
Guy gets stuck on an island with a check-in system

There was a bright flash of light and the continent shattered! Everyone is assigned to an island that is two meters square! A broken fishing is being provided to everyone, how to survive is up to each person's ability! "Ding, sign-in system activated!" "First day sign-in successful, obtained fully automated fishing net

Midfuto · เกม
47 Chs

Medium sailing boat building Blueprint, and baby

Seeing this message, Xiao Yi slightly stunned, before Su Wan should have also fished a few bottles of water, right, so quickly out of it?

Seemingly knowing Xiao Yi's doubts, Su Wan somewhat embarrassedly explained, "I have some special conditions on my side, consuming more than usual, but don't worry, once I get the mineral water, I will immediately return it to you!"

After hearing Su Wan's explanation, Xiao Yi immediately understood, then said, "It's fine, I have this!"

Saying that, he sent his finished A-grade water purifier to the chat interface and continued, "Although the purification speed isn't too fast, but just for drinking, it's still more than enough!"

Su Wan looked at that water purifier that Xiao Yi had sent to the chat interface and widened her eyes.

"There's still this kind of thing?" Su Wan asked in surprise.

"Of course, otherwise it only relies on fishing for mineral water" Xiao Yi said with a smile, then looked for two empty mineral water bottles on the side, thought for a moment and said, "Wait!"

Xiao Yi picked up some water and walked out, about ten minutes later, walked back, with two bottles of already filled pure water in his hand, then traded over.

"Drink it, if you have something good in the future, just leave it all to me!" Xiao Yi said, and finally added, "Don't force yourself in these two days, fish if you can, pay more attention to rest!"

Looking at the chat interface, Su Wan sighed in her heart, "Alas, it's really not enough to pay back!"

But these days were special, her thirst was very serious every few days.

"Thanks!" Su Wan said, then agreed to the transaction.

Two bottles of pure water went into her hand, and surprisingly, it was still warm!

She finally realized why Xiao Yi asked her to wait, it turned out that he had boiled it for himself and slightly chilled it for a while before pouring it into these two mineral water bottles.

Obviously, Xiao Yi had understood why she was special these days!

Holding those two bottles of warm pure water, Su Wan's heart welled up with strong emotion.

"Drink the water and have a good rest!" Xiao Yi even brainstormed out on his own why Su Wan had only fetched two supply boxes in one day today, when before there were three or four of them.

Of course, this is also Xiao Yi's own blind brainstorming, the material box is originally randomly refreshed, if coincidentally, refreshed to a location closer to the island, then it is exactly able to catch.

But in case the refreshment is farther away, then we can only look at the direction of the drift of the material box, if it can still drift closer, there is still a chance, if it is drifting far away, then we can only see it leave.

Not everyone had the fully automatic fishing net with a fishing radius of 320 meters on Xiao Yi's hand, basically as long as it was found, it could definitely be retrieved.

Su Wan nodded and ended the call with some reluctance, then opened a bottle of water and drank it.

A few moments later, Su Wan froze, her stomach, which was still a bit sore just now, actually felt better!

"It must be the effect of this Grade A Pure Water!" Su Wan realized almost instantly what helped her stop the pain, "Being so good to me, how can I repay you?"

Su Wan hugged the rest of the pure water and slowly went into a dream, the corners of her mouth slightly rising!

After ending the call, Xiao Yi got up and built some simple traps around the cabin that could easily make noise, the ship he saw in the morning made him not dare to sleep in peace.

Although he had built traps, Xiao Yi still didn't dare to sleep easily, he placed the crossbow on the bed, and within reach of the bed was the lance he had just created!

"There are only the last few hours of the double status, let's go check the trading hall again to see if there are any good things on it!" Xiao Yi thought so and switched the interface to the trading hall.

Just after entering the trading hall, Xiao Yi saw a trade that was topped as number one.

"[Medium Sailboat Manufacturing Blueprint] (Grade C)*1 Trade for fever-reducing medicine, Remarks: any item that can reduce fever will do, private chat available, urgently needed."

"[Bread] *500g, [Wood] *10, [Metal Sheet] *6, Remarks: this is all the supplies I have, trade?"

"[Mineral Water]*250ml, [Stone]*10, [Plastic]*3, [Hemp]*6, Remarks: so many supplies, can I trade?"

"[Cola] *200ml, [Plank] *6, [Glass] *5, Remarks: Trade it to me, cola is not common!"

"[Cornerstone]*16, Remarks: I'll trade for the cornerstone, if I feel it's not enough, I can add other supplies!"


Below this trade, many people took out quite a few things, but none of them were items that the other party needed to be able to reduce the fever.

Xiao Yi looked at the person who was going to trade 16 cornerstones for this manufacturing Blueprint and said in his heart, "This person is not even going to use the cornerstones he got to expand his island? After a week, I believe everyone will know the importance of the cornerstones!"

The public chat interface was also full of people discussing this matter.

"This is a big man, to have fished out the Medium Sailboat Manufacturing Blueprint!"

"Yeah, but so what if he's a big guy, he's still feverish from the rainstorm!"

"Yeah, there's no fever-reducing medicine in this hellhole."

"What is the most painful thing in life? That's getting a high-level manufacturing Blueprint and not having the means to make it yourself, so you can only use it for medicine!"

"This medium sized sailing ship should require a lot of supplies, right, the supplies in everyone's hands right now shouldn't be enough to build this thing!"

It was the first time Xiao Yi had seen a manufacturing diagram about a boat, and it was an important tool about whether he could go out and look for An Ran in the future, so he very much hoped to take this manufacturing diagram.

But Xiao Yi also didn't have any antipyretic, or items to reduce fever.

"Does ice count?" Xiao Yi muttered, then chatted privately with the man, "Is it okay if I have ice?"

"No, my child is still small!" The other party said back.

"Child?" Xiao Yi completely froze, even small children had traveled here?

"Yes, my child, is only one and a half years old!" The other party continued, "Is there anything else on your side that can reduce the baby's fever?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and said back, "Nope."

At this moment, on an island, a burly man stared deadpan at the island monument, and after a few moments, nearly collapsed and roared!

"Why is this happening!" The man looked at the wailing baby in his arms, completely at a loss as to what to do!

The man was a mercenary before he came to this world, whether it was killing people or surviving in harsh conditions, he had absolutely no problem.

But facing the baby in his arms, he had absolutely no idea what to do!

Perhaps this was also the baby's fate, coming to this world and not following its mother, but being assigned to its father.

These days either utilizing fishing nets or swimming to fish for supply boxes, the man had accumulated some food and water, but he had not expected that the baby would suddenly develop a fever after yesterday's heavy rain.

What the man could be sure of was that although it had rained heavily yesterday, the child definitely hadn't gotten even a drop of it!

The man utilized the empty supply box to cover him completely.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment in front of the island monument and returned, "However, I have another thing here that I can try on the child, but I'm not sure if it's useful!"