
It's Time


Bast stared at Alex with his scrutinizing gaze. Alex awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he silently scolded Dyna in his heart for saying such misleading words.

Alex was happy that Angela was a pure girl and did not misunderstand what Dyna had just said. He decided to take out the candy that Dyna was talking about to clear the misunderstanding between him and Bast.

Angela is a pure girl but Bast may be the most tainted person Alex ever knew. He had felt earlier that Bast was staring intently at Dyna and made a mental note to keep Dyna out of Bast's reach.

"Here you go, baby. Eat it after breakfast, okay?" Alex handed a [EXP Candy] towards Dyna.

"Yes, papa!" Dyna nodded. She then put the [EXP Candy] inside her pocket and clung to Alex's neck once again, ignoring Bast.

Alex smiled at Bast who was still looking at him and greeted his father-in-law. "Good morning uncle Bast."

"Good morning to you too Alexander." Bast smiled and greeted back Alex. He was not an ordinary butler by the way he speaks and moves. Which meant that he was once a noble of high standing.

"Father, what brings you here?" Angela ask. Still a bit nervous seeing Bast interacting with Alex.

"I heading there because Lampard had called me," Bast said. He was also a bit confused as to why his good friend Lampard called him along with other people.

"Uncle Lampard called you to the dining hall?" Angela asked.

"Yes. He said that he had something important to tell me. That man had always been so secretive, what is he up to this time." Bast sighed.

Angela looked at Alex who was acting like he didn't hear it. He was the reason why Lampard was calling for the people he trusted to gather, and it seems like he trusts Bast seeing that he was also called there.

"Oh... Papa look! There's a birdy on top another birdy!" Dyna suddenly pointed towards a tree. On its branch were two birds who are clearly in the process of mating.

"Papa, what are they doing?" Dyna asked. It was quite weird considering that she was a succubus but that is only to be expected since she is still a child and Alex had never taught her about adult stuff.

"They are...uhmmm.." Alex was having a hard time looking for a way to explain this to Dyna. If he had away, he would not want to taint this little girl so soon.

"They are making a baby bird," Bast said without thinking much about it.

"Oh." Dyna nodded in understanding. She then said something that shocks them.

"Papa, let us also make a baby Dyna. So you have two babies!" Dyna said with the purest smile on her face.

'No! T.T' Alex cried internally. The pure Dyna he was raising was slowly being tainted with Bast's impurity.

"Dyna, you can't make a baby since you are also baby. Only adults, like papa and mama, can make a baby." Alex said as he patted Dyna's head and spouted nonsense with a straight face.

"Then-then... mama and papa make a baby for Dyna!!" Dyna said.

Bast was starting to regret what he had just said.

Angela, who was just listening by the side flushed red upon hearing what they were talking about. She was just about to scold them for talking about it in front of a child when she heard Alex's explanation and Dyna's words.

"That would not be a bad idea..." She heard Alex talking while rubbing his chin.

"Alex!" Angela scolded.


Their group of four arrived at the dining hall, it was quite early because Angela was kinda excited with what Alex was planning so there was not much prepared yet. Alex happily devoured that he had personally provided.

Angela had already tasted this food so she was also more than willing to eat it while Dyna was already used to this kind of food. Bast, on the other hand, was crying as he eats.

"This is the best food I have ever tasted in my life. T.T" Bast said. "Alexander, where did you get this from? Is there more?"

Alex just smiled and did not answer it. Bast did not also inquire any further and continued eating while crying.

It didn't take them long before they finish eating.

Alex had already a plan in mind and was already going to look at the people Lampard will be presenting him. It is not because he doesn't trust Lampard but he just needs to make sure that the people he had brought can be trusted.

Using the [Force Pill], he could have subordinates who have a strength of a high tier level 2 Star Warrior. And giving them skills and teaching them personally would increase their strength even more and they can still grow stronger in the future making them a force to be reckoned with.

He had also decided that he would give Angela a [Foundation Pill] and a [Physique Pill] that would help strengthen her body. Even though he doesn't want her to join in battles, he still has to make sure that she will not be bullied easily and can fight back if needed.

He is well aware that he can not be always beside her so that is why. Alex had already a plan in mind of creating a company whose sole purpose is to protect Angela.

"It's Time."

-to take my first step in conquering this world.

Hello, again guys. The last chapter was quite a bit I confess but I don't know why but I just had to urge to write it. Anyways I am not also a lolicon so we will not see any loli XXX in my novel so fear not, MILF lovers, your time will shine soon.

So, I am requesting aide on who will be the people Lampard gathered. I already have a few people in mind so kindly suggest if you want someone included or create a new character but be sure to leave their talent and backgrounds.

>Pierces, Drogba, Cech, Torres, Brook<

SilentJaycreators' thoughts