

Helena was breathless when she leaned on the wall inside a narrow street, she was sweating like crazy, her heart kept on beating vigorously as she kept on thinking on how to escape from them. She saw an open truck and a man who's loading the truck with furnitures. She immediately dashed and hide inside the truck when the man was not looking.She covered her mouth tightly, not letting a single voice come out. When the truck closed, she sighed for temporary relief. She was running for days and she haven't eaten anything. She sat down on the chair and cried. She was so stupid for doing something she shouldn't have.

When she felt that the truck was already moving, she let her cries buried with the vehicle's sound. Helena wiped her face with her torn sleeves, this clothes was given to her in the orphanage she ran away from. She now regretted listening to the girl named Pauline who said that the nun in the orphanage hates her and the only thing that could make the nun happy is for her to disappear. Helena loved sister Joana so much, she hates seeing the nun unhappy.Before leaving she left a note,a detailed one. She explained there the reason she left and the girl's name Pauline who heard the nun cursing Helena and saying that she can only be happy if the troublemaker Helena disappear.

Helena doesn't know if it's true or not, but she knows that she has become a big headache for sister Joana so she listened to Pauline and ran away from the orphanage.

The few coins she have was used in an internet cafe, she was knowledgeable enough to search something in the computer since she was always with sister Joana who owns a laptop. She search some jobs she can take, she then typed "Jobs for ten years old". Helena frowned when she saw the results, the results was for children who are bored in their houses. She searched again and the same results resurfaced. Helena was about to leave when she saw a man was clutching his forehead and cursing under his breath.

Helena took a peak on what he was doing. When she saw some codes it made her heart beating abnormally. What am I excited for?

"I'm fucking out of this, this is too much for me." After saying that, the guy stands up and pay for his computer renting hours. The guy didn't even close the tabs with codes. Is he confident that no one can read this?

Helena immediately call out the one who's managing the computers.

"Excuse me mister, the other computer is lagging, can I rent this one instead?" she asked adorably, the man just nodded his head as he looked at the harmless looking kid in front of him and resume to what he was doing earlier.

Helena was suddenly succumb in typing something in the computer. Her eyes turned sharp, a sinister smile formed on her lips,  she doesn't even know what she's doing, her hands was moving on its own, it's like she was possessed. After five minutes, her eyes' gaze returned to normal. Helena looked at what she did in the computer, there are tons codes and then something suddenly popped up. It says 'WARNING', with the red background enveloping the word gives her a sudden thought to run away immediately.

"Hey missy, time's up. You- hey!"

Helena handed the coins to the cafe manager and ran away immediately.

Helena sensed danger as she was running. She doesn't care if she's bumping with strangers and now cursing her for being mannerless.

After she left the internet cafe, a man entered and immediatly asked who are the costumers earlier. He showed his badge to the cafe manager, which made the manager showed the cctv footage immediately to the man.

There were two suspects, a man and....a girl? He frowned while looking at the cctv footage. He saw that the man in the cctv footage looks troubled and left without shutting the computer off, the girl who was behind him before he left suddenly sat down in front of the computer the man who left used. The girl fast typing caught his attention. How is this even happening? Is she an accomplice?

They have caught the man earlier who's having trouble cracking the code in the computer. After leaving the cafe, they immediately handcuffed him and brought him to the precinct. While they were interogating him, they were suddenly informed that the code was cracked by some hacker, they had traced it and it brought them back to the internet cafe, where the suspect had gone earlier.

The suspect was also bewildered, he doesn't have any accomplice, he works alone. The code was cracked and the money was suddenly transferred to his account. He kept on denying and said that he doesn't know anyone who are computer hackers like him. The detective who's in charge of this man's case droved back to the internet cafe. There he saw the other suspect, a girl with a black ribbon at the end of her braided silver hair.
