's actually really smart. Even though he is super popular, he never dates any girls because none of them are his type. "He probably likes to play hard to get," I roll my eyes. "Is that what you think?" A familiar voices pipes up behind me. I whirl around to find Buxton smirking. "Yes, that's what I think!" I reply.

"Well, you're wrong," his tone makes me want to hit him.

"How so, your Highness?" I make sure sarcasm drips off my words.

"I shouldn't bother, since a scullery maid doesn't deserve to know the Prince's affairs," he retorts.

I give him my signature death glare. "Then why are you associating with me if I'm that low on your social class system? I'm sure someone like you has better things to do." With that, I spin on my heel and storm off, Macy hurriedly following me.

  "Ugh, he's such a jerk!" I burst out angrily. "I don't get why he won't leave me alone!" Macy smiles slyly. "What if he likes you?" I stare at her in utter mortification. "He's an asshole! You think I would be stupid enough to fall for someone like that?" Macy holds her hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay, but I'm just trying to help you find all the possibilities." I give her my are-you-serious-right-now look and she bursts out laughing. I is so hard to stay mad around her and she knows it. Finally, I give up and crack a smile. "Should we work on homework? Or should we talk about the super sexy guy that won't leave you alone?" Macy asks with a wiggle of her eyebrows. I know which answer she wants me to pick. "Homework," I reply, and she huffs in disappointment but does homework with me anyways.