
Hard to find

A gripping legal thriller that follows the Journey of a skilled lawyer Raelyn Cutly, as she unravels a complex web if deceit, fights for justice and confronts her own demons of the past, her love life has been a hassle aswell but all these changes when she meets her new Client and Sister's ex Husband Anthony Arnold and things get really twisted.

Alexandria_Kay · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Chapter 1 : End of an Era

 I AM DONE WITH YOU! Just leave. As Pete walked out of my office in is navy blue suit. I knew I had lost all hope with this thing called love. Dating apps, going out, meeting new people and sill yet I couldn't form one connection, what the heck, I am so done with love. it's just for weak pathetic losers and I am not one of such. Whatever the case ; "I hope he finds his true love".

That was Raelyn Curtly, with her striking auburn hair cascading down her shoulders and piercing green eyes that held both determination and vulnerability, had always been a force to be reckoned with. As a successful lawyer in the vibrant town of Bailey, she had built a reputation for her unwavering dedication and sharp legal acumen. However, behind her confident façade, Raelyn carried the weight of a series of shattered relationships that had left her questioning her choices and doubting her own worth. Before Rae could continue nursing her thoughts, her phone buzzed and, she quickly breath back to reality to accomplish today's work.

It was a somber morning as raindrops tapped against the window of Raelyn's spacious office, mirroring the melancholy that enveloped her. She sat at her mahogany desk, her fingers idly tracing the edges of a photograph capturing a distant memory of happier times. The echoes of her recent breakup reverberated in her mind, each word a painful reminder of her failed attempts at finding lasting love. Her thoughts became a whirlwind of self-doubt and introspection as she reflected on the patterns that seemed to haunt her relationships. She questioned whether she had been too focused on her career, neglecting the emotional connection that was essential for a fulfilling partnership. Doubt crept in, clouding her judgment and leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty. In that moment of vulnerability, a knock at the door interrupted Raelyn's reverie. Startled, she quickly composed herself and called out, "Come in." The door creaked open, revealing her trusted assistant, Sarah, a short pleasant woman who was so carefree yet very caring, apart from being Rae's assistant, she was a mother figure in her life, she looked like she was in her late forties and always had a smile but right now she wore a concerned expression on her face. "Miss Curtly, I thought you might need this," Sarah said softly, handing her a file. "It's from Mr. Anthony Arnold, the well-known business tycoon in town. He's seeking your legal expertise."

Raelyn took the file, her gaze shifting from Sarah to the case file in her hands. She figured that a case involving someone of Mr. Arnold's stature could potentially be a game-changer for her career. However, her heart sank as she noticed the name of her sister, Emily Curtly, listed as a defendant. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Raelyn. She had always been fiercely protective of Emily, and the idea of being involved in a case where her sister's reputation was at stake weighed heavily on her. She knew the potential consequences and the toll it could take on their already strained relationship.

As she flipped through the pages of the file, Raelyn couldn't help but recall the countless times she had come to Emily's aid, offering support and guidance through life's challenges. Yet, their bond had grown strained over the years, burdened by misunderstandings and diverging paths. Raelyn glanced at Sarah, her expression a mix of determination and apprehension. "Thank you, Sarah. Give me some time to review the details. I need to carefully consider whether taking this case is the right choice for both my career and my relationship with Emily." Sarah nodded understandingly, silently acknowledging the weight of the decision that lay before Raelyn. As she left the office, a sense of solitude settled upon Raelyn, the weight of the world resting on her shoulders.

Rae opened her door and her excited dog ran to give her a hug. "who has been a good boy, huh bought you something" she entered her residence and poured the dog's favorite into his pan then when to her room took a shower and make herself dinner. While she ate her meal, She immersed herself in the case file, meticulously studying the evidence and pondering the potential consequences. To her, greatest dismay, the case involved a murder of her sister's daughter Lily Arnold, a child she has never met and Emily was accusing Anthony her ex-husband of killing their own child. With how things had gone since their dad died, these 2 sisters had lost contact of each other, Rae had never even met this ex-husband of her little sister. Resting back in her chair, memories of the past flooding her mind as she delved deeper into the case file. The truth was, her relationship with Emily had been fractured for years, ever since the tragic car accident that claimed the life of their Dad. It changed everything. Their mum died of cancer when the 2 were at a very tender age, she barely had any memories of her mum but the ones of suffering, most times she was grateful dead had eased her suffering but felt guilty about it. Raelyn had been consumed by grief, her focus solely on keeping their lives together. She had taken on the responsibility of being the older sister, ensuring that Emily had a stable upbringing and a promising future. But in the midst of her own struggles, Raelyn had unknowingly distanced herself from Emily, because she wanted space and made Rae feel like a burden to her reckless lifestyle when all she wanted was the best for her sister, for their family. Months turned into years, and as Raelyn threw herself into her legal career, she lost contact with Emily. Their lives took different paths, and communication dwindled to a mere trickle. Raelyn would occasionally catch glimpses of Emily's life through newspaper clippings or social media updates, but the emotional connection they once shared had faded into a distant memory.

Fate had brought them back together, not in the way Raelyn had anticipated. The case file in front of her was a stark reminder of the divide that had grown between them. It was a painful realization that she had missed out on so much of Emily's life, and now they were thrust into a situation that threatened to cement their estrangement. As Raelyn continued to examine the details of the case, doubts clouded her mind. She couldn't ignore the nagging suspicion that Emily might be involved in something illicit, using her husband as a pawn in a larger game. The thought pained her, but she couldn't shake off the possibility. It was a stark contrast to the sister she had once known, the sister who had been her confidante and best friend.

With a heavy heart, Raelyn made up her mind. She would confront Emily, seek the truth behind the accusations, and make a decision that would not only shape her career but also determine the future of their relationship. The road ahead was uncertain and fraught with challenges, but Raelyn was determined to uncover the truth and, if possible, mend the fractures that had torn them apart. This is an interesting one, I think I might take this case, want to see how far it goes Raelyn said to herself as she sipped her glass of wine.

"Two milkshakes and a pizza please" Raelyn said. thank you ma'am, have a pleasant evening. She took the treat and drove to the location she had tracked to be Emily's house. When she got there and rand on the door bell, there was no answer, after 3 rings she decided to give up and go home, but suddenly the door swung open there stood her little sister, Emily Curtly, a fashion model with the body that every girl desired. She looked extremely tired with her green eyes and red hair tied up into a ponytail. "What do you want?", Still standing in awe, looking at Emily she yelled, "I don't have all night here". I blunted out "Emm Good evening Emily, won't you let me come in?" rolling her eyes, she left the door ajar and went in, I followed to her living room and took a seat. She had a very beautiful home. Before I could entertain all my thoughts of the new environment, Emily said "so can we just get this done?" Emily, happy to see you after a while, I am here for the case involving the dead of your daughter Lily Arnold. Her stare on me intensified like she wanted to consume me like a fire consumes a building every opportunity it gets. "Who told you about this?" Emily asked. Please have a seat and let's talk. As Emily slowly sank into her seat, I offered her a cup of milkshake which was one of her favorites and then I displayed the pizza to be eaten. She collected the cup without a word and sipped on it. "what happened to little Lily?" a tear left Emily's left eye and I was so heart broken, losing a child can be damn painful. She hesitated for a moment her gaze searching my face for understanding, she took a deep breath. "it was a rainy night, just like tonight" Emily began "I had dropped of our Lily at Anthony's place for the weekend. I trusted him with our daughter, it never occurred to me her could harm her". Tears welled up in my eyes as I heard the hurt in my sister's voice. The next morning, I got the news that Lily had been killed, my world immediately shattered, the police found evidence pointing to Anthony as the perpetrator. But he denied it, Rae. He vehemently refused all accusations, claiming he loved my Little girl.

Raelyn stayed with her sister for the whole night, consoling her, being her comfort and making sure she was alright. When Emily fell asleep, it was 2am in the morning. Raelyn took her car keys and drove to the scene of the murder as described by Emily to find out more evidence as to the incident. She left the place at 5am and made up her mind to take this case, bringing justice to Lily, Anthony and comfort to her sister, but how?