
Meanwhile Part 2

Wina POV

Again...why again daddy?

I'm trying so hard to not let Greed take over me even though the Fishing Rod of Bless and the Bless Mode is keeping my curse weapon from switching but not the emotion itself.

It was like if the weapon itself wanted to get stronger maybe emotions can upgrade the curse and bless weapons.

But at the same time I don't want to lose control.

I have to get to the hourglass and absorb the sand that is inside.

I remember the first time I saw someone use the hourglass like mommy she used the hourglass to class-up as I saw sand was pouring out.

If this can teleport anyone then there should be a teleporting Fishing Rod that is waiting to be unlocked.

Before I got further I felt someone was on my shoulder as I knew who would do that.

Wina: "Dada?"

I look at my shoulder and see Dada of course mommy wouldn't let me go alone.

Dada: "Yep it me your mom sent me to watch over you."

I sigh as I understand why she send Dada to watch me.

Wina: "It's about my Greed Series isn't it?"

She nodded but she kept talking.

Dada: "But she wanted me to make sure you don't accidentally reset your level."

Right, the hourglass has the ability to reset a person's level all the way back to level 1.

Wina: "I'll make sure to be careful, then I just want to absorb sand."

What I mean is I want to absorb a lot of sand.

Dada: "Okay then but are you sure the hourglass will help?"

I just don't want to think about it.

I mean the hourglass is mysterious so it must have an ability to travel through worlds.

Maybe just teleportation will work since the times I fought the Waves when it happened.

Soon we made it to the church where the hourglass was placed.

The time I was here I remember mommy hired nuns here instead of the crazy people that were once here.

To be honest I rather fight the Waves more instead of meeting them.

When we entered, a nun came to me and asked me what I was doing here as I showed her the degree.

She looked at it carefully as she nodded as she led me to the hourglass.

When we reached the room there I saw the hourglass.

It was actually my second time seeing one since the first time I was here.

I registered this hourglass for the Waves.

Now I'm here again just to absorb the sand.

I walk up to the hourglass as I absorb some of the sand.

Hourglass Fishing Rod: conditions met!

Hourglass Fishing Rod: ability locked: equip bonus: skill - Portal Fishing Rod <Unmastered>

Equip effect: party teleportation (three people)

It did unlock a new Fishing Rod now I can teleport to a location but what if I absorb a lot more.

And I did just that I absorb more since I learn by absorbing more of the same materials and get to a certain amount I can upgrade a weapon.

Hourglass Fishing Rod II: conditions met!

Hourglass Fishing Rod III: conditions met!

Hourglass Fishing Rod II: ability locked: equip bonus: skill - Portal Fishing Rod <Unmastered>

Equip effect: party teleportation (four people)

Hourglass Fishing Rod III: ability locked: equip bonus: skill - Portal Fishing Rod, Teleporting String <Unmastered>

Equip effect: party teleportation (five people)

Nice upgrade but I need to absorb more if I really want to find daddy which I really am.

But before she could absorb more sand a message popped up.

Can't absorb anymore of the hourglass sand!

I wonder why as I look at the hourglass and there I saw it the hourglass sand had changed its color to red as a new message popped up.

The hourglass sand had been turned to raw now recharging its power.

Great, I can't absorb more of the sand but I checked the timer as it kept counting down.

I'm glad nothing happened to it.

But if I want to upgrade this even more than I have to find another hourglass but I'm not sure mommy will allow me.

I just think of daddy as a thought that came to my mind.

If daddy became a Guardian then surely he got a weapon that has a gem so maybe he can do the same as well.

Maybe if he has a different kind of weapon since I'm a Holy Hero and he is a Guardian of Light we both must have different kinds of power.

We then left the church as Dada tried talking to me.

Dada: "Hey did it unlock something Wina-chan did it help?"

I just thought I should tell her.

Wina: "It did unlock a new Fishing Rod and I got a skill called 'Portal Fishing Rod' that gives me the ability to teleport to a location I have already been."

I look at the skill as I saw that I can pinpoint three locations when I first unlock it when it upgrades two times the pinpoint increase to five.

But after using the skill it has a cooldown for an hour.

Even though I wanted to try it I guess I decided to not use it right now.

Wina: "Let's head back, maybe the others are already there."

I said as I looked at my Greed weapon.

Greed Fishing Rod: ability locked: equip bonus: skill - Greedy Greed, Killer String <Mastered>

Equip effect: strength up, agility up, roar, Greed of Murder

The Fishing Rod I unlocked when I really thought when daddy was dead again unlocked the Greed Series and made this curse weapon.

Just looking at it made me think when I first unlocked it.

It was like my emotions were still there but at the same time I couldn't barely feel that like if I was someone without a heart but thanks to daddy which helped me unlock the Bless Mode I was able to gain back those emotions.

Bless Fishing Rod: ability locked: equip bonus: skill - Bless String <Unmastered>

Equip effect: strength up, curse endure (small)

I could have used this in the war but I had to use the death skill in order to control the Greed but it came at a cost.

I could have used this Fishing Rod but I just completely forgot about it to be honest.

We both came back to the palace as we saw everyone else well except Lola which we all know she left when they saw me they told mommy I came back.

Mini: "Wina-chan!"

She ran up to me and hugged me.

Mini: "Did you find anything at the church?"

I just don't know if I should nod or not but I just tell her what I unlock from the sand.

When I did she was thinking as she walked back.

Mini: "A teleporting skill that came from the hourglass sand so you can travel anywhere in the world right?"

Wina: "Well to places I remember going to."

She nodded in understanding.

Mini: "But I don't think you can use it if you don't remember or have been to the place where Lea was last located."

Wina: "Nope but daddy did show me locations while he was here but only in the capital. If he was the one who had the skill then he would have used it to teleport to the country he was once at before."

I wasn't allowed to leave the country so I couldn't use the skill to get to another country.

Mini: "I see at least you try to come, we have a meeting to discuss."

She held my hand as we both walked to the table as we sat down.

As I saw everyone I knew I was surprised that Maci was here too.

No wonder why mommy let me in this meeting.

Mini: "Alright let's get started on this meeting."

Everyone nodded as I saw mommy look at us.

Mini: "Moments ago as it proves on our party menu Lea had somehow vanished from this world but we don't know why..."

Everyone was looking down.

I did too.

Daddy meant a lot to us not to mention he was there for us.

Having him missing can infect us.

Jaco: "So no one has a possibility of how he just vanished from this world?"

Jaco asked as I looked around everyone but everyone just shook their heads no one knew how or why daddy just went missing.

David: "But he was sailing right? So maybe his ship got wrecked and he possibly got stranded on an island."

That was a possibility but we heard that the ship he was on got delayed so maybe that's what might happen but still...

Mini: "Okay that could be it David but Awin is probably now sailing to where the ship might be since it only has to go straight to get to the other country."

Bella: "But that could take a long time and Lea has only been gone for a day."

She is right about that but the boat could have gone faster or something but we just have to wait.

Mini: "It doesn't hurt to try to look back at the places where Lea went before he left. I mean a week ago he, Lola and Wina-chan did go and kill a corrupt noble from there right?"

Wina: "That's right he did but...wait..."

Mini: "Wina-chan, did something happen?"

I was looking back at the memory when the three of us went to a noble house when we heard of people asking for help.


Lea: "Alright we're nearly there Wina-chan, Lola make sure to be on your guard at all times. We don't know what is in there or what noble we are dealing with."

I was with daddy and Lola as it was late in the night people kept saying that a noble here should be dealt with but without any evidence we have to see it ourselves.

Wina: "Daddy when we get there do we go into stealth?"

Lea: "Yeah and thanks to the Waves boss I fought and gave you the materials which gave you the Shadow Fishing Rod which gives you the equip bonus stealth +1 and shadow resistance but sadly it is small."

Lola: "Yeah that should be helpful given how high your agility stat is I think you should equip that."

Wina: "Yeah your right Lola I should equip it. I haven't mastered it yet."

I quickly equip the Shadow Fishing Rod and I must stay. It makes me look like I'm being sneaky.

I like it.

Lea: "Alright we're here Wina-chan use your strings to get us to the roof. Once we're up there me and Lola will search around for a way in if we do we make sure it is safe enough to enter. Then Wina-chan wait in case we need an escape getaway okay?"

Wina: "Okay daddy!"

Lola: "Done and done!"

I saw him smile.

I'm happy to see him smiling.

Lea: "Alright let's a go!"

I was wondering why he said it like that, maybe it was something from his world.

We did like how Lea explained as I used my string to get us to the roof as I stayed waiting for a reply and soon I was called as I wanted to know where the entice was as I used the strings to make a way to get them down without making any noises.

Lea: "Okay Wina-chan before we go in I think it better if you come along too my Luck-Sense just reacted as I felt it would take more than two people to check if the rumours are true."

Wina: "Okay and don't worry about the strings, the Shadow Fishing Rod has an equip effect. It can hide my string so we don't have to worry."

Lola: "Woah that Fishing Rod really is something."

We all went inside unnoticed as I saw daddy summon his dual blades.

I was jealous that he can make them disappear and reappear while the Fishing Rod is stuck on me.

But who am I to complain?

I got a weapon that can improve my abilities.

We then entered inside as we did.

I turn the string invisible so that no one can see it and so we are sneaking our way in the place as I already have a bad feeling.

As we were looking I could hear screaming as we went to see where the screaming was coming from as we made it to a door.

We heard the scream getting louder then quiet we then heard footsteps as we quickly hid.

The door opens revealing a man who has someone in chains as I stare in disgust as I see this as I notice the person who was screaming was a little boy who had tears in his eyes.

I looked at daddy as he was ready to use Killer Slice as I was ready to use Killer String.

But before we could, someone made a noise as I saw Lola accidentally knock over a helmet as she quickly ran from her hiding spot.

Noble: "After her!"

The noble yelled as guards started to chase her and daddy knew she could handle herself.

But unlucky for the noble he wasn't completely alone.

Lea: "Dark Chain! Unscape!"

Daddy trapped the noble now he can no longer escape.

Noble: "You! How dare you do this!?"

Lea: "God you're annoying."

He uses his hands to hurt him as the noble was struggling.

Lea: "Wina-chan do you want me to do it or you because we have to help Lola."

He was right, we don't know how many guards are here as I told daddy I'll do the kill as he agreed.

Noble: "Oh how irresponsible of you letting a girl do this have you got no shame."

I was angry at what he said to daddy.

Wina: "I asked him to do this, you have no right to say that about him, not even what you've done to the kid."

When I said that I can see daddy treating the kid as if he was in pain but was being brave.

Noble: "That damn kid is a disgrace the world should thank me for tormenting him!"

Wina: "You're a scum who thinks using their own selfish ways!"

Noble: "Hahaha! Guess what you don't even know I have people who respect me they'll come after you both they'll kill you and that accursed boy you both won't ever see those you love hahaha!"

I heard his nonsense as I used Killer String to kill him as he fell to the ground dead.

Wina: "No one will take away my daddy."

I said in a sinister voice I nearly lost daddy twice.

I don't want him disappearing from me or everyone.

But the way he said it gave me chills.

Lea: "Wina-chan take care of the kid I'll go help Lola make sure you both are safe."

Wina: "Okay daddy!"

He nodded as he left to find Lola as I protected the kid he was worried of what might happen to him as I comforted him.

Later daddy came back with Lola as they dealt with every guard but explained that some had escaped but thankfully they had nowhere to run so they couldn't hide forever.

We made sure nothing was left so that no one could do anything as we questioned the kid about what happened as he told us that he was taken in and was abused and tortured.

We were mad that he was treated like that.

It reminded me of my real 'parents' who chose me to be their next tormenter without me knowing if they didn't tell me to run away I would have been tortured then died lucky I met my mommy and daddy.

After he told us we as in me told them to double check the place to make sure there was nothing else the noble I killed had to hide as I absorbed some treasure I found.

It gave me nice Fishing Rods which are stats boost, some that are skills or magic and some that are abilities boost.

But two of the Fishing Rods I unlocked had a strange name and to be honest one of them was a fishing rod I copied and absorbed.

Fishing Rod Zero: conditions met!

Replica Fishing Rod: conditions met!

Fishing Rod Zero: ability unlocked: equip bonus: skill - Fishing Rod 0 <Unmastered>

Equip effect: zero

Replica Fishing Rod: ability locked: equip bonus: skill - Star Fishing Rod <Unmastered>

Equip effect: stats up, agility up

A Fishing Rod Zero and Replica Fishing Rod are strange names for Fishing Rods.

The reason for one of them is that in a bottle I found it looked like there's more I took as I held on to them.

It looked like a single drop was enough to meet the requirements of the weapon.

I switched to the Fishing Rod Zero to see what it did and I saw that every stats boost was all gone, except the stats I gain by leveling up it seems weaker than the Base Fishing Rod.

Of all the Fishing Rods I've unlocked this was the very weakest one.

I told daddy about it as he wondered what kind of liquid it was as he took some of the bottles as I only kept one incase I met the two heroes.

But after that we left the place but those words kept repeating in my mind as I ignored it hoping it would stop as it did as I just went home with daddy and Lola as I wondered what awaited us.

Flashback Over

I remember what he said, then those guards who escaped, they must have been in the same boat daddy was in, the words started to come back to me as I wished I killed the noble sooner so that I wouldn't hear the words he said.

Without knowing Wina releases all her emotions as her Fishing Rod absorbs the emotions.

Negative emotions trigger its abilities! Fishing Rod of Greed conditions met!

Greed Fishing Rod II: ability locked: equip bonus: skill - Greedy Greed, Killer String, Fishing Killer <Unmastered>

Equip effect: strength up, agility up, Roar of Greed, rage of fishing, Greed of Murder

Wina doesn't realize that her curse weapon was upgraded or that she saw the message.

Mini: "Wina-chan? Wina-chan!?"

Mini happens to snap her out of her emotions; she is lucky that the Fishing Rod of Bless keeps her Fishing Rod from changing to the upgraded Fishing Rod of Greed II.

Wina: "Sorry, I just got lost in thought."

I think I shouldn't say anything or else if I told her what I witnessed she would definitely regret ever letting him go.

Mini: "It's okay just make sure to control yourself but anyways let's just leave things to Awin and wait for news in the meantime we should check the capital since there seems to be a few people left who are still corrupted we should keep our guard up."

Everyone nodded as mommy ended the meeting as we said goodbye as well to make sure to inform anyone of us if something was off as I stay with mommy as we both look after some paperwork as I hope daddy is safe wherever he is.

A Week Later - June/29/2009

It's been a week since daddy disappeared.

Awin was still searching as we still waited for the news if he found anything but we haven't heard anything from Lola as well.

Mini: "Wina-chan how are you studying coming along?"

Wina: "It's going well, I'm learning a lot."

I think daddy would have taught me more to be honest.

Wina: "But still do you think I should-"

???: "Good to see you two are fine!"

A voice suddenly called out as we immediately knew who it was and at the same time she had the nerve to come back without us knowing.

Mini: "Lola...! I hope you know we have much to talk about."

I saw Lola.

It looked like she came back from a boat trip.

Wina: "So Lola, why did you come back and get anything to say, especially when you left after Lea left."

Lola: "Oh come on don't be like that I had my reason for leaving as my reasons were right."

Mini: "Oh and what would that be?"

Lola: "The guards who were with the noble were in the boat Lea was on and it turns out it stunk as it seems some of the boat parts got on an island. Once I got there I saw an hourglass and it seems it was touched which means Lea was there before he disappeared."

So that's why she left.

She must have thought the guards were sailors or something.

Lola: "I know you're angry at me Mini but someone had to look after Lea okay."

Mommy didn't say anything as she walked up to her and hugged her.

Mini: "I'm glad you're alright."

Lola: "I'm glad too I'm sorry I couldn't find anything that caused Lea to disappear."

This caused us to be sad so Lola didn't find anything if daddy just went missing without a trace.

Lola: "But while I was there I did find...some friends who were supposed to be...well come in guys!"

The door opened as we saw...we couldn't believe our eyes!

We saw six people, the people we all thought were dead and there they are now...

Mini: "Guys...!"

Mommy said in pure shock yet in surprise.

???: "Hey...it's been a while...seems we missed a lot."
