
Hard to find

A gripping legal thriller that follows the Journey of a skilled lawyer Raelyn Cutly, as she unravels a complex web if deceit, fights for justice and confronts her own demons of the past, her love life has been a hassle aswell but all these changes when she meets her new Client and Sister's ex Husband Anthony Arnold and things get really twisted.

Alexandria_Kay · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Chapter 2 : A Fateful Encounter

Raelyn woke up feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. It had been a restless night, her mind consumed by the complexities and intricacies of this case. The rain from last night had subsided leaving behind a crisp morning air that hinted at the possibility of a new beginning. Sipping her morning coffee, her thoughts got consumed by the task that lay before her. She knew that uncovering the truth would require a meticulous examination of every piece of evidence, every witness account and every detail that had been overlooked. She was determined to navigate through this tangled web of deceit and expose the real culprit behind her niece's tragic death.

"come in". Raelyn's office felt smaller as Anthony Arnold stepped inside, his presence filling the room. Tall and impeccably dressed, he exuded an aura of confidence and charm that was difficult to ignore. His dark, wavy hair was neatly styled, and his chiseled features gave him an air of distinction. But it was his piercing blue eyes that held Raelyn captive, their intensity capturing her attention in a way she hadn't expected. "Mr. Arnold, please have a seat," Raelyn gestured to the plush chair opposite her desk, her voice maintaining a professional tone despite the whirlwind of thoughts running through her mind. She couldn't help but wonder how her sister, Emily, had ended up with a man like Anthony. The contrast between his magnetic presence and the accusations against him seemed incongruous. As Anthony settled into the chair, his gaze never wavered from Raelyn's face. There was a vulnerability in his eyes, as if he carried the weight of a thousand untold stories. She sensed there was more to him than met the eye, and her curiosity was piqued. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, Ms. Curtly," Anthony said, his voice carrying a hint of weariness. "I understand that my situation is quite complex, and I appreciate your willingness to help."

Raelyn nodded, her eyes fixed on Anthony. "I've reviewed the initial details of the case, Mr. Arnold. Your ex-wife's allegations are serious, and the evidence against you is compelling. We have a challenging road ahead." A flicker of pain crossed Anthony's face, quickly masked by a steely resolve. "I understand the gravity of the situation, Ms. Curtly. But I assure you, I am innocent. My daughter's death was a tragedy, but I had no hand in it." Raelyn maintained her composure, though her mind raced with questions. She couldn't help but wonder why Emily had chosen to marry a man who exuded a sense of detachment, hiding his emotions behind a carefully crafted facade. "Mr. Arnold, I must be frank with you," Raelyn said, her voice steady. "Your ex-wife, Emily, happens to be my sister. Our relationship has been strained for years, and I find myself torn between my duty as a lawyer and my personal feelings. I need your assurance that you are being truthful with me."

Anthony's gaze held hers, unwavering. "I understand the complexities of our situation, Ms. Curtly. But I assure you, I loved my daughter, and I loved Emily. I would never harm them. I reached out to you because I believe in your integrity and your commitment to justice." Raelyn's thoughts swirled as she listened to Anthony's words. She had always been protective of Emily, and the idea of defending a man accused of such a heinous crime felt like a betrayal. Yet, deep down, she couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to the story, that Anthony's words held a hint of truth. "I will take on your case, Mr. Arnold," Raelyn finally replied, her voice tinged with determination. "But understand this: I will scrutinize every piece of evidence, and I will fight for the truth, no matter where it leads. If I find any indication that you are not being honest with me, I will withdraw my support immediately."

A flicker of gratitude appeared in Anthony's eyes. "I appreciate your trust, Ms. Curtly. I have no doubt that you will uncover the truth. I am counting on your tenacity and your commitment to justice." As the meeting concluded, Raelyn's mind was filled with a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't ignore the knots of doubt that tightened in her stomach, nor the burgeoning sense of compassion she felt for Anthony. The journey ahead would be arduous, and the lines between loyalty and truth would blur, but Raelyn was determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface.