
Handed over to Mr Billionaire

I've lived alone with my mother since I was a little girl and grew up knowing the world was all against us. My father was once known as the best chef in Rio but passed away few weeks after I marked my tenth birthday and since then it has been us, our lives was supposed to be perfect but we had to move away from Rio because my uncle made our lives a living hell after father died. This continued and caused mom to die out of a heart attack and now I am living with the devil who is trying to frustrate my life and the little business I inherited from my mother is failing, how do I cope? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Orva wants fame to keep all her secrets and fears in check but it came with a big price she wasn't ready to pay. Yoshi Sinclair wants a child who could be his heir, but Orva needs money to flee away from her devil of an uncle and she wants to achieve fame at the same time, she thinks fame comes to those who cuts corners. NEVER. She is in for a shock when tables turn around against her wish.

Salem_Goodness_20 · สมัยใหม่
118 Chs


Copyright © 2021 Salem_Goodness_20 and Webnovel inc

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Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author's imagination

Front cover image by Salem_Goodness_20

Book design by Salem_Goodness_20

10KM, Idiroko rd canaanland, Nigeria.

ota, Ogun state, 112233

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