
Ep 1: Walking down stairs. [Everyday]

Hello everyone, I'm Ray and with me is my friend Hailey. Today we are going to talk about how to walk down stairs SAFELY. So, here we go.

When walking down stairs, watch your steps because if you carelessly place one foot after another without looking where you are going then you will fall and, believe me, depending on the firmness of the carpet or floor or even the smoothness or stairs it won't be pretty.

That's why we advise you to look where you put your feet down. Even if you have to look down at your feet and look at how you put down each foot, it's better to do this to avoid accidental slipping and possible injury, unless you are clearly confident with how you walk and won't fall over your feet. Also, don't skip steps, you have a higher chance of tripping and keep a moderate speed. You wouldn't want to end up in the hospital, sitting on the bed than watching a good match or a movie, right?

Well, that's the first episode of Hailey and Ray's Safety Guide of Life. See you in 2 days time for the next episode: Bunk beds.

So, yeah. I had this idea of making a story of how to stay safe in life because I want everyone to feel safe and I always think about my actions and how it could end otherwise.

Hope people will use this guide in with their current lives.

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