

"I'm a what ?!" I yelled in disbelief. How dare she do that, interfering with my life. Telling me what to do, what to become.

"A guardian." My grandmother said. Looking right through me. As if I'm gonna nod my head and say yes. As if ! What do I have to guard anyway ?

My grandmother just arrived here this morning and now we are sitting together in my living room eating lunch. Some exchange of smile. And out of the blue, she said I'm a "guardian". I've never met her. Barely knew her. All I know is her name. Nayla Aldhard. Some ancient name, ha?

Well, my mother always tell me that she grew up in a very discipline house because her parents were very very stricts. Luckily, my mother, Layla, is a very kind-hearted person. The kind that never killed a bug. I understand now why I've never met my grandmother. She's in another league. Totally different from my mother.

My father, Henry Muller, just sit in silence. Not a sound. He's a typical accountant man. I'm quite surprise to see my father here today because of my grandmother presence. He is rarely home for lunch because the distance of his office and our house is quite far.

My little sister, Rayla and my older stepbrother, Jonas just eat in silence and avoiding my eye contact. And then there is me, Kayla Muller, trying to scan each and every single face of my family member in hoping to find some answers.

"Come on. Give me a break. This is too much. Don't you think? I don't even know you. Suddenly, you tell me that I'm some kind of bodyguard? I can't even guard me! Maa, what is this?" I spitted out in anger.

"Kyle, behave, please. I don't recall teaching you to be so rude in front of your elders. Joe, Ray, leave us here please. Oh, and please, keep this just between us. No one needs to know, understand? " My mother said. Though.

"Yup. Got it. We'll be off to work, ma. Anything, just call." My stepbrother said leaving the table in hurry along with my father and Rayla. My mother just nod.

"My dear mother, care to explain, what exactly happen? Why us? Last thing you told me, that my "offsprings" will never possess what our family possess if I marry Ryan. Mother, please." My mother started the conversation as soon as my father is out of sight.

I just sit tight, observing while devouring each and every spoken word. Trying and struggling to understand. Why do my mother begging and sound panicking? And possess what?

"Is this how you raised your child? Rebellious. Lack of respect." My grandmother sound very relaxes. But, the look in her eyes are very cold. What exactly is her problem?

"oh, get off my "parenting skill" already, explain. You don't come all the way here to judge my parenting skill, aren't you?" my mother keeps pushing her to tell what exactly happen.

"Remember, the Five Fundamental Family? Well, there are actually Seven. Seven Fundamental Family. We found out after your father found an ancient book at the Council High Library years ago after you left. The book tells us the sixth family name, in some form of riddles, however, the seventh name, no one seems to know the answer to the riddle, as the riddle make no sense. So I assume the family is still save and hidden for know." My grandmother said. Clearly. So, this is some sort of family business.

"So, there are nothing to do with us. Even if there is tenth family, your guardians can handle it. Or Thomas? I'm sure he is a very fine guardian by now." My mother seems to back me up. Thank god.

"Yes, we have your brother, he is now one of powerful guardian now. Our most deadly weapon. Quite fine as an instructor too." My grandmother said.

Wait, did she just address her son, a weapon? What an excellent mother figure. Ohh crap, I have a most deadly weapon as my uncle now. Shocking!

"Something happen. The young master's aura seems to refuse all of our guardians. You know what happen if the world knows the existence of these Families, right? You do know what happen after the massacre of Baldarich and Sutton family right? The other three family is now safe and sound. We can't let the Bloodseeker avenge their "Supreme Lord" again. Your father is no longer with us, Layla. We have to try our luck with your daughters. You can't hide us forever." My grandmother continues.

Young Master? What? Bloodseeker?

You've got to be kidding me.

"pfttt.. Bloodseeker. Very funny." I don't notice the word come out from my mouth. I froze. Now, both my mother and grandmother stare straight at me with their rounded eyes.

"Its not funny!" My mother and grandmother said simultaneously.

"But, mother, Thomas?" my mother asked. Eager to find the answer.

"He doesn't posses what your father has. He doesn't has the ability." My grandmother speak.

"What ability? Never a problem before. Why now?" My mother ask. Half in anger, other half in disbelief.

"Because before we have your father!" my grandmother yelled. Without a warn, the chandelier above us explode.Yes, explode. Not the kind of cute explosion. Its the explosion that actually can harm us. We didn't even switch the power on. It's just explode. The glass shatter everywhere. Fortunately, nobody was harmed. Weird. Not even my grandmother, and she didn't even move an inch. Not a scratch.

What happend?!

"Mother, please." My mother cries.

"Wha..? Ma, are you alright." I said while helping my mother get up. She seems not surprise by the accident just now. Is it? Accident?

"Your father's special ability was to feed off the excess aura of the masters. That is a very rare ability. Almost extinct. Your father's family was the last known family to possess it. Unfortunately, your father was only child. And we never thought there are any pure blood other than Sutton family that survived. That's why your father's family served only for the Sutton family until the massacres. Besides, no other families produce aura so strong that it'll affecting the guardians.��� My grandmother continues.

She didn't budge from her seat. My mother and I just standing behind her.

"Layla, please, you already know the consequences. Your father manages to hold blood war from happening. Now your father is gone. It's all up to us." My grandmother sound begging.

"I'm done here. It's all in her hands." Throwing the towel, My mother said looking at me. Somehow, her voice sound cracking. She just stands there waiting for me to speak.

"What happen to the chandelier? What's in my hands?" I was bewildered with everything. From the moment my grandmother step in our house up until now. I'm confused. I'm lost.

"Kayla, I want you to come with me to our hometown. Everything will be explained to you as we train you. Just pack your bag, we haven't got much time. But, if you refuse, I get it. You are 23. Old enough to speak and make decision for yourself." My grandmother said. I try really hard to avoid her eye contact, but she grasp me by my shoulders, its quite impossible to avoid her. She makes it look easy. It is easy! I just have to say "no". yep.

"No." Simple but I think it is enough for now. I must live my dream here.

"Alright. I respect that. Layla, pack Rayla's belonging. I'll take her with me, we'll depart tomorrow. First thing tomorrow." And with that simple and quick decision, she left us. I'm still in shock, the chandelier, the bloodseeker, pure blood and the guardian thingy. What exactly is happening?

"she's 16 !" I yelled.

"Maa, what exactly just happen?" I ask my mother.

. . . . . . .

A/N : I write this just for fun. But I'll try to commit in this. However, if I missed something or if you want more, please feel free to leave comments, do let me know.

Ohh btw, sorry for the weak English & grammar. English is not my mother tounge.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Scarlett_Hazelcreators' thoughts