
Meta Powers(part 3)

-->Absolute Psionics

The power to possess psionic power at a maximum and limitless level. Form/Expression of Nigh-Omnipotence. Pinnacle of Psionics. Lesser version of Psionic Godhood.

Also Called

Meta/Ultimate Psionics

Absolute Psionic/Psychic Perfection

Transcendent/Ultimate Psionic/Psychic Power


Users possess absolute, if not supreme, psychic power, tapping into absolute, pure psionic might, and achieving an unimaginable level of psychic power, capabilities, and precision that surpasses any and all other psionics by an outstanding margin. Unlike Omni-Magic, Physical Godhood, and Psionic Godhood, the user's Nigh-Omnipotent level of power is totally psionic, achieved through unique circumstances, or extreme training.

The user is empowered by all other users of psionics and psychic energies/forces, they could be the mightiest psionic being across all universes, planes, and realms, and have a mind that exists everywhere and anywhere at the same time. They can achieve vast psionic effects such as manipulating matter and energy on any level they desire, communicate with anyone at anytime, anywhere, affect reality with their mind and manifest any desired effect of psychic powers.

In Short, the user possess a level of psionic power that would make them a nigh-omnipotent being.


Omni Psionics is simply possessing any psionic power, such as telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, Extrasensory Perception etc. It does not include enormous psionic power and therefore, these powers will not be in their final forms, unless the user also has Absolute Psionics. Omni-Psionics cannot distort reality at the psycho warping level.

Absolute Psionics consists of possessing an infinite or maximum psychic power in the verse that it inhabits. Characters with unlimited psionic potential also count. Absolute Psionics can distort reality at the psycho warping level.

Psionic Godhood is a being with an nigh-omnipotent mind, who possesses not only vast (or infinite) psionic power, but can also access all psionic powers and also can access spiritual powers beyond the limits of psionics. Psionic Godhood can distort reality at the psycho warping level and wield this power deftly.


Omni-Psionics (Limitless)Astral Manipulation (Limitless)All Soul Powers

All Spiritual Powers

Astral Plane Manipulation

Extrasensory Perception (Limitless)Cosmic Awareness


Psionic Intuition

Meta Teleportation (Limitless)All Teleportation Powers

All Transportation Powers


Teleportation Force Manipulation Teleportation/Cosmic Teleportation

Meta-Possession (Limitless)

Omni-Empathy (Limitless)All Emotion Powers

Empathic Force Manipulation Empathy/Cosmic Empathy

Omni-Telekinesis (Limitless)All Kinetic Abilities

All Manipulation Powers

All Telekinetic Powers

Telekinetic Force Manipulation Telekinesis/Cosmic Telekinesis

Omni-Telepathy (Limitless)All Mental Powers

All Mind-Based Powers

All Psychic Powers

Telepathic Force Manipulation Telepathy/Cosmic Telepathy

Psychic Force Manipulation (Limitless)Psionic Magic/Psychic Magic

Psionic Particle Manipulation

Psychic Energy Manipulation

Psychic Probability Manipulation

Psycho Warping Faithifery



Power Warping (Varies)

True Illusion

Raw Power (Overwhelming Psionic Power)Creation/Omnificence

Destruction/Absolute Destruction

Mindshifting Absolute Intelligence

Form Manipulation Essence Manipulation


Selective Transcendence of psychic powers. Almighty Ascension capable of achieving Psionic Godhood.


Almighty Mind


Physical Godhood

Psionic Derivation

Psionic Embodiment

Psionic Godhood

Reality Mind

Reality Warping

-->Absolute Recreation

The power to perfectly recreate anything/everything in the exact state it was in when it was erased. Absolute version of Recreation. Opposite to Absolute Erasure and Total Erasure. Not to be confused with Absolute Restoration, or Omnireplication.

Also Called

Absolute/Meta/Omni/Ultimate/Boundless/Total Reconstruction



User can recreate perfectly anything/everything to the exact state it was in before it was erased or destroyed, such as recreating a person who died in every single detail from their memories, personality, thoughts, their body as it originally was, powers, soul, every detail would be recreated, even down to the molecules and atoms that made them up.

The user can recreate something even if there was no trace of it left to recreate, even if the pattern used to create it in the first place was destroyed, even if the building blocks used to create it (molecules, atoms, etc) were completely and utterly gone, it could still be recreated, even if the only thing left of the object, person, place, etc was a distant and fading memory, in fact even if there wasn't even that to go off of the user could still recreate it.


Beginning Dominance

Body Recreation

Error Reparation

Multiversal Recreation


Reality Recreation



Universal Recreation

World Recreation


Absolute Fusion

Absolute Restoration

Absolute Self-Resurrection


Creation Manipulation

Event Negation

Flawless Restoration

Imagination Manifestation

Memory Manifestation

Meta Resurrection

-->Absolute Restoration

The ability to restore absolutely anything back to its natural/original state. Sub-power of Omnipotence. Absolute version of Restoration. Opposite to Universal Irreversibility and Omni-Negation. Not to be confused with Absolute Recreation.

Also Called

Meta/Omni Restoration

Omnipotent Restoration

Universal Safety System


User can restore literally anything/everything back to its natural/original state with absolutely no flaws or mistakes in the process, regardless of how badly destroyed the target is.

They can undo powers that can be otherwise apocalyptic, reverse altered effects, restore destroyed souls, resurrect, and heal any type of damage be it mental, emotional, spiritual, physical.


Undo the effects of all reality altering powers.

Undo the effects of all Spatio-Temporal, Transmutation, Apocalyptic and Inducement powers.

Everything decay by Absolute Decay will restored completely.

Everything created by Omnificence will be erased completely.

Everything erased by Absolute Erasure and Total Erasure will restored completely.

Everything annihilated by Absolute Destruction will reappear completely.

Everything killed by Absolute Death Inducement will be restored completely.

Everything removed and negated by Omni-Removal and Omni-Negation will be restored completely.

Everything separated by Absolute Separation will be restored completely.

Anyone who is Soulless by means of Soul Destruction or Soul Removal will have their souls restored back to them completely.

Reverse the effects of Death Inducement, even Absolute Death Inducement.

Any ability/power which destroyed and negated by Meta Power Destruction and Meta Power Negation will be completely restored from existence.

Any ability/power which created by Ability Creation and Meta Ability Creation will be completely erased from existence.

All Superpowers turn back to their original form or returned complete if taken away.

All natural laws, causality and/or logic return back to normal complete.

Negate any event.

Entropy Reversal

Existence Inducement

Boundary Restoration

Concept Destruction

Event Negation

Effect Reversal

Mass Resurrection Extinction Reversal

Absolute Regeneration by restoring any previous physical state complete. Youth Inducement by reversing the effects of aging.

Meta Resurrection

Multiversal Restoration Universal Restoration Planetary Restoration

Omnicounter all other powers if they tend to harm reality.

Omni Healing Curing

Error Reparation

Flawless Restoration

Physical Restoration

Origin Destroyer

Reality Reset


Absolute Regeneration

Absolute Self-Resurrection


Meta Resurrection




Status Elimination


-->Absolute Separation

The power to separate, divide or fission anything irreversibly. Sub-power of Omnipotence. Opposite to Absolute Fusion.

Also Called


All Fission

Almighty Split


Eternal Division

Omni Separation


Unlimited Distillation


User can divide/separate anything from concrete objects to abstract concepts. Everything/anything user separates cannot be fused back ever again by any other force except the user's own power.


Aspect Separation

Balance: being in perfect balance with both separated parts.

Boundary Manipulation: control all boundaries.

Concept Manipulation: separate and manipulate all concepts.

Compound Fission

Connection Removal separate the connection between anything.

Consciousness Separation: separate consciousness/souls.

Creation: create opposite forces by separating their original force or beings by separating themselves.

Damage Removal: separate oneself from damage.

Disassembly: disassemble anything into species at all scales.


Division: Divide any oneself or other entities.

Elemental Boundary: Separate the elements from anything or everything else.

Emotion Separation: Separate emotions.

Energy Scattering

Immutability: Separation cannot be undone.

Omnicounter: by separating opposites.

Omnilock: self separation from everything.

Omnificence Genesis

Origin Manipulation

Power Division


Spatial Mimicry: separate oneself from one spatial dimension.

System Manipulation

Superpower Manipulation: separate opponents from their powers.

Supernatural Manipulation: separate natural from unnatural.

Universal Irreversibility: separated things cannot be reversed into one ever again.

Unreachability: separate from distance/location.

Yin & Yang Separation




Omniverse Manipulation

Primordial Deity Physiology

Reality Dreaming

Separateness Manipulation


Unity Manipulation

-->Absolute Setting Creation

The ability to create any type of setting without limit. Sub-power of Author Authority and Meta Art Manipulation. Variation of Creation.

Also Called

Absolute Geographical Location Drawing/Designing/Writing/Materialization

Boundless/Limitless Backdrop Creation/Materialization

Meta/Omni/Ultimate Scenery Creation/Materialization

Story World Creation/Materialization


The user can create any and all types of settings, the main backdrop, mood and time for a story as well as the geographic location within a narrative without any limits. The user possesses a limitless imagination and creativity to utilize their powers in extraordinary ways to materialize many forms of settings such as the natural world, or in an outside place. In this setting, the natural landscapes of the world play an important part in a narrative, along with living creatures and different times of weather conditions and seasons. The second being, the cultural and historical background in which the narrative resides. Past events that have impacted the cultural background of characters or locations are significant in this way. And the third being of a setting is a public or private place that has been created/maintained and/or resided in by people. Examples of this include a house, a park, a street, a school, cities, towns, a Utopia, a Dystopia, Non-existent Voids, Constructed Worlds, Imaginary Worlds, Mythical Places, Universes, Parallel Universes, Simulated Realities, etc.

Users of this power are usually author-type characters or artist-type characters improving upon the narrative, as the setting is an absolute necessity to telling the story.


Absolute Creativity

Artistic Intuition

Boundless World Creation

Concept Manipulation Concept Creation Conceptual Materialization

Cosmic Creation Omniverse Creation Multiverse Creation Universe Creation


Dimension Creation

Event Manipulation/Meta Event Manipulation Time Manipulation/Meta Time Manipulation

Fantasy World Creation Fantasy World Enforcement

Illogical World Creation

Origin Creation

Meta Environment Manipulation Meta Nature Manipulation

Perspective Manipulation/Meta Perspective Manipulation Graphical Perspective Manipulation

Potentiality Lordship

Reality Creation/Alternate Reality Creation

Universal Utopia Creation/Universal Dystopia Creation

Scenery Manipulation Background Manipulation

Foreground Manipulation

Surreal Dimensional Creation

Visual Art Manipulation

Void Creation/Nonexistent Realm Creation


Absolute Artisan

Absolute Character Creation

Artistic Creation

Author Authority


Grand Design Construction

Meta Art Manipulation

Meta Crafting


Omni-Reality Creation Alpha Reality/Omega Reality

Reality Artistry

Story Manipulation Story Creation

Literary Manipulation

-->Absolute Soul Manipulation

The power to manipulate soul of all realities everywhere. Ultimate version of Soul Manipulation. Sub-power of Soul Embodiment and Soul Lordship. Variation of Meta Life-Force Manipulation. Not to be confused with Meta Life-Force Manipulation

Also Called

Boundless/Meta Soul Control/Manipulation

Omni Soul/Spirit/Ghost Manipulation

Omniversal Soul Manipulation


The user is able to create, shape and manipulate the souls, spirits and ghosts of all aspects, of all places, realities, dimensions/realms, times, universes, etc., regardless of their location such as those in a higher dimension/plane, heaven, hell, or a metaphysical/conceptual one (i.e., a dream/dream world, an illustration, a complete void, in-between or outside fantasy and reality, an illogical/paradoxical world), The user will be able to create, shape and manipulate any and all forms of soul forces at an absolute level, gaining unimaginable power and great abilities involving all the forces of souls in the multiverse and everything connected to them.


All Spiritual Powers

All Soul Powers

All Types of Souls Alien Soul

Angel Soul

Animal Soul

Artificial Soul

Dark Soul

Eldritch Soul

Elemental Soul

Eternal Soul

Fairy Soul

Monster Soul

Mystical Soul

Pure Soul

Undead Soul

Afterlife Manipulation

Beforelife Manipulation

Corruption Inducement (by twisting other's souls)


Meta Life-Force Manipulation Spiritual Light Manipulation

Mana Manipulation

Omni-Energy Manipulation

Sentience Manipulation

Soul-Bound Power

Soul Manipulation Absolute Spirituality

Astral Manipulation

Esoteric Soul Manipulation Dark Soul Manipulation

Pure Soul Manipulation

Phantasm Manipulation

Soul Creation/Soul Recreation

Soul Destruction

Soul Healing

Soul Materialization

Spiritual Force Manipulation Soul Energy Absorption

Soul Energy Attacks

Soul Energy Generation

Spiritual Défense

Soul Sealing

Soul Summoning

World Soul Manipulation


Absolute Life Manipulation; (By manipulating souls of any shape of form, users might manipulate the essence of life of all lifeforms by extension)


Abrahamic Deity Physiology

Absolute Death Manipulation

Afterlife Deity Physiology Heaven Deity Physiology

Hell Deity Physiology

Underworld Deity Physiology

Afterlife Lordship Heaven Lordship

Hell Lordship

Limbo Lordship

Purgatory Lordship

Spiritual Plane Lordship

Underworld Lordship

Astral Deity Physiology

Death Deity Physiology

Life and Death Lordship

Life Deity Physiology

Soul Embodiment Soul Lordship

Supreme Deity Physiology

Transcendent Spirit Physiology

-->Absolute Transcendence

The power to transcend anything and everything. Form/Expression of Omnipotence. Variation of Selective Transcendence and Eternal Transcendence. Absolute version of Self Transcendence.

Also Called

Absolute Preeminence

Almighty/Meta/Pata/Omni/Omnipotent/Infinite/Ultimate/Godly/Divine/Supreme/Boundless/Transcendent/Illimitable/Limitless/Unlimited/Unrestricted/Total/True/Perfect/Complete Transcendence

Creators (Umineko no Naku Koro ni)

The Transcendence of God

Totality Transcendence

Transcendence-Aspect of Omnipotence


True Boundlessness


The user transcends absolutely anything and everything. This includes all dimensions, life/death, beginning/ending, concepts/ideas/principles, creation/destruction, boundaries, context, potential, possibilities/variables, levels of reality, existence/nonexistence, perfection/levels of perfection, embodiments, their personal status, being/non-being, etc.

It may be impossible to categorize or find an exact description for them in any way as they can exist completely above and beyond all classification and definition. They are unbound and are free to defy absolutely all things; even logic itself.

Usually, users of this power are limitless, eternal, timeless existences with no beginning nor end and are beyond the notion of personality and individuality. They cannot be grasped or understood as a concept at the core of themselves. Users are also distinguished from the totality as their very being completely out-classes it. Comparing the user to everything else would be like comparing a grain of sand to infinity. Thus, the user holds truly unfathomable power Infinitely exceeding that which exists within the framework of their world.

While they transcend all things and nothing can apply to them unless they wish it to, some may not be all-powerful beings.

Application (General)

All Absolute Powers

All Almighty Powers

All Conceptual Powers

All Infinite Powers

All Meta Powers

All Omni Powers

All Superpowers

All Transcendent Powers

Ultipotence/Metapotence/Omnipotence (Varies)

Application (Detail)

Absolute Invincibility

Absolute Will


Complete Arsenal

Conceptual Self-Removal

Diverse Interface

Eternal Existence Absolute Immortality

Flawless Indestructibility Absolute Invulnerability

Formless Mind Almighty Mind

Freedom Logic Defiance


Irrational Indeterminacy

Meta Power Immunity Omni-Immunity Power Anchoring

Omnilock Conceptual Transcendence

Cycle Transcendence

Dimensional Transcendence Beyond-Dimensional Physiology

Transcendent Cosmic Entity

Duality Transcendence

Form Transcendence

Hierarchy Transcendence

Life and Death Transcendence

Numerical Transcendence

Obstacle Transcendence

Origin Transcendence

Reader Embodiment

Reality Border Transcendence Fictional Transcendence

Rule Transcendence

Spatial-Temporal Transcendence

Nigh/Omnipresence (since they are not bound by space and time anymore)

Omniscience (in some cases since they should be free of all limitation of ignorance, for example by transcending the concept of knowledge)Omni-Perception


Hyper-Cosmic Awareness

Perfection/Existential Perfection


Supreme Divinity

Omni-Manipulation/Absolute Manipulation

Unknown ExistenceNameless Existence



Eternal Transcendence

Selective Transcendence


Absolute Potential

Almighty Ascension

Beyond-Dimensional Physiology

Cosmic Otherness

Eldritch Physiology

Monotheistic Deity

Pure Form

Totality Connection

Transcendent-Cosmic Entity Physiology

Undetermined Existence

