
Guardian in Orario (up for adoption)

This has a similar setting as my first book. Izuku died and reincarnated as a baby. The world the baby was born in a very cruel and twisted. After adapting to the world and gaining strength beyond what others could even dream of, he died. Now, on his third life, his cheat, the golden finger, came in late. In a world of monster, magic, and gods, he decided he will be at the top. I do not own Danmachi, I do not own anything but the plot and OCs. Do not expect anything grand or the like, I am just doing this for fun, everything I type is just things that come to my mind, so it will probably not be consistent or very good, if you hate systems, reincarnation, OP characters, or just a jackass of a main character who doesn’t really care about the lives and deaths of others, this isn’t the book for you, I hope you find a book or fanfic you like.

DaoistLvbLz6 · อื่นๆ
22 Chs

Chapter 3

Many years ago, gods descended from the heavens and walk among the earth. They did it for challenge and pleasure that they could not experience in their divine bodies. In agreement with someone, the gods sealed away much of their power to make this more fun for them.

But still, the blood of a god is powerful, and a drop of it on the back of a person will give them their blessings. Something called Falna, which didn't exist in his past life.

He had interacted with many gods in his past life and Falna isn't something they did, but then again, they didn't really descend to the earth.

Anyways, Falna is a system the gods use to break the limits of a mortal body. So it was like the tier system in his past life, but needs the help of a god to do so. It may seem like a cheat, but he refuse to think that that cheat is more powerful than his golden finger.

He does not know the power of someone blessed by a god, but if the blessing are like the ones from his past life then they would be from intermediate to grandmaster. However, he doubted the blessing is that large, after all, he doesn't see mountains being wiped out regularly.

He would need to do something about his lack of people. He only has twenty people under him, in the modern world, having twenty people under you mean you would be a manager or the boss of a small company.

That is no where near the power of a king. So he needs to get more people under him. But first, he would use the building card.

He took the building card from his inventory and told the system he would use it.

[ Location checking. ]

[ Failure, lack of territory, please gain territory before using this card. ]

"What, how am I supposed to get more territory, this is all I have." He said to himself before he thought of something maybe the system doesn't consider this his territory.

"System, create village." He said.

[ Checking location. ]

[ Checking resistance. ]

[ Checking infrastructure. ]

[ Success ]

[ What do you wish to name your village? ]

'So this is how it works.' He thought to himself. "Dovana." He said, it was the name of the capital of the kingdom of Domana.

[ Successful naming. ]

[ Name of village: Dovana ]

"System, use building card, Barracks." He said, and as he did he suddenly saw a transparent wooden barrack appear before him. It was like the ones from games, when you try to find a good location, it would be transparent.

He moved the transparent barrack around until he found a decent place to place it. He us red the card and from the heavens it seems the barracks fell down. It slammed into the ground yet nothing large happened, only a small shockwave of dust and wind.

It was the barrack, small and made of wood. But what he saw made him very happy, not the barracks themselves but what they could do.

[ Low level barrack

This barrack is a place of wonders and power, if you pay it, it will spew out a conscript.

Recruitments: 0/3

Price: 10 silver ]

This could increase his numbers, and he wouldn't need to turn paying peasants into payed conscripts. He could keep them separate. 'Not only that, but I don't need to worry about the price of a human.' He thought. 'But that is currently unneeded.'

He started to walk around the village. He would like to first see the place he would rule over, it was a small village. Can only hold up to around a thousand people guve or take a hundred.

But another problem is the vegetation that covered the place. Full of vines and weeds. He would have that taken care of. He eventually landed back where this started. He then received a notification.

[ Quest: Clean Village

Introduction: Your village has been infested with by wild vegetation, they take the space of your land, and they are not even helpful, in fact they are detrimental. Clear them.

Reward: 30 Refugees ]

"Start clearing the vegetation from this village." He ordered his subjects. He would also help, after all, they were much slower than himself, so why would he wait for them to do that.

After a bit of clearing, they would move the things from the carriage to the village. Author walked to an empty spot before he used a spell, Plant Killer.

The plants in the nearby area started to wither away, turning into dust and ash. This happened well over a hundred meters radius of Author. The others were just picking weeds and plants. They did this for the rest of the day. Cleaning the place up, making it suitable for other life.

[ Quest: Clean Village is complete.

Reward: 30 refugees ]

"My lord. There are thirty refugees, it seems they wish to live under your rule." One of the conscripts said.

"Very well, allow them to enter, we need more people after all." Author answered.

The conscript bowed and started to move to the gates. He conveyed the message of Author and allowed them to enter his village.

At this time, the other conscripts also left the village. The refugees immediately had a sense of connection with the conscripts. The other conscripts helped move the carriage to the village, before they brought it to the village square. They unloaded the food in the back, it was just enough for everyone to eat well for a day.

"Distribute the food." Author ordered, the peasants and conscripts took the food out and started to hand them to the others. They took water from the wells and started to cook some soup.

"Thank you." The refugees showed their gratitude for the food. They ate the food and drank the soup. They stuffed themselves for the night. They moved to the old houses, and slept in the beds that were still mostly intact and clean.

The next day, Author looked around the area. Using his magic, Third Eye, he searched for something good to eat. He would personally hunt the thing himself. Before long he found something decent.

A small family of deer. They were grazing on the grass in a small clearing in the forest. They ate peacefully without any idea that they were about to be slaughtered.

Author left the village chief's house and jumped onto a roof before he dashed away. His speed allowed him to make it out of the village in just a few seconds.

He ran down the forest, making it past trees and bushes. He soon made it near the family of deer. He stayed just out of sight of the deer before he chanted in a low voice. He created a small bullet of stone, which he then shot at one of the deer's head.

The bullet flew across the air and struck the deer's head, smashing a hole into it. It died on the spot. Its body fell to the ground and he other deers started to flee, but Author wouldn't allow them all to flee. Using magic he shot another shot deer. Killing another deer.

Author used his magic and made them float, then he had them follow him. He then started to run back to the village, jumping from tree to tree. He brought the deers back with him to the village.

He was greeted with his conscripts, who were bowing before him.

"But these and dry this meat." He said while handing the deer corpse to them.

The other peasants had nothing to do. So he would give them something to do.